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Leadership Development and Abilities - Term Paper Example

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The author of this paper “Leadership Development and Abilities” will make an attempt to investigate and present personal activities and personal positions and ideas that have marked education and progress in professional and business activities…
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Leadership Development and Abilities
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Leadership Assessment and Critique Introduction This paper is about my leadership development and abilities. The paper would focus on my personal activities and personal positions and ideas that have marked my education and my progress in my professional and business activities. The paper would begin by examining my core competencies and activities in about my leadership development. I would do this by examining my progression and attainment in leadership education and leadership skills. I would also be evaluating the leadership values and leadership styles. In completing this essay, I will examine the important theories and concepts of leadership. This would be done by examining leadership values leadership styles. This would be linked up to the leadership styles that I have used in my career progression amongst other things. My Personal Profile In order to complete this project, I would begin with an evaluation of my activities in the professional and academic work. It would involve an examination of how I have progressed through my schooling to this level. This would give a background to where I am now and where I want to be. It would provide a strong background of my leadership assessment and its interpretation. Education I studied in boarding schools for seven years in the period between 2002 and 2009. This exposed me to various forms of classroom activities and domestic interactions. This enabled me to lead in some smaller groups mainly in informal activities. I also led a few official extra-curricular activities. This enabled me to discover and rediscover some important elements and aspects of my life and my personality. After secondary education, I got onto a Bachelors in Business Administration program in 2010 and I am currently in my final semester. Through the course, I have learnt numerous concepts and theories relating to leadership and management. This gives me a broad idea and view of what leadership is about and how it works in the organizational setting. In my course, I have also had several social interactions like group discussions and group projects which have boosted my social and leadership capabilities. These elements and aspects of my life have given me a fair understanding of how to lead and to get people to do what is required at different points in time. Work Experience and Training My studies in the Bachelors in Business Administration program has enabled me to apply for internship programs and other temporary jobs. This has introduced me to several activities that are connected to leadership and other activities. I have worked as a manager assistant on several occasions in the hotel and property industry. This has allowed me to get an insight into the way these two industries operate. I have also undertaken a number of temporary jobs as a front desk executive in the hospitality industry. This put me in a position where I acted as a frontline management. This role saw me compiling information and matters for the other members of the top of the company's hierarchy. This was a job that exposed me to numerous activities that related to many elements and aspects of business in the industry. In the process, I have also gone through a number of activities and operations that include amongst other things, training on how to practically lead and carry out activities in a leadership position. This include some practical causes in the culinary arts at the Glion Institute of Higher Education. Last year, I took a more advanced training program in the culinary arts and the hospitality industry in the same institution which built on the previous training I had. This gave me the theoretical elements and aspects of leadership which have been of importance to me and have helped me to improve my skills in the hospitality industry. In intend to find a job in the hospitality industry after graduation. My target is to find an intermediate management role in a hotel or a similar entity in the hospitality industry. This would enable me to work and meet my personal aspiration of managing such a facility. I hope to rise through the ranks and get to the very top of the industry. Thus, leadership is an important and critical element of my career progression. Leadership Theories At this point of the research, the focus would be on the elements and concepts of leadership and how they define leading and being a leader. It would involve an examination of different definitions of leadership and how it relates to modern businesses. This section would include an examination of dominant concepts and ideas that define leadership in the 21st Century. It would also look at the different forms of leadership. Definition of Leadership A critique of literature brings different forms of definitions of the concept of leadership. This is because different people have different facades and angles through which they define the concept of leadership and what it means. One primary definition of leadership is that it is “an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend to attain changes and some specific outcomes that reflect their shared purposes” (Daft, 2008: 4). This means that leadership is about influencing people to attain a given end. Some other definitions state that leadership is about moving people from one point to another point. This means that in all my assessments of leadership, I need to identify how leadership can help me to influence people connected to me in the workplace and in other aspects of life. Another definition states that “leadership is using communication processes to influence the activities of an individual or group toward the attainment of a goal or goals in a unique and given situation” (LaMonica, 2009: 63). This argument indicates that leadership is exercised through communication techniques and skills. Thus, from the assessment process of my leadership competencies and abilities, I would need to examine my communication abilities and find the best ways of developing it to meet my targets. Facades of Leadership There are different ways through which scholars examine leadership. Mumford identifies three different angles through which leadership can be viewed (2011). Leadership can be viewed from a person-focused definition which is a mindset that defines leadership by the traits and skills of a person. Thus, in the development of a person, he must identify his strong traits and weaker traits in order to draw conclusions on how to proceed. Leadership can be seen as a role focused approach which involves a set of behavior that is expected of a person in a given position or role. Also, leadership can be seen as a process whereby one person gets others to