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Writing Better, Doing Better A in grammar and writing fundamentals provided me with the appropriate skills and competencies to express my thoughts in a clearer, more organized manner in school, in work, and even in my daily life activities. The most tangible effects that I’ve seen that I can attribute to my writing class are probably found in the improvements in the writing activities that I undertake in my other classes. My writing assignments now contain fewer errors in grammar and style because I am now more conscious of having my verb agree with my subject, doing away with dangling modifiers, and committing similar errors that I commonly made prior to this class.
In fact, I am able to correct myself almost immediately when I do tend to make such mistakes. Because of this, I started getting better grades in my other classes. The other place where I have seen the effects of my writing class is at my career as an active duty military in the US Air Force. At work, we are constantly required to write letters directed to our superiors and subordinates. I have found myself improving in these tasks tremendously. Rarely do I now have to rely on my computer’s spelling and grammar checking capabilities because I am able to check my work by myself.
Truly, I have greatly benefited from my grammar and writing fundamentals class because it has made writing a much more pleasant experience for me and has made my writing outputs better understood and appreciated by my reader.
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