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Planning and Assessment of Learning Process - Essay Example

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From the paper "Planning and Assessment of Learning Process," it is apparent that assessment is a very important tool in the school curriculum. Students will need to be promoted to higher levels and without assessment, it will never be possible. …
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Planning and Assessment of Learning Process
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Running Head: Planning and assessing Introduction Assessment is a very important tool to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the students. It provides a framework for a teacher to get to know their learners. According to Tummons assessment encompasses a concise list of benefits which can be channelled to the importance of education system in the society. Some of the benefits which can be accrued to assessment include: determination of whether learning has taken place, evaluate the needs of a learner, provision of public acknowledgement and stamping the performance of the learners, allow the selection criteria of the best learners, provide a mechanism of evaluation of learners through a given program and motivate and encourage the learners in their undertaking (Armitage et al, 2012). Overall purpose and type of assessment scheme There has been a rise in debate about the relevance of assessment in education, why can’t students be allowed to handle education matters on their own? It is the question frequently asked by those who propagate against assessment in education. However, assessment can be connected to a wide range of stakeholders. Parents, the government, education institutions and the learners themselves need to know the level and magnitude of their performance. No one will want to incur huge costs on learning and does not feel contented with the resultant service being offered. Thus, teachers and other stakeholders have to come up with techniques which will depict the rate of performance of the learners. According to Tummons, assessment is not only an attribute which is undertaken by the learners, but it is also an approach which boosts the morale of the learners in their studies. For instance, when a learner is able to take, a continuous evaluation test, they will tend to work harder each time another paper comes up. This is more positive as compared to situations where the learners are not subjected to any assessment. The effectiveness of the evaluation process underlies under those who engage in the whole cycle. Individuals who introduce the mechanism have to be properly equipped to handle any challenges that may arise in the process; in addition the process has to be friendly (Tummons, 2007). The assessment encompasses three approaches, it commences with the formative assessment to interim assessment to summative assessment in the whole period of the learners in a particular grade. The main purpose of superimposing all the three in the curriculum is to offer a wide platform of learning. For instance, it will aid the students to have a wide scope of learning; formative and intermediate assessments will ensure that the learners are in a position to be active during learning while summative assessment will gauge the learner’s memory at the end of the whole grade (Cox & Harper, 2000). Formative assessment There are numerous definitions of formative assessment in education; basically formative assessment provides data which can be used to monitor the progress of the learners. It helps to develop or mould the final curriculum product, it will also help the learners to adapt to changes through the feedback that they receive both formally and informally. Each specific learner’s approach is pinpointed to plan for the next step in solving a particular task. According to various researchers like Tummons, Armitageetal, Petty and Race formative assessment is a part of instructions which informs and guides the learners to handle given tasks in their curriculum. Assessment is not essential to be done to students, but it should be geared towards enhancement of learning for the students (Tummons, 2007). Formative assessment encompasses the provision of useful feedback on the tests and homework, which does not rely heavily on grading. Specific and accurate information stands in place of the grade, the teachers will be in a position to point out the errors committed and the resultant solutions to those errors. Improvement is the centre of the all essence of formative assessment. This approach will be able to motivate the learners to concentrate on solving the tasks in a more comprehensive scale than concentrating on giving out the right answer to a particular problem. Taking a case where a teacher gives out a particular problem to be solved in class, with a formative approach the students will try to understand the problem before engaging in giving out the answer since the formula is key (Crawley, 2010). Interim assessment This approach takes place within a slightly longer period than the formative criteria; feedback is still quick but not immediate than formative approach. This technique draws some degree of formality with the introduction of such tools like projects, written assignments and tests. Learners are given ample time to depict their understanding and comprehension on the subject ones the feedback has been digested. Interim assessment is an approach which allows the teachers to identify any gaps which may exist in the curriculum. Thus the solution to these gaps will come in subsequent lessons. Learners taking an interim assessment will aid in exemplifying whether what the teacher had taught in class in previous lessons can be moulded to fit the present situation in the best method. Summative assessment It can be termed as the best approach in gauging the competencies of the learners. Depicting a classroom level, summative assessment includes all the information the student has gained over time in a given period of time. In this assessment scheme, my students will be subjected to a summative assessment to formulate whether they will graduate to another grade or not. Thus, with this approach it has the least motive of improving student capabilities; rather it acts like a sieve. It lets those who demonstrate high value competencies to proceed than the weak ones. Parents can use a summative assessment