attain a given end in a situation (Mumford, 2011). There are also three theories put forward by Armstrong (2010) on the way leadership can be perceived. The first is to see it as a trait. The second is to see it as a behavior. Whilst the third is to view behavior as a contingent situation which requires a given set of character which becomes known as a leadership approach. Leadership, Authority and Responsibility Leadership culminates from an authority that is vested in a person (Schliemann, 2011). This is because leadership has to come out of some kind of authority which exists within a given organization which gives a person power over another person. Although this is not always the case, it might be a definitive idea of how leadership relationships are formed. However, Kruger identifies that there are three sources of authority that creates leadership relationships in organizations (2009). This is based on the popular Weber sources of authority in organizations. This include: 1. Rational/Legal Source: This is where a person gets is authority from a legally sanctioned qualification and experience. And there is impersonality of rules in the organization so things are examined objective. 2. Patriarchal Authority: This kind of authority arises from the kind of birth elements of a given person. This include the view that some people are born with the genes that makes them eligible to take up certain positions or authorities. 3. Charismatic Authority: This is the source of authority that is borne out of the fact that an individual is seen to have some unique competence and ability which makes them the automatic leader. This include popular preachers and religious leaders. In the modern world, most leadership authority is gotten from the rational/legal system. This is because most organizations operate under the aegis of the principle of impersonality of rules. However, patriarchal authority is exercised in the leadership-follower relationship. The use of charisma is integrated into the way people lead and this defines the kind of leadership that is used by different people. Leadership in the Modern Business Setting Leadership in the formal work environment is currently based on shared responsibility and mutual influence (Marturano and Gosling, 2009). This is because in the workplace people influence and are influenced in today's world. So as a worker, leadership roles are inherent in the activities and operations of doing business. This is strongly connected to the idea and the concept of transformational leadership which in contrast with transactional leadership. Transactional leadership refers to the conduct of business in a way whereby the results was the main element and expectation of a worker (McGregor, 2011). This means that the manager was only concerned with the attainment of results and had nothing to do with the workers. However, Burns (2010) argued that transformational leadership links the social and personal development of workers and followers with the need to get things done. In order to be successful in a leadership role, a leader needs strong interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Interpersonal skills involve the skills related to the interaction and communication with different parties in a given relationship (Taylor, 2011). Interpersonal skills include the factors that lead to a good connection between parties in a leader-follower relationship. Emotional intelligence refers to the maturity and the ability to sense things and communicate in the right proportions and dimensions (Taylor, 2011). Leadership Assessment From the inferences drawn from the concept of leadership above, I would proceed to undertake an assessment of my leadership abilities and competencies. Leadership relates to how an individual influences and communicates with his colleagues in the wider community as a whole. It involves behavior, inherent traits and a requirement to do or live up to a certain standard or level of social interaction. Thus, the leadership assessment would use information of what I have achieved in my life to build on what I want to achieve and ascertain the things that need to be varied or retained to enable me to meet my obligations in life. Current Position I am currently a student with some experience in the hospitality industry. I have carried out a number of activities that links me to frontline leadership roles and other very basic managerial roles and activities. I have learnt a lot in terms of influencing others, moving people from one point to another and communication as well as interpersonal skills and competencies. Although I am still a while away from getting a regular job in the hotel industry, there are some activities that I have been involved in which gives me a fair idea of how I relate to situations and circumstances clearly. Future Position I desire to take up a career in the hospitality industry. The plan is to get me to go through the middle ranks in the hospitality industry after graduating from Glion Institute. After that, I would undertake higher roles and take up more challenging obligations. This would inevitably lead me to a role that would require a higher degree of leading and controlling different activities. Assessment Process There would be four different categories of assessment that I conducted about my competencies and abilities in leading people. This include: 1. Impact on Business 2. Management and Leadership 3. Customer Contacts and 4. Support Positions The different classes are placed in a class of between A and D. A is the strongest and D is the weakest. At the end of each, an average is found. Impact on Business A B C D Questioning Myself for Progress @ Learning, Open mindedness, and perceptive @ Self Confidence @ Interpret the meaning of personal responsibilities @ Investing in Operational aspects @ Investing in political aspects @ Taking on and Assessing Personal Responsibility @ Calmness under heavy workload @ Facing up to the unknown @ Facing up to personal aggression @ Overcoming a lack of support and structure @ OVERALL @ This classification indicates that I have a strong approach to activities in all the companies that I have worked with. I am focused and very composed in all the responsibilities and obligations given to me. I try my best to get things done and I have a high sense of autonomy. I do not wait for other people to tell me what is to be done and what should not be done. This makes me an independent thinker and action oriented. In all the obligations I have taken, I have been able to prove that I can do a lot of things without the support and direction of others. I have never had any issues in any of my capacities. I do what is required of me without having to wait for anyone to provide so much guidance or exert any form of pressure. Management and Leadership A B C D Desire to Master Process @ Natural dominance @ Anticipates real operational issues @ Identifies key tasks @ Fixes motivating objectives @ Decides clearly and certainly @ Expresses motivating ideas @ Mobilizes the necessary resources @ Develop my team @ Give objective and consistent feedback @ Is an agent of change @ OVERALL @ This classification indicates that I have a very