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Transcultural Education in Dental Schools - Assignment Example

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In this assignment “Transcultural Education in Dental Schools”, the author will discuss the literature of cultural education capability in the profession of health, most specifically, the dentistry, medicine, nursing, and dental hygiene, as well as the methods of educational proficiency concepts…
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Transcultural Education in Dental Schools
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Transcultural Education in Dental schools Transcultural means the independence and acceptance of the people all over the globe (Dictionary: Transcultural, n.d). In this study, we will discuss the literature of cultural education capability in the profession of health, most specifically, the dentistry, medicine, nursing and dental hygiene. We will also converse with the methods of educational proficiency concepts, practices in clinical performance by evaluating students and occupant knowledge. The barriers to emergent valuation instruments are the foundation ability information regarding the modest agreement, cultural group stereotype performance and pursuit invalid philosophy. Educational institutes play important roles in developing the nature, attitudes and behaviors of the students. The aims and objectives of these institutions are to provide a platform, which can enhance the abilities of the students as well as can generate in them the responsibilities to become dignified and moral citizens. These days, the schools and colleges represent multicultural nations under one roof. As they came from diverse nations, countries or religions, their languages, classes and backgrounds are also different. However, it is the educator’s duty to implement such educational programs that can face the challenges of emerging societies and the developing world. Moreover, it is important to develop such strategies that are deprived of any difference. Also in the health sector, cultural differences demand that the organizers and educators should develop programs based on the beliefs and values that are different. The need of the Transcultural education and cultural competency are in practice in the respective fields of healthcare, dentistry and nursing, etc. The purpose and aim of this report is to bring out the consequences of the Transcultural education in schools, more specifically, in the health care centre; dentistry. Dentistry is a division of Stomatology, its studies the medicine branch that involves the oral cavity surgical and non surgical treatment, maxillofacial area, anticipation, costing, conclusion along with their structures and impact on human body. Teeth add value to human smile. Dental surgery is the most common treatment in dental diseases these days. Rotten or damaged teeth are filled with amalgam, composite or porcelain and sometimes with precious or non precious metals. The literature section of this study contains two parts. In the first part, argument about the general concept or Transcultural education and its consequences are addressed. This section includes several theories and models, which are important for the development of the Transcultural environment in schools. Moreover, it also asserts that the Transcultural education and environment in schools and institutions aimed at helping students to conduct their activities more effectively; without any discrimination. We also explore that these institutions and schools prepare themselves to implement diversified education system in order to explore an open minded approach. The later part of the literature review, exhibits the Transcultural education in dental schools, more specifically, schools. This study aims to find out the culture and behavior of the dental schools around the globe. The essentials poles of this paper are as under: The clear understanding of Transcultural Education worldwide The function of the cultural competency The aims and objectives of the Transcultural education and cultural competency Establishment of the cultural competency in developing dental programs After analyzing the Transcultural values and cultural competency in the dental schools, the report elaborates the research findings with the help of several polls and questionnaire. Introduction The word Transcultural can be defined as combining element that can join two or more things together at the same time whereas, the Transcultural education can be defined as the term that can refer to the education of different cultures, without any partiality. The purpose of Transcultural education is to establish an environment among students and educators to learn new ways in terms of social, political, economical and cultural challenges around the world. The main aim and motive of Transcultural education is to prepare students and educators as per the different values and cultures. The Transcultural education provides an opportunity to strengthen connections between people of the world and to bring people closer. Through Transcultural education, people of different cultures and nations do not just come on the same platform but it also discovers new things about religion, cultural values, race and class. It is an approach that brings different cultures together. Teachers and students, except for learning about the different cultures from the distance, can seek knowledge with people of different societies. Although, it is a new term, but now it is commonly used and practiced in the field of nursing or education. Regardless of cultural and racial background, dentists treat the patient from different nations and society equally. Most of the internal students cannot speak in English fluently. Their beliefs are different in case of oral health. A dentist’s need to be cultural proficient for the Transcultural education is necessary. The demographic changes are recognizing from numerous medical schools. Some schools implemented four years programs and many selected