How Outliers Affect Current Studies Book Report/Review - 1. Retrieved from
How Outliers Affect Current Studies Book Report/Review - 1.
In all honesty, this is the first time that I have heard of outliers. From the inputs shared in the post, the information and links provided assisted in my understanding of outliers, as well as the effects of outliers in the statistical outcome. Actually, as noted from the study, “although some authors argue that removal of extreme scores produces undesirable outcomes, they are in the minority, especially when the outliers are illegitimate” (Osborne & Overbay, n.d., p. 1). From the statement, it could be deduced that more in-depth comprehension of the criteria that classify outliers as illegitimate or legitimate should first be established.
As such, I affirm that these conceptual frameworks contribute to the apparent checking for outliers by the majority of researchers using statistical procedures. Overall, the information shared from the post enabled awareness on the presence of outliers which should be included by researchers.
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