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Writing two responses - Essay Example

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In addition, teachers have been trying to use different measures to educate students on importance of time management. However, many of them end up wasting a lot of their time, an aspect that affects their…
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Writing two responses
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Responses al Affiliation: MyStudyLife For a very long time, have been struggling with time management. In addition, teachers have been trying to use different measures to educate students on importance of time management. However, many of them end up wasting a lot of their time, an aspect that affects their performance. This blog is an eye opener on how the education sector which has been rigid for a very long time can use technology to improve the performance of the students. In addition, it indicates how innovators are trying to come up with new ideas in order to solve various challenges that have been affecting the education sector.

The fact that the blog has focused on informing the people on solutions to modern problems attracted me to the blog. This is because it can help both the teachers and students who have been hard hit by the entry of social media and the internet which is making the students to waste a lot of their time. Teddy Bear Go BloggingThe current generation of young people needs to be introduced into the online platform at a very tender age. Initially, the learning process was monotonous because there were no creative ways of ensuring that the students remained motivated.

The future of the current generation lies on the internet. It will dictate how people communicate, interact, transact, etc. Therefore, introducing new ways of learning through enabling the students to blog at a very tender age motivates them to learn more. However, a lot of care must be taken when taking up such interventions in order to avoid exposing the students to contents that might divert their attention from the studies. Nevertheless, if appropriate measures are taken to protect the young minds, internet can be used as a very effective tool for teaching the students.

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