good outlook and approach to group and management leadership matters. This is because these management and leadership issues are often related to a broader spectrum and activity of a given business. Since I have always held positions that limits my interaction with other members of the organization and the supervision of different units and components of the businesses I have worked for, I have quite a lot to learn in this area. Personally, my ability for self-motivation and the mastering of activities and actions is very high and I have an excellent disposition towards it. However, dealing with operational issues is a major problem for me. I have issues with motivating others and setting objectives for groups. I do not know much about developing and leading team work for the attainment of results. I am fairly average in initiating and maintaining change. However, taking up a role in a group and doing my part as an individual is always something that I do very well with. I am always successful with my activities and always deliver what is meant of me as a team member. However, gelling with the team is always a challenge and leading a smaller team is always something I do not do so well in. Customer Contacts A B C D Takes initiative in interpersonal relationships @ Rapidly discerns expectations of others @ Demonstrates tactical sense and felling @ Adapts my communication @ Creates a feeling of partnership @ Empathy @ Expresses myself clearly and capture the interest of others @ Comfortable making 'human' decisions @ Manages disagreements in an appropriate fashion @ Acts as a moderator as necessary @ Resistance to pressure and aggression @ OVERALL @ I have a strong link to customers and try my best to do things that would ensure that every company I work with has a strong relationship with its clients and customers. I have a strong way of bonding with customers. However, I feel there is more to the building of interpersonal relationships with other customers and external stakeholders. This is because there is more to it than just getting everything right. I still have a limited experience with customers and customer interaction. So it is apparent there is more room for improvement in these relationships in order to build the best kind of connection with my customers. Support Positions A B C D Objective, measured and factual Approach @ Analyzes with method and rigor @ Forms operational priorities @ Integrates and respects norms and procedures @ Autonomous within established scope @ Manages change @ Plans for medium and long-term @ Organizes in formal and practical manner @ Identifies appropriate alternatives @ Defends my point of view where justified @ Manages resistance or blockage @ Follows up with logic and perseverance @ OVERALL @ I have worked in support positions and gained so much competency in my past work relationships in that area and aspect. I have a strong and factual approach in carrying out my obligations in support activities and similar positions. However, I lack the autonomy that comes with support positions. This is because such support roles do not give an individual the independence that is necessary to make decisions and carry out actions and activities. I therefor have a few relative challenges in managing change and planning over a long-term period. There is always an organized aspect of my activities in a support position. I try my best to defend my point of view and systematically encounter all the changes that comes my way. This enables me to organize things in the right way and manner. Critical Evaluation of Leadership Practice It is apparent that my education and training provides me with a strong position to have an impact on businesses. This is because my education and limited experience has given me the ability to build a degree of autonomy in my thinking and assessment of matters in the workplace. I have acquired important competencies in planning and carrying out activities in operations. Thus, I think I have that rational or legal preparation through my Bachelors Degree training to build a career progression in the hotel industry. The foundation on impacting on any hotel I would be given a role in is quite certain. However, there is a minor issue with the management and leadership activities that may be handed down to me. This is because I still need to do a lot to build up my connection with operational matters and working with others in teams. I have issues linking different units of a business and I have challenges mobilizing resources needed to attain a given task. Team development and other inter-organizational matters are still areas that I need to work on in order to improve my lot in the industry. Although self-motivation drives me, I think there is the need to undergo several development activities before I can confidently link up different units of a given entity I may find myself in. My interpersonal skills with customers is quite limited. I think I need to build some degree of emotional intelligence in order to get to the high level of my career and leadership ladder. I would need to learn how to discern things and show a strong concern for people rather than just getting tasks done. I also think I need a stronger stakeholder concern about matters in order to be of the best service to all people I am connected with. Conclusion Leadership is about working with people to attain given ends and objectives in one's line of business. It is about communicating with people to move from one point to another. Leadership in the 21st Century is more of a transformational one than a transactional one. A leader needs to build the personal trait, group trait and also carry out the right actions where the need arises. In my current position, I am a theoretically trained and competent individual who has learnt a lot over the years. So far, my experiences have exposed me to the very core of operations and specific aspects of the hotel industry. However, in order to build a good leadership position, I would need to acquire more skills in group activities and team work. I would need to improve my interpersonal skills and build a higher level of emotional intelligence. This way, I can work with other people and be able to lead better. References Armstrong, M. (2010) Human Resource Management London: Kogan Page. Burns, J. (2010) Transformational Leadership. New York: Jossey Boss. Daft, R. L. (2008) The Leadership Experience London: Thomson Learning. Kruger, J. (2009) Management and Leadership Mason, OH: Cengage LaMonica, E. L. (2009) Leadership Management New York: Jones and Bartlett Publishing. Marturano, A. and Gosling, J. (2009) Leadership: The Key Concepts London: Routledge McGregor, J. (2011) Management Theories Boston: Yale University Press. Mumford, M. D. (2011) Leadership 101 London: Springer Philips, W. (2010) Organization and Management London: Routledge. Schliemann, J. D. (2011) Organizational Development Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Publishing. Storey, J. (2008) Leadership: Current Issues and Key Trends London: Routledge Taylor, F. (2011) Management and Human Resource Development New York: Jossey Boss. Read More
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