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Why Evolution Should Be Taught in Schools - Term Paper Example

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This essay argues in support of the thesis that the theory of evolution should be taught in schools. The debate on whether these theories should be taught in schools or not is never-ending, it has seen the input of education stakeholders, students, parents and citizens alike.  …
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Why Evolution Should Be Taught in Schools
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8 April Outline A. Page Why Evolution should be taught in Schools Introduction The debate a. What is the debate about? 2. The theories a. Evolution theory. b. Creation theory. c. Intelligent design theory. 3. The thesis statement a. The theory of evolution should be taught in schools. 4. Historical aspects of the debate on evolution a. Gregor Mendel and evolution. b. Supreme Court ruling Epperson vs. Arkansas 1968. c. Technology today. B. Page 2 1. Range of importance of a scientific theory a. Its concepts. b. How far does it answer questions raised? C. Page 3 1. Teaching of evolution in schools a. Teaching evolution alongside alternative theories 2. Constitutional right a. Freedom of Speech. b. The country is one nation under God. 3. 2002 national survey by Channel One D. Page 4 1. A model a. Defines life development on earth. 2. Verification of through observations and experimentation b. Does evolution meet the criterion? E. Page 5 1. Legislation a. 1587 bill by the Missouri House. 2. Pew Research Centre a. Findings on what adult American believe about evolution. F. Page 6 1. Science as an entity a. Radical views against evolution do not respect science as an entity. 2. Biology as a subject a. Evolution provides ideas that structure constituents of life and science. G. Page 7 1. Research studies done a. Research conducted by Moore (79) on what teachers teach and how they teach it. b. Survey on students in Minnesota by Moore (79). H. Page 8 1. Research a. Research done by Micahel (91 – 94) on the view of evolution by teachers in private schools. b. Free responses segment of the research done Lutheran high school biology classes. 2. Conclusion a. Overview and concluding remarks of the paper. Why Evolution should be taught in Schools Introduction The debate has been going on for some time. Some have been for it, others have been against it. The subject been, teaching of evolution in schools. For those who support the teaching of evolution in schools, they argue in support of the concepts that are the basis of the evolution theory, while those against its teaching in schools have other theories that they argue in favour of. These theories include the creation theory and the intelligent design theory. What do these theories imply? The creation theory implies that all organisms, living or nonliving were created. The theory of intelligent design seeks to reconcile the theories that contrast each other. These are the theory that is for the existence of a supreme being who is the reason why life is and the theory that science is the reason why life is. The debate on whether these theories should be taught in schools or not is a never ending, it has seen the input of education stakeholders, students, parents and citizens alike. This essay argues in support of the thesis that the theory of evolution should be taught in schools. According to Aliprandini and McMahon (1), the debate on whether evolution should be taught in schools has not started today. It has its historical aspects to it. From these historical aspects, there are various arguments that support the teaching of evolution in schools. It is stated that Gregor Mendel promoted the theory of evolution through the principles that he formulated, the principles of genetics. When these principles were merged with evolution, they gave a new lease to the theory of evolution hence improving its credibility. Currently, technology has advanced hence availing more evidence that supports the theory of evolution that it cannot be regarded as a false. The Supreme Court ruling in the Epperson vs. Arkansas of 1968 which stated that it was unconstitutional to ban the teaching of evolution in schools as it went against the division of the state and the church adds to the reason why evolution should be taught in schools (Aliprandini and McMahon, 1). Fast forward, today the Catholic Church does not disqualify the likelihood that evolution is a theory that was in the plans of God in the creation of the universe and life. This supposes that evolution in itself does not fight the theory of creation but is in fact a result of the creation theory. Hence, if the creation theory is taught in schools, then the evolutionary theory should also be taught in schools on this basis. Scientists arguing in favour of the evolution theory state that if pseudo science is taught alone in schools, then the education system will be harmed. They note that debating against evolution in schools is only making science in the country to lag behind that of other nations. Hence, evolution should also be taught in schools (Aliprandini and McMahon, 1). There is no scientific reason to reject the evolutionary theory. This is on the basis of Jacobs and Donnelly (2) who state that the range of the importance of a scientific theory is based on its ability to define phenomena that has been observed while envisaging