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Historical Factors Leading to the Consolidation of the Ready to Wear Clothes - Essay Example

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The paper "Historical Factors Leading to the Consolidation of the Ready to Wear Clothes" describes that the ready to wear clothes were consolidated, because of the emergence of technological innovations. One important technological innovation is the development of the sewing machine…
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Historical Factors Leading to the Consolidation of the Ready to Wear Clothes
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Introduction: This paper explores the historical factors that led to the consolidation of the ready to wear clothing inthe 19th and 20th century. Ready to wear clothing, refers to clothing materials or accessories that are manufactured in standard sizes, to fit any person. These clothing substances are made in such a manner that there is no need of altering them, once bought. This is because they fit and satisfy the various needs of the people who have bought them. The ready to wear clothes have become popular in the 18th century, to the 21st century (Joselit, 2001). This is because of the time frame required to access and use them. Furthermore, these clothing substances normally come in different fashions, and hence it is possible to find a clothing substance or accessory that reflects the popular culture. On most occasions, the designers of ready to wear clothes normally conduct a market research on a fashionable cloth, and hence they design and make the clothes under consideration. This is through large scale production. Clothing designers such as Gucci, Giorgio Armani, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren are some famous designers responsible for producing ready to wear clothes (Joselit, 2001). To understand its consolidation in the 19th and 20tyh century, it is necessary to analyze the historical factors that made it possible. This paper is divided into sections, and the first section is the introduction. This section introduces the purpose of the paper, and it contains the main argument contained in this paper. The second part of this paper deeply analyzes the concept of ready to wear. It achieves this objective by defining the fashion industry, and linking it up, with the concept of the ready to wear (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). The third section of this paper, traces the historical evolution of the ready to wear clothes, that have resulted to its consolidation in the 19th and 20th century.. This section also analyzes this factors which have been identified. The last section contains the conclusion, and it is a summary of the major points contained in this paper. This conclusion also contains a projection of the future of the ready to wear clothes. This paper takes a stand, that to effectively understand the consolidation of the ready to wear clothing, there is a need of analyzing historical factors that made it possible, during the 19th and the 20th century (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). The Concept of Ready to Wear: Fashion is a popular practice or style, specifically in the footwear clothing, body piercing, and make-up industries. This means that people, who are found in this industry, are engaged in carrying out activities that are popular and acceptable by majority of people in the industry under consideration (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). Fashionable clothing for instance, is the one which is worned by many people, in the country, or the world. Such kinds of fashionable clothing are normally are normally made popular by the mass media, which is used to depict it as stylish, and more acceptable. Based on this fact, the media plays a substantial role in ensuring that a fashionable clothing, footwear, or accessories are accepted by the market (Joselit, 2001). Fashion is a distinctive concept, and on most occasions, it is always used to depict another person’s style of dressing. Furthermore, it is a prevailing style in new creations, from the designers of the textile industry. This means that the designers found in the textile industry, play a great role in determining what fashionable clothing or accessory is. This is through their creativity and innovation. However, it is important to explain that if people refuse to embrace the innovations and creativities under consideration, then the products under consideration will not be fashionable (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). This therefore means that a fashionable clothing or textile substance must gain the acceptance of people. English (2013) explains that fashion has been inaccurately linked to fancy clothing, or masquerade wear. This is just an aspect of fashion, and this is because it can also be attributed to a movement, or popular activities in the clothing industry. Take for example the emergence of ready to wear clothes. This is a movement that involved the wearing of clothes, which have been manufactured by companies, and they are ready for use (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). The term ready to wear is normally abbreviated as RTW, and it is used to refer to the type of clothes made by factories, and they are sold in a finished condition. Bateman (2009) explains that the concept of Ready to Wear is a movement, and this is because the clothes under consideration may come in different styles, and fashions that are acceptable to the people, or consumers. English (2013) believes that this was a fashionable movement that emerged in the 18th century, and it was so popular, that it managed to greatly reduce the demands for the made to measure clothes, which were made to tailor or serve the frame of a particular person. This means that the