to gauge where the students lie either under the mean score or number of students (Ecclestone, 2003). Appropriateness and effectiveness of the assessment methods Assessment methods bring to the fore the seven strategies for learning. The seven strategies fulfil Saddler’s three conditions which can be illustrated as: Where am I going? ; Where am I now? ; And how can I close the gap? The manner in which these conditions can be met fluctuates from one scenario to another, depending on the influential decision maker in the classroom (Crawley, 2010). The table below depicts the strategies:- Where Am I Going? Strategy 1: Provide students with a clear and understandable vision of the learning target. Strategy 2: Use examples and models of strong and weak work. Where Am I Now? Strategy 3: Offer regular descriptive feedback. Strategy 4: Teach students to self-assess and set goals. How Can I Close the Gap? Strategy 5: Design lessons to focus on one learning target or aspect of quality at a time. Strategy 6: Teach students focused revision. Strategy 7: Engage students in self-reflection, and let them keep track of and share their learning. Classroom assessment and evaluation is very important in improving instructions which will offer an important platform for the students to learn. In most instances, the teachers and the education systems are concerned with assessment, however on some occasions students can undertake personal assessment endeavours to gauge their performance. Generally, assessment is a process which includes four major components: measuring improvement over a given period, a symptom of motivating the students to study, evaluation of the teaching methods and a basis for ranking the students. The importance of Feedback and Comments In order for assessment to be relevant to learners, feedback ought to be given on their performance. Correct and incorrect answers should be availed for the learners to have a chance to compare on where they went wrong. A culture of building on the previous performance is inculcated in learners; this is achieved by ensuring that learners have access to views and comments from their teachers. In addition to the feedback the tutors and teachers are advised to give an action plan to the students, it is through this designed approach that the students will be able to decipher their best capabilities in the field. Often times the teachers draw encouraging and discouraging comments on students work. However, the best formula of doing so is to try and absorb or encourage the learners to put more effort on where they went wrong. Always the teacher should try to start from what went wrong to what was okay in the assignments of tests given. The overall aim is to ensure that the information is conveyed in the best possible procedure. Thus, feedback and comments offer a platform for the learners to improve on their work. Record keeping Any assessment carried out in a classroom are contained on a given log book or some archive which is often updated by the teachers concerned. Through such materials student’s performance is continuously monitored to ensure that each learner depicts their full capabilities. It is basically a means through which the learner’s talents or strong areas can be identified by. Some learners will portray given strengths on art and others on sciences and computations. Pinpointing such strengths and weaknesses is very important to the institution whose mission is to mould learners. Grading is totally different to assessment, without assessment grading will be useless since it will not offer ideal figures or a comparison measure to instil the real grades. Recording of assessment and promotion of learning Before coming up with an assessment approach the teacher needs to come up with a number of factors and gauge them in the order of their importance. Thus, to promote effective assessment, teachers need to take into considerations the following factors: explain the learning aims of the whole process and demonstrate that the learners understand the entire scope. Demonstrate the standard, which the learners need to attain in the process, ensure that the feedback is given in the best possible approach so that the learners need to improve on their weakest sections. Learners should be given the platform to ensure that their needs are taken into consideration finally the assessment endeavours need to provide a regular opportunities for teachers and learners to reflect on the past performances (Gravells, 2009). The main purpose of recording is to provide information on each learner’s capabilities throughout the curriculum. It encompasses regularly updating the information to reflect the most recent achievements of the students, it also depicts the strengths and achievements of each student in the curriculum and it illustrates the target set of each student. I recognize a number of various assessment techniques which varies from one subject to another. Thus, to foster on relevance I record the most reliable information which may be needed in the future. In my lessons I compile a list of those students who fail to attain the set standards; this approach will ensure that their needs are taken care of in the future (Delaney, 2009). I have adopted a strategy which engages the parents of the students. If a particular parent is concerned about the performance of their kids, they are free to contact the concerned teacher on the same. The school offers the parents an opportunity to visit the concerned teachers at the end of the term. At the end of the term all parents are given a written form which entails the performance of the learners on their respective fields. On some occasions a log book may be used to enter the required data during classroom assessment Inclusivity maintenance in the scheme The main values which underpin inclusive are fairness and justice in a broad perspective. It involves taking into account the differences which the students may exhibit in a particular environment. It is a concept which takes care of the disabled and the marginalised in the society. It is this concept of inclusion which has brought about the main idea of the universal design. Universal design approaches cakes the methods which will be usable by all the people in the society (Ecclestone, 2003). As a teacher, I will ensure that each student’s attributes are taken into consideration. I will create a safe and collaborative atmosphere for all students. This will