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Analysis of the Inspiration Software No. Grade Content Area How Would You Use This Activity for Teaching or Learning Very Good (9/10) Plots and GraphsStudying the various graphics students would be able to interpret the information and come to conclusions on the same. Hence the process of collecting, analyzing and displaying data would be making greater sense for the student. Here the student would be given a data set and would be asked to use one of the graphical tools such as Venn diagrams, bar charts, pie chart, graphs, etc, to represent the data.
Based on the nature of the data the student would use a specific tool. This demonstrates a greater understanding of the type of data and the best way it can be represented2Satisfactory (6/10)WebbingCould be used as a tool to initiate writing or begin a brainstorming so that the facts and ideas can be structured. The outcome of such an exercise would be more comprehensiveStudents can be given one particular topic to brainstorm on a group. They would be given one topic such as comparing and contrasting travel by air and travel by car.
Air travel would come on one side and car travel on the other. In the centre would be the common benefits of both. On the extreme sides would the dissimilar characters of each. 3Good (7/10)Concept mappingThis provides a relationship between various ideas and concepts. Each concept or idea can be linked or interrelated to each other through lines. Students can be taught or evaluated using a concept map, and the teacher would be able to assess whether the student has understood the intricacies of a topic.
A student could be given a drawn concept map and the student would have to place each concept under the respective heading and link them up together so that they make a logical sense.4Good (7/10)Visual learningThis is a process by which the student can associate various ideas and link various concepts to prior knowledge. Educational theory and cognitive psychology strong prescribe visual learning for teaching students of various age groupsDuring a classroom presentation for a presentation in global warming, the various effects of global warming can be placed as individual icons and all the subsequent effect of each of these effects can be further linked.
For example a student, can study the link between global warming and how it causes a rise in volcanoes and earthquakes.5Good (8/10)Outlining tasksIt can be used to outline a work and break the topic into headings, subheadings and generating a report. In this way the thinking process of the student can be framed, and the student can be more structured and organized and presenting an analysis or information Before students conduct a critical analysis on any topic, they have to plan how the topic should be written.
This could also be useful during an evaluation or exam, where the student does not have time to write a lot but has to plan how to outline the topic into a hierarchy of headings and subheadings. Before any assignment is given to each student in a classroom, the student could be asked to use this tool and come out with an outline as a prewriting exercise during instruction in the class. More Information:
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