culturally oriented courses. They do seminars and elective courses. It is important for the better results and treatment of the patient’s viewpoint that it’s really helpful if a dentist knows the cultural differences and their sensitivity towards their illness. To increase cultural proficiency of dentists, various programs are organized as a tool to improve the line of attack to decrease the failure attempts towards patients and also reduce their cultural and rational health care relief in health disparities. A dentist should treat the patient in such a way that the patient overcomes his illness and for that purpose, Transcultural education helps. After comparing the background of cultural education, it becomes clear that the idea of the Transcultural education in dental school is not new. But we must say its popularity has increased in dental diseases and hygiene. Transcultural education helps to raise dentist appearance on health disparities for the need of dental hygienists. During education many ethnic groups’ activities or researches are kept documented. After the research and Transcultural education, studies describe the average of tribal and cultural oriented patients have higher disease rates as compare to nonminority. According to AYN Rand, the motive of the education is to enhance the mental and decision power of a student. It is necessary to teach him the ways of life by providing him the opportunity to develop his mind in such a way that he can manage to live life and also to deal with the reality. On the other hand, Bishop Creighton defines education as the purpose of the education is to establish a thinking process in a man. Education enables a man to think and to ask questions to seek knowledge about different things that are far away from him. Since early 60s, the need of cultural competency has been noticed by the researchers of education sectors. The idea has become stronger in the past few years. More specifically, in the sermon of the minority education, it is getting more prominence due to the new ideas of multicultural education and cultural diversity. Moreover, it has also been suggested that the Transcultural education; apart from any cultural differences, plays an important role in removing the cultural biases and differences. As the time passes, the world is emerging so does the problems and necessities. Internet, telephones, televisions and media provide the opportunities to learn new things with one click. It can be done from anywhere. In this new world, there is no boundary for education or for seeking knowledge. People can examine and learn about different countries and can make them up to date about the issues of any place. According to Pratt and Beaty, “the citizenship is extending beyond the traditional boundaries of individual countries.” (Pantaleo & Bainbridge, 1999). The aims and duty of a teacher is to provide knowledge to students without any discrimination. The Transcultural education also aims giving education with no difference. Its goal is to cater students in the best possible way about the cultures, events and issues that underlie in the outer world; away from them, and also to develop a sense of understanding about that world. It is a fact that nature and attitudes cannot be changed, but it is also a fact that thinking can be changed through education. Transcultural education appends a pathway of understanding multicultural views and issues. Transcultural educational programs in schools enable children to understand the values with an open mind, and adopted societies biases and differences (Pantaleo & Bainbridge, 1999). As a result of globalization, many countries are adjusting themselves in providing equal opportunities as well as to the services of delivering better health care services. It is important for them to mitigate themselves with the increasing number of immigrants. The processes of migration have promoted the intra and inter cosmopolitan communities. Due to this reason, countries are compelled to avoid and remove the gap of poor or rich, black or white. It is a fact that these differences and changes in the perspective of the countries create many problems and challenges within the health sector in terms of “contextual education and research methodologies” (Chinouya, n.d). The promotion of Transcultural education enables to understand the differences as well as the similarities among people. Moreover, in the health care sector, it will provide an opportunity to look beyond what is in front of the nurses, dentists, researchers or practitioners. Several approaches are adopted in promoting the cultural awareness and diversified approaches, but still there are some failures in the field of “cultural proficiency”. The main reason for this is that the health care services are now transferred from hospitals to communities. It is because of the cultural differences. For example, in the United States of America and Canada, many dentists are white and they prefer to work accruing to their group or communities. In order to remove these differences, it is important to promote cultural proficiency among the individuals so that they create an environment which will be good for all (Bomar, 2004). Although, travelling from one country to another is one of the needs of human. It provides them an opportunity to learn new things and new ways and to adopt the means that are suitable for them as well as for their society. But if the immigrants are Dentists, they face several problems and issues, in which racial and religious issues are at the top of the list. It is also worth mentioning that with the growing population of the world, the dentists are not up to the mark or according to the requirement of the developed countries. To cope up with this shortage, it is necessary to welcome the students from all over the world. These promotions and activities would open gates of an environment that can remove the cultural issues and undermine the delivery of quality dental care. With the proper infrastructure that can handle the issues and problems more