entail setting rules that will favour collaborative learning. Also taking an initiative to understand each individual student will be very important in achieving inclusion. Each student obviously will depict different characteristics, thus; it will be very important to take into perspectives the mistakes they are likely to commit and try to explain things differently (Cowley, 2001). Creating projects that will require sharing among the learners. By doing this the learners will be able to borrow from their rich sources and their own perspectives. The activities they indulge in will offer a more flexible platform for the learners to amicably associate in a more coherent manner. Connecting with students’ lives will also be a major technique in trying to amalgamate inclusion and assessment. Each student will be able to picture their own setting and draw up conclusions which will aid learning. Being culturally and socially sensitive, this will aid my perception on the various topics that I will teach the learners. Materials will tend to skew to a more neutral aspect not to infringe the rights and beliefs of some of the learners. It is therefore apparent that assessment which is student centred and inclusive of individual differences stands a chance of being a better tool of academic engagement. Encouraging the use of Connectionist-deep technique, take an instance of a mathematics class. Students are told to reason or think like mathematicians. It is an approach which creates a relation prospects to the learners and the topic. The learner is able to comprehend the topic being taught since there is a close connection created. The assessment scheme in appendix 1, explores a number of fields which will aid the learners to commemorate on the various aspects they were taught in class. However, it lacks a platform that will offer an interaction between the learner and the teacher, the inclusion of that section will ensure that the students value a teacher’s role in the whole exercise. For example, there is no part of the question which calls for the opinions of the learners, this can be framed with such clauses as do you think......and what is your take on........( Duckworth et al, 2012). Conclusion It is apparent that assessment is a very important tool in the school curriculum. An education system without assessment is like a truck driving in darkness without headlines. Students, parents, teachers and education institutions need to know where they are going. Direction of performance is depicted by the assessment criteria adopted by the school. Often time’s students will need to be promoted to higher levels and without assessment it will never be possible. Essentially assessment is a reference point for a given project. Working on performance and improving motivation impact on assessment. Typically assessment is a source of inspiration to all the participants. Teachers and the entire school will be graded on assessment concepts. This means that the federal government ensures that there is a sovereign body responsible for ensuring that there is a common point of gauging all the schools or learning institutions to have a merit system. As explained above, a teacher has to ensure that inclusivity is ingrained in lessons. A lesson ought to cover the needs of the entire class and not partial relationship. References Armitage, A., Evershed, J., Hayes, D., Hudson, A., Kent, J., Lawes, S., Poma, S. and Renwick, M. (2012) Teaching and Training in Lifelong Learning. Maidenhead: OU Press. Chapter 6:pp. 160-186 Cox, A. and Harper, H. (2000) Planning Teaching and Assessing- A reader. London: Greenwich University Press. pp. 73-78 Cowley, S. (2001) Getting the buggers to behave. London: Continuum. Crawley, J. (2010) In at the Deep End: A Survival Guide for Teachers in Post Compulsory Education. London: Routledge.  Delaney, M. (2009) Teaching the unteachable. Practical ideas to give teachers hope and help When behaviour management strategies fail. London: Worth publishing.  Duckworth, V., Flanagan, K., McCormack, K. and Tummons, J. (2012) Understanding Behaviour 14 plus. London: Open University Press.  Ecclestone, K. (2003) Understanding Assessment and Qualifications in Post-Compulsory Education. Leicester: NIACE. pp. 13-37 Gravells, A. (2009) Principles and practice of assessment in the LLL sector. Exeter: Learning Matters. pp. 27-57 Tummons, J. (2007) Assessing Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector. 2nd edn. Exeter: Learning Matters. pp. 112-118 Appendix 1 Abuse and Symptoms Bullying Portfolio building Interview workshop Short and long term ILP -Identify and relate to policies and procedures within NEWTEC - Identify types of abuse and Symptoms -Define bully and name some forms -Set up and organise portfolio -List do’s and don’ts for an interview -Conduct self in an interview Identify personal short and long term goals Whole group discussion -Q&A -Peer activity(matching cards) -discussion -Q&A  -Whole group discussion -Individual activity -Complete paper work for section one of portfolio -Discussion -Q&A -Role play -Whole group discussion -Q&A -Tutorials T- discuss, read aloud, ask and answer questions Ls- discuss, listen, ask questions T- discuss, explain, give feedback, ask and answer questions, monitor Ls- discuss, give feedback, complete matching activity, ask questions, look, listen, read and extract information T- discuss, monitor, give feedback, ask and answer questions Ls- define bully and write forms on white board, discuss, ask questions T- discuss, ask and answer questions, explain, give one to one assistant Ls- Complete paper work, arrange portfolio, Discuss, ask question T- observe, monitor, decide on bad or good interview, give feedback, discuss, explain Ls- do mock interview, ask and answer questions, discuss T- one to one, make suggestions and give advice, explain, discuss, ask and answer questions Ls- discuss, ask and answer questions, sign ILP’S, think of goals -Essential learner guide -PPT presentation -Slides -White boards -Flip chart -Pens -Markers -Cards -Arch lever folder -CACHE standards ILP’S IAG -Improve communication and language skills. -Maths Differentiation: LSA will scribe text along with response for one learner. Tutor and LS will assist with speaking and listening. Tutor will read where necessary. Tutor will assist learners with identifying goals. Learners may record session if needed. Read More
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