the future. Does evolution meet these two determinants of the importance of a scientific theory? Yes, it does. It does this through the concepts that are its foundation. The main supporting concept is the concept of natural selection. This explains recognized alterations in organisms over a period of time. The theory of evolution implies that the genetic constitution of organisms is subject to change with time to enable adaptation of the organism to its environment. These arguments of evolutions have been proved with tangible evidence and refuting them requires opposing evidence of which none has been brought. On such a point, the validity of evolutionary theory stands hence adding a reason as to why evolution should be taught in schools (Jacobs and Donnelly 2). It is also claimed that not each and every question has a satisfying answer. Not even an accredited scientist would pretend it does. In science, claims and theories are formulated to trigger the research on whether they are valid or not. If proved right, someone else can prove them wrong. Hence, it is an open arena where minds deliver opinions and support opinions through scientific evidence. This is what evolutionary theory does. The biological concepts it puts forward are proved by scientific evidence which has not only been done by its founder, Charles Darwin, but by researchers who came after. This means that as a scientific theory, evolution should be taught in schools to allow for its approval or disapproval by students, teachers and researchers alike. Through this, then no person who does not provide evidence can stand to halt the teaching of evolution in schools (Jacobs and Donnelly 2). Badertscher and Ginsburg (1) argue that yes evolution should be taught in schools. However it should be taught in schools together with alternative theories that explain the source of the universe and life. They go on to argue that the country’s constitution provides and protects the freedoms of speech and religion. According to the constitution, the freedom of speech is undeniable and hindering the teaching of evolution in schools is denying the freedom of speech which amounts to a violation of the constitutional rights. The freedom of speech means that schools have the obligation to make sure that students listen to the opposing views on scientific theories. This means that schools do not impose its teaching in schools, but it provides for a platform from which students can argue themselves out, opening up their brains in the cause of these arguments. It is the country’s pledge of allegiance that the country is one nation under a God. This is a pledge that the evolutionary theory respects. It is a pledge that no concept or arguments of the theory of evolution contradicts. Rather, the theory of evolution proposes arguments that touch on organisms not the aspect of God (Badertscher and Ginsburg, 1). They argue on the existence of life but not on the existence of God. Hence, if evolution does not argue against other theories, why should it not be taught in schools, nothing actually. In fact it has a scientific basis. A 2002 national survey that was done by Channel One New which was a cable station that directly broadcast in the country. A total of 1,200 schools gave their opinions. The results stated that a major number of the schools, 52% to be precise were in support of the teaching of evolution along with other theories. Hence, the teaching of evolution in schools as the results indicated should be done. Importantly, it should not be done alone, but it should be done to complement or be complemented by other theories. The theory of evolution is also a religious piece with respect to the view of the world that it avails. This view of the world is availed and should be accepted on faith. This means that the evolutionary theory is not a must to believe in, but it is a theory for knowledge purposes. Hence, evolutionary theory should be taught in schools (Badertscher and Ginsburg, 1). It is the opinion of Alex and Donnelly (3), that evolution should be taught in schools. Why so? They state that the evolutionary theory is an outstanding and thorough model that defines life development on earth. That it is the only theory that is realistic and explains the processes of life. Over 150 years of evidence obtained and observed gives the reason why it should be taught in schools. They go on to state that it is important that every science student understands the evolutionary theory. Importantly, the evolution theory is just like any other scientific theory in that it does not address sufficiently all the questions on life existence. Hence, if other scientific theories are taught in schools, the theory of evolution should also be taught in schools. A famous biologist of the evolutionary theory once said “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” (Alex and Donnelly 3). From these words, it can be inferred that the theory of evolution is very important as it is the base upon which other theories regarding life are set upon. Without this theories cannot be what they are at the moment. It is important to note that the evolutionary theory meets the criterion on what a theory must be made up of. A theory as stated by Alex and Donnelly (3) should be verifiable through observations and experimentation. Does the evolution theory meet this criterion? Yes it does because Charles Darwin the father of the evolution theory made numerous observations in his