made to measure clothes are made after measuring an individual, and ascertaining his or her size, for purposes of coming up with measurements aimed at producing the clothes under consideration (English, 2013). This style of clothing was popular in the 17th century, where people were able to use tailors who had the skills to measure and sew the type of clothes that they wanted. Off-the-peg clothing is also a term used to refer to accessories, such as handbags, which are ready made, and tailored to use without any alteration. Andre (2004) believes that the concept of ready to wear has a different connotation or meaning in the sphere of the fashion and classic clothing industry (Joselit, 2001). Under the fashion industry, designers are able to produce ready-to wear clothes, which are intended for purposes of being worn, without carrying out any significant alteration. This is because clothes are made to a standardized size, and they are able to fit majority of people. Furthermore, the designers responsible for producing these types of clothing normally use factory equipments, a standard pattern, and efficient and quick construction techniques, for purposes of keeping costs to the minimum (Joselit, 2001). This is in comparison to clothing substances that is made through measure to wear. These clothes normally take a considerable amount of time, and this is mainly because there is little use of technology, for purposes of making these clothes. Some designers and fashionable houses normally produce mass clothing, which are manufactured en-mass, for industrial purposes. Other clothing houses normally offer garments, which are unique, but limited in number. This is an indication that clothes manufactured through the ready to wear concepts, must not be popular, but their aim and intention is to serve a particular need. It is based on this concept that Andre (2004) explains that ready to wear clothes can either be fashionable clothing, or a clothing substance that is not fashionable. Historical Factors Leading to the Consolidation of the Ready to Wear Clothes: Because people have the capability of creating and manufacturing clothes in large quantities, and measuring them and communicating them through written standards and symbols, it is therefore possible to produce these clothes through a simple and single production line. This is the major reason why designers such as Gucci, Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein have been successful in the production of ready to wear clothes, and selling them en mass (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). A designer such as Gucci manages to design and sale his clothes under the Gucci production line. The concept ready to wear is normally used for purposes of describing the fashion industry in the European and American markets. These two markets were characterized by the mass production of clothes, and this is an important element of the ready to wear clothes. This is because these clothes were produced in large quantities, and shipped to various destinations all over the world. Furthermore, it was possible to advance the production of ready to wear clothes because of the emergence of industrialization, and the invention of machines, which could make it possible for designers to produce and manufacture high quality clothes within a short period of time (English, 2013). The European and American markets, and the invention of machines, played a great role in the consolidation of the ready to wear clothes. Furthermore, it is important to understand that without an access to market, it is difficult and impossible for any product to succeed. Based on this fact, the European and American market, in the 19th and 20th century made it possible for an increase in the manufacture and production of ready to wear clothes. The use of technology, in the manufacture of clothes was first used in 1812 (Joselit, 2001). This was in a war fought between the United States and the United Kingdom. There was a great demand for military uniforms during this war, and the made to measure clothes was not sufficient enough to help in meeting these demands. Due to an increase in technological innovations, the United States army was able to manufacture and produce mass military uniforms. Soon after this war, ready to wear garments became very popular, and it is men who began to use them. Furthermore, the quality of these clothes was very high, that women were attracted to them, and they began using them (Frank, and Zeckhaus2007). This demand in readymade clothes, made its mass production possible. In the 19th century, the ready to wear garments, targeting women was not available, up until the 20th century. This means that during the 19th century, it is only men who had an access to the ready to wear clothes. Women therefore had to alter their previous clothes, for purposes of staying up to date, with the current trend that was shaping the fashion industry. This therefore means that the ready to wear clothes, was a fashionable trend that was gaining momentum during the 19th century. Women belonging to high social groups, were able to purchase a tailored clothing, which were designed to reflect the fashion trends of the 19th century. On the other hand, women who did not have a high income, were forced to adjust their clothes, for purposes of fitting to the fashion trends, that were depicted during this period of time (Frank, and Zeckhaus2007). Such adjustments included the shortening of skirts, addition of collars, and cinching the waists of the shirts. This is a very important historical event that played a great role in the consolidation of the ready to wear clothes during the 19th and the 20th century. This is because designers were able to note that the ready to wear design were becoming popular amongst women, and hence, they began to design and produce ready to wear