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Understanding Accountability of NCLB NCLB (2001) is a landmark of inclusive primary and secondary education, and involves school accountability inthis regard.2) NCLB enabled countries to judge schools by student outcomes; and, provided accountability through parental choice, stronger teacher qualifications, and research-based practices (Stecher, Vernez & Steinberg, 2013). 3) NCLB instructs states to develop such plans for assessment and accountability that make sure that all students with disabilities will be included in assessments and in accountability determinations.4) NCLB has succeeded in founding a countrywide school and teacher accountability infrastructure, which deals with student outcomes and highlights the importance of improving the lowest-performing schools and students.5) 52 different accountability systems have been established.6) Accountability plans have also been laid for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.7) Each of these accountability systems have: a) different academic standardsb) different student proficiency levelsc) different teacher requirements8) Although the number of students benefitting from NCLB’s option for school choice and for other educational services has increased, yet the participation rates of students eligible for these options is low, either because of administrative errors or parental choice.9) To increase student participation, states are required to propose a system of sanctions and rewards for all public schools on Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).10) If a school does not meet AYP goals for two years, it must provide supplemental services to disadvantaged students.11) If a school fails to show improvement in many years, it will be accountable and will have to make changes like changing staff.
ReferencesStecher, B.M., Vernez, G., & Steinberg, P. (2013). Accountability for NCLB: a report card for the No Child Left Behind Act. RAND Corporation. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from
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