voyages across islands from which he came up with his theory. These observations include the increased likelihood of survival for organisms that were better suited to their environment and that they also produce more offspring than can probably survive. Researchers and scientists alike have performed experiments to test the theory and proved the credibility of the observations made by Charles Darwin. Thus, if this theory is proven, it warrants lesson time in the current school system for its facts and credibility (Alex and Donnelly, 3). Legislators are the representatives of the people, the peoples’ choice to be precise. It is the work of legislators to work for the, secure their rights, represent and advocate for the opinions that are stand upheld by the people they represent. Hence, when introducing bills in the legislator, debating, discussing and passing them, they represent the true feelings and wants of the country collectively. In the debate on whether the theory of evolution should be taught in schools or not, legislators have not been left behind. Several bills have been passed in support of the teaching of evolution in schools. One such bill is the 1587 bill by the Missouri House that was passed directing education stakeholders and school heads to allow teachers to aid their students in the evaluation, comprehension, critiquing and reviewing of the scientific strengths and weaknesses of the theory of evolution in a purposeful way. The author of the bill stated that by allowing teachers to do this, it would improve the critical thinking aspects of the students, enhance the appropriateness of the responses of students to the different opinions they learnt on the various scientific theories. This would be done from an enlightened point of view as a result of learning the evolutionary theory in school (Jonas, 83 – 87). It would also enhance their respect to the differences in opinions as a result of the various theories. These are virtues that the teaching of evolution in schools would enhance and expand their knowledge base which is a positive aspect. As a result, the teaching of evolution in schools should be undertaken. According to Jonas (83 – 87), a 2013 Pew Research Centre Survey indicated that 33% of adult Americans believed the notion that human beings have not changed their present self at all. Twenty four percent of the sixty percent of the persons who believed in the evolution theory were of the opinion that evolution as it is is under the guidance of a supreme being. If this is so, then it means that the evolutionary theory does not change peoples’ views, rather it enhances their views in such a manner that they can incorporate the concepts of evolution in their thinking and relate them with they may belief in. This does not make the theory of evolution illegal or unacceptable; rather it shows it as a promoter of the views, opinions and the beliefs of individuals. Thus, the theory of evolution should be taught in schools (Jonas, 83 – 87). It should be noted that science is an entity that has its constituents. The constituents that make up science are the theories from which research is made and conclusions drawn to determine the validity and efficacy of the said theory. Just like religion and creation are entities on their own with their own unique constituents. Hence, in the same way religion and creation are given the evaluation, time and passed on from generation to generation, evolution should not be banished but treated in a similar aspect to them. The argument by various groups that express radical views that the evolutionary theory should be banished from the curriculum is ill and backward. In doing so, they do not respect science as an entity but attack its integrity and validity. They fail to respect the professional stand of teachers who teach science. They disrespect the science know how of the students who are taught the various theories in school. This does not help the quality of education offered in schools; it quashes it instead and for this reason, the theory of evolution would rather be taught in schools (Bybee, 616). A subject which has had tremendous input in the understanding of life as it is is Biology. Biology is the subject through which evolution can be taught. Many of the people who oppose the teaching of evolution in schools express a very little comprehension of Biology and the impact that it has upon the life that they are living. These suggestions to do away with the evolutionary theory by reviewing the aims of Biology in education and trigger changes without a comprehension of Biology and science as a whole is a show of arrogance that would not be accepted in other disciplines. Actually, the theory of evolution avails ideas that structure many other constituents of sciences and life. It is a major core that binds the integrity of Biology and sciences as a whole. Doing away with teaching it in schools does not help the integrity of science at all. Even proposing that the evolutionary theory should be taught after school in colleges, it has to be remembered that not all students make it to college. It also has to be noted that, the best way to learn and impart knowledge on students is by setting up a foundation from which later concepts higher up the education chain shall be based upon. This can only be done by teaching of evolution in schools. When it is taught in schools, a logical organization of knowledge is established (Bybee, 616). Various