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Instructional Strategies with Diverse Needs - Essay Example

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From the paper "Instructional Strategies with Diverse Needs" it is clear that it was affirmed that most students with special needs have a reasonable degree of social participation, as compared to those without special needs who had greater social participation…
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Instructional Strategies with Diverse Needs
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Students with different forms of disabilities present similar characteristics on the factors explored.

According to the findings of the article, children with special needs have lesser and poorer social relations as compared to those with no special needs. The option of regular education for students with special needs is in this case beneficial. In essence, these students can interrelate with those without special needs to enhance positive social interrelations. However, it does not automatically mean a fruitful social interaction, since it always depends on how naturally social a person is, and the way they settle into their class setting.

The information from the article is applicable in a class setting. From the article, I learned that it is necessary to instruct students with special needs in an inclusive classroom and provide opportunities for social interactions. They should not be secluded and taught or treated differently. There are increased social opportunities for special needs students in an inclusive class setting, but there is always a need to understand the individual characteristics of each student so that negative outcomes from introverts, such as loneliness, do not arise. Read More
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“Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words - 3”, n.d.
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