effectively. According to the World Health Report, published in 2006, “The growing international nature of the health workforce related to the flows of migrants, relief workers and volunteers’ calls for cooperative agreements to protect the rights and safety of workers and to enhance the adoption of ethical recruitment practices” (Papadopoulos, n.d). The immigrant professionals, especially Dentists, are the mean of exchanging culture and skills. The importance of cultural competence has been felt during the past few years. It enables to project the long-lasting health without inequality or differences among people in terms of different races or norms. The cultural competence can be defined as the engagement of different people on the same platform. The cultural competence is a set of values, which allows one to be: Aware of different cultures Seeking knowledge of different attitudes and behaviors around the world Developing skills that are cross-cultured Developing such attitudes that are appropriate for the cultural differences Adopting people as they are; without any discrimination or bias. Allowing people to work with more opportunities to grow and to work in diversified environment (Principles & Recommendations, 2001). Several means and methods are adopted to create an environment in the Transcultural education in dental sector that provides positive results. These models allow delivering an extraordinary service to the Transcultural education in dental care sector. Moreover, these models and means are important to deal with the ever growing challenges of the multicultural society. The President, who is also the originator of Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates, Cincinnati, Ohio, Josepha Campinha-Bacote, presented her model of cultural competence, which is known as the Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services. According to her, the Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services, is a model that enables the professionals to accomplished their work and goals with efficiency and with considerable results. It is basically a proper practice of getting ethnically capable, not being racially proficient. Moreover, she asserts that this process model will allow the dental practitioners to become more aware of the cultural norms, knowledge, skills and values (Campinha-Bacote, 2002). The cultural competent model is important for the healthcare sector in order to develop and improve: The quality of services and results; research findings The cultural desires and knowledge The lifelong commitment Opportunities to develop equal and mutual benefits Healthcare services for the care and commitment that is not biased (Campinha-Bacote, 2002). Culturally Competent Model of Care (Campinha-Bacote, 2002) Methods PI (the effects of a cross-cultural Patient-Instructor) did a program on Transcultural dental student’s attitudes and checked their abilities. It was done by challenging them to check their abilities with the help of community trained patients. The students interviewed the patients PIs in two rotations respectively, one in junior and one in senior year. For each rotation, dental students used a demonstration pretest posttest design. After every rotation, the PIs possibilities of engaging, diversity of thoughts and actions and versus were reported by students. The result of that rotation revealed the first cross cultural rotation was completed by seventy three students and the second was completed by eighty two. Junior year rotation effect was greater as compare to the second rotation. Positive evaluations were reported from the students after the course. PIs are very creative and helpful for the students who are related to the health care professions. Dentists understand that the PIs sessions refer to the Transcultural education and the patients are well trained to evaluate each and every session to pass comments in the end that can help evaluating the performances of students. Clinical interviews are also conducted by the students. They also know that during the whole session they are being evaluated. This helps enhancing student’s ability to react carefully during each case. After every session, a detailed feedback from patient’s instructor is given to the student about their interviewing and interpersonal skills. This detailed feedback contains the immediate and individualized performance of their skills. It also provides detail about ascertainment information and interpersonal style related to that case. They discuss and point out student’s weaknesses and they also suggest offer of role play towards the weaknesses. Students are also observed by audiovisual equipment of their behavior science. After each revolving session, students are advised during the briefing with PIs. In order to get the clear picture of the research findings, this research is based upon the qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches. These methods are used to enhance the reasons and importance of Transcultural education. Furthermore, these methods are used to identify the issues that are present in the healthcare sector. The report is based on the examination of Transcultural education programs and processes as well as the cultural competency in the dental schools. The methods that are used for the qualitative methodology are the case study, observations and interviews. Research also includes a method of quantitative approach i.e. survey. The methods, that have been adopted, aim to find out whether the development in Transcultural education in the dental schools enhances the behaviors, thinking process, and awareness aspects in students or if it makes no differences. For this purpose, 50 participants are chosen to take part in the proposed questionnaire. Moreover, several people are approached to take part. These people belong to different classes, societies, religions and cultures. The survey will be conducted through different means and methods in order to get proper and appropriate results. Internet, telephones, focus group approach, observations and in-person methods will help a lot in concluding the findings. The key targets of this research are as under: Schools Educators Courses or curriculum Student reactions Result The findings of this report are based on the facts and research that we would discuss in the literature review. As the literature review is the backbone of any report, the results can be determined through the reviews of different studies and details that are being presented in the review of the literature. In order to understand the results and findings let us summarize the key essentials of the report. The main points that are illustrated from the research are as follows: The opinions of the students are mixed; some have positive attitude, some are negative and some of them responds equally It has been observed that many schools are not equipped with the cultural competency The research brings before us the fact that the need of the Transcultural education in the dental schools is now being felt by the educators and practitioners It has been noticed that several schools are adopting the cultural competency and Transcultural education as a tool to provide an open minded and diversified education system among the students Many students are expected to respond positively about the need of the cultural competency and Transcultural education. However, it is to be tested Many schools respond to the fact that the cultural competency is necessary for the more profound dental education The Transcultural education provides an opportunity to strengthen connection between the different people of the world The research proves that the Transcultural educational programs accelerate and encourage divergence in the dental schools It enhances the level cultural competency significance Evaluation As the world is changing, the approaches are also changing; the challenges of employing educational programs that can facilitate the needs of the emerging world are also increasing. It is necessary for the medical schools, to establish such programs that can appreciate the norms and values of different students. Moreover, it is also important to provide platform to the student, who belong to the different cultures, races, societies and religions which will be beneficial for the students as well as for the institutions (White, 2003) Cross-cultural education has played an important position in the dental healthcare. It is due to the absence of some important knowledge about the cultural differences and the lack of communication between the patients and the dentists. The poor communication give way to the contradictory affects to dental care services. It also affects the treatment and the satisfaction of patients. In recent years, the need for the cultural competency is felt badly in the healthcare sector as well as in other fields also. In order to overcome the discriminative attitude in healthcare sector, implementation of new plans and strategies are practiced, to cater the broadening society. It has also been observed that with the passage of time, the cultural competency in literature of the healthcare is being established, in order to exclude cultural and social difference. It has been noted that in recent times, the dental schools are adopting the means of cultural competency and the Transcultural education for the betterment of knowledge and behaviors among the students of the dental schools. Moreover, it is also interesting to point out that in the survey of Hewlett, many students assured that they are ready to treat patients from diversified cultures. The number of students that has been illustrated from the report is approx. 86% (Gregorczyk & Bailit, 2008). The study reports that many schools respond to the fact that the cultural competency is necessary for more profound dental education. While some of them have projected the same culture to produce the more profitable environment. The research asserts that there are the high percentages of schools that are being associated with the Transcultural education system in the dental education. The opinions of students are mixed; some have positive attitude, some have negative and some of them responds neutral. But it is worth mentioning that the students with the positive attitudes are more than the students who have mixed or negative attitudes. Furthermore, the program is also associated with the faculty members who are not biased in their opinions or style of teaching. It has been noted that teachers teaches what they really are. It means that they are the representatives of their own cultures. But with this program, the faculty members and educators provide a broader perspective of the cultural competency and Transcultural values. They are held responsible to transfer in their students the significance of cultural differences and norms. It is also worth mentioning that this study clearly illustrates the requirement of proper teacher training and students programs in terms of diversity and cultural competency. The aim of this study is to provide a platform to enhance and explore the role of culture and ethnicity in the dental curriculum. High percentage of schools are agreed to establish programs that can improve the communication between the patients and the Dentists and also help is maintaining the relationship between them (Rowland, Bean, & Casamassimo, 2006) Discussion The Census Bureau of United States compiled a report in which, it is mentioned that more than 8.6 million residents who are not English speaking and in these residents, there are several graduates who are dentists and have been facing challenges including growing population and different cultures, etc. The Pew Health Professions Commission asserts that more than half of the dentists’ practices are poor or not competent. Therefore, the University of California has been striving to equip itself in order to deliver such strategies that are appropriate for the cultural competency (Milto, 1998). Sherling asserts truly the worst education that teaches self-denial is better than the best that teaches everything else but not that (Smiles, n.d). The concept of human civilization is too much complex and does not lend itself to a precise definition. It will be readily conceded that one of its essential elements is man’s constant endeavor for broadening his outlook and interest. Biologically, man is a self-centered creature, anxious for the fulfillment of his physical; needs like rest, hunger, mating and procreation, etc. But since man is a rational animal, his reasons teach him not to give a free play to his animal instincts. Consequently, man has been endeavoring, through ages, to sublimate his primitive instincts and learn to live in organized society and appreciate his rights and duties therein. In the U.S. dental schools, the literature of the dental education delivers information about the “status, strategies, or guiding principles of cultural competency education”. With the diversified cultures, U.S. healthcare centers are now determined to create an environment that is suitable for all; without any differences in culture, and values. According to the reports of the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. health care services are dealing, in a positive way, to cater the differences of race, culture, and color. The ever growing world, with many cultures and behaviors, expects that within the health care services Dentists or practitioners should provide and develop knowledge and skills that are useful for everyone without discrimination. It has been observed that in understanding the values and cultures, cultural awareness plays an important role. By developing a sense of exploration, the practitioners can move beyond the “ethnocentrism” which would be possible through appreciation and acceptance of cultural differences. It is only possible when the practitioners choose and follow the rules of Transcultural approach, not only in their practices but also in attitudes (Carpio & Majumdar, 1993) The aim of cultural care is to provide equal opportunities to people without taking into account their religion, race or color. Dentists are eager to provide attention and care to the families or individuals of diverse cultures or with similarities. Although, we exist in different societies, groups and regions; with no boundaries, we tackle diversified opinions and notions. With the increasing number of notions and changing realities of human rights, health care policies as well as the researches are affected. It is of great importance to develop such strategies that provide results appropriate for the diversified challenges and approaches. This can be done in two ways; whether the practitioners or researchers adopt the methods of health care that can be defined as the “one -size-fits-all”, which is a universal approach or they will try to create and innovate some special approaches. However, it is important to notice that the approach should address the needs and requirements of the pluralistic society. Moreover, it is the duty of the researchers and practitioners to adopt the approaches that are Transcultural (Papadopoulos, n.d) Recommendation To civilize the information policy, educational proficiency guidance shows secure, attitudes, and skills in health professionals. The improvement in patient evidence the observation to treatment, health outcomes is wanting in equality of services and cultural groups. This is very important for future teaching and study the subject should be focused and what will be the effective outcomes (Beach, et al., 2005). The cultural competence training impacts patient satisfaction is good evidence, 3 of 3 studies of beneficial effect demonstrated. The patient adherence is poor evidence in cultural competence training; the beneficial effect study was demonstrated to evidence this study. But for the patient health status outcomes no study has been evaluated. The cost of cultural competence training is poor evidence to determine, like five studies were included but estimate cost was zero. Bibliography Beach, M. C., Price, E. G., Gary, T. L., Robinson, K. A., Gozu, A. M., Palacio, A. M., et al. (2005). Cultural Competence: A Systematic Review of Health Care Provider Educational Interventions. Medical Care , 43 (4), 356-373. Bomar, P. J. (2004). Promoting health in families: applying family research and theory to nursing (3rd Edition ed.). Canada: Congress. Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services. Retrieved June 26, 2010, from Transcultural Care: Carpio, B. A., & Majumdar, B. (1993). Experiential Learning: An Approach to Transcultural Education for Nursing. Journal of Transcultural Nursing , 4 (2), 4-11. Chinouya, M. (n.d). 33rd Annual Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society. Retrieved June 26, 2010, from Bournemout: Developing Cultural Competence in Disaster Mental Health Programs:Guiding Principles and Recommendations. (2001). Retrieved June 26, 2010, from Mental Health: Dictionary: Transcultural. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010, from Die.Net: Gregorczyk, S. M., & Bailit, H. L. (2008). Critical Issues in Dental Education: Assessing the Cultural Competency of Dental Students and Residents. Journal of Dental Education , 72 (10), 1122-1127. Milto, L. D. (1998, August). Instructional Videos Drill Home the Need for Multicultural Dental Education. (T. F. Murray, Ed.) Retrieved June 26, 2010, from RWJF: Pantaleo, S. J., & Bainbridge, J. (1999). Learning with literature in the Canadian elementary classroom. Canada: Joyce Bainbridge and Sylvia Pantaleo. Papadopoulos, R. (n.d). 33rd Annual Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society. Retrieved June 26, 2010, from Bournemouth: Rowland, M. L., Bean, C. Y., & Casamassimo, P. S. (2006). A Snapshot of Cultural Competency Education in U.S. Dental Schools. Critical Issues in Dental Education , 70 (9), 982-990. Smiles, S. (n.d). Self Help. Retrieved July 1, 2010, from Full Book: White, H. L. (2003). Implementing the multicultural education perspective into the nursing education curriculum. Journal of Instructional Psychology . Read More
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