research studies have been conducted. They have presented varying findings and have been the source of numerous research based debates. One such research conducted by Moored (79) investigated on what teachers teach and how they teach it. The results provide compelling evidence and reason to teach the evolutionary theory in schools. The results indicated forty percent of the participants were in agreement that the development of human beings has occurred over millions of years to their current form with guidance from god, while nine percent agreed with the same process but stated that god had no role to play in the process. Either way, they all believed in the process of evolution. Further research based on a survey on students undertaken by Moored (79) in Minnesota found that fifty one percent of students said that their knowhow of evolution was average; thirty five percent said their knowhow was below average while fourteen percent said it was above average. These findings indicate that student had a minimal understanding of evolution. On the other hand, the views of the same students on the theory of creationism are not restricted (Moored, 79), It is stated that it is the failure to make students understand the science aspect of evolution and not a belief that led to the minimal understanding of evolution. Hence, the theory of evolution should be taught in the science subjects to enable them to understand its scientific aspects. Moored (79), state that many biology teachers, around fifty two percent teach evolution in schools. He goes on to state that most students are for the opinion that they should learn about evolution. This is regardless of whether their parents or fellow students want it to be or not. Actually, students whose biological courses included evolution, eighty eight percent of them wanted an equal measure of more of evolution to be taught in their course. All in all, most students are for the opinion that evolution should be taught in public schools. The students also believed that the theory of evolution has an acceptable scientific basis upon which it was founded. Much of the findings by Moored (79), are for the view that the evolutionary theory should be taught in schools. This is supported by the statements that by teaching evolution, a rational organizational method for offering knowledge that is established is provided. The above research is related to the research done by Michael (91 – 94) on the view of evolution by teachers in private schools. The research found that evolution is taught in schools, but the various topics that constitute evolution are not covered in equal measure. The reason been the different beliefs held by the teachers teaching evolution. In the free responses segment of the research done on Lutheran high school biology classes, it was determined that the teachers selected to stress n evolution. Of the fifty three students who responded, thirty eight stated that students required knowing about the evolutionary theory as it is a matter that is a part of society. This goes a long way to emphasis the point that evolution should be taught in schools (Michael, 91 – 94). The arguments presented in this paper provide conclusive support for the teaching of evolution in schools. They do not seek to nullify other theories, but they seek that evolution should be taught in schools, be it on its own all along with other theories. This will ensure that students have a diverse knowledge base upon which to base their understanding on. The evidence, the researches, surveys and results, the opinions and factual evidence presented all support the teaching of evolution in schools. Hence, the thesis that evolution should be taught in schools is valid and acceptable. Works Cited Moored, Randy. "CREATIONISM IN THE BIOLOGY CLASSROOM: What Do Teachers Teach & How Do They Teach It?." American Biology Teacher (National Association of Biology Teachers) 70.2 (2008): 79- 84 Science Reference Center. Web. 8 April. 2014. Bybee, Rodger W. "We Should Teach About Biological Evolution." Bioscience 52.7 (2002): 616. Science Reference Center. Web. 8 April. 2014. Jacobs, W. E. and Matt Donnelly. "Point: Intelligent Design Should Be Taught Alongside Darwins Theory Of Evolution." Points Of View: Intelligent Design (2013): 2. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 8 April. 2014. Badertscher, Eric and Ginsburg Jill. "Point: Evolution Should Only Be Taught As An Alternative Theory To Creationism." Points Of View: Teaching Evolution (2013): 2. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 8 April. 2014. Rich, Alex K. and Matt Donnelly. "Counterpoint: Evolution Should Be The Only Theory Taught In Schools." Points Of View: Teaching Evolution (2013): 3. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 23 8 April. 2014. Aliprandini, Michael and Maureen McMahon. "Teaching Evolution: An Overview." Points Of View: Teaching Evolution (2013): 1. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 8 April. 2014. Jonas, Gabrielle. "A Textbook Case of Anti - Science." Newsweek Global 162.7 (2014): 83- 87. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 April. 2014. Schulteis, Michael W. "Educations Missing Link: How Private School Teachers Approach Evolution." American Biology Teacher (National Association of Biology Teachers) 72.2 (2010): 91-94. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 April. 2014. Read More
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