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Global Education Workshop - Essay Example

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The author of the essay "Global Education Workshop" touches upon the idea of the educational workshop. Reportedly, the global education workshop would help the learners to develop a better understanding of how the education can be conducted throughout the globe…
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Global Education Workshop
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Audience of the Project: The main audience of this project would be the educators, the school leaders and the community members who need to be educated about the importance of global education in the area. And the secondary audience of the global education workshop would be the school children who would be given the briefing about the importance of global education in their school environment to become a responsible global citizen. Global Education Model for Workshop: The model for global education workshop would be based on developing the understanding of values, attitudes, skills and knowledge within the group of educators, teachers, school leaders and the community members on how they can be a responsible citizens and how they can develop their own understanding about the developmental, political, humanitarian and societal issues in addressing the problems of their communities.

The workshop would long for 9 hours for just a day. The workshop should work on the following guidelines: 1- Clarification of the goals and objectives such as what kind of message is centered for the audience at the end of the workshop? What are the major goals behind conducting the workshop? The strategy and the action plan according to which it is being organized. 2- Involvement of the primary audience and the partnering organization. It is important to target audience from different communities and cultural backgrounds and each one should be assigned with a specific task according to their role.

It is equally important to understand that how each one of them fulfills the assigned role and responsibility. 3- Action Plan includes that how the organizers can develop relationship between the content and the audience to increase their involvement according to their. The model for global education workshop would be based on developing the understanding of values, attitudes, skills and knowledge within the group of educators, teachers, school leaders and the community members on how they can be a responsible citizens and how they can develop their own understanding about the developmental, political, humanitarian and societal issues in addressing the problems of their communities.

The workshop would long for 9 hours for just a day. The workshop should work on the following guidelines:The model for global education workshop would be based on developing the understanding of values, attitudes, skills and knowledge within the group of educators, teachers, school leaders and the community members on how they can be a responsible citizens and how they can develop their own understanding about the developmental, political, humanitarian and societal issues in addressing the problems of their communities.

The workshop would long for 9 hours for just a day. The workshop should work on the following guidelines:1- Clarification of the goals and objectives such as what kind of message is centered for the audience at the end of the workshop? What are the major goals behind conducting the workshop? The strategy and the action plan according to which it is being organized.2- Involvement of the primary audience and the partnering organization. It is important to target audience from different communities and cultural backgrounds and each one should be assigned with a specific task according to their role.

It is equally important to understand that how each one of them fulfills the assigned role and responsibility.3- Action Plan includes that how the organizers can develop the relationship between the content and the audience to increase their involvement according to their environment and location.4- Timing, budget, and human resources also play an important role in structuring the model for global education workshop.5- Develop an activity outcome chart for each action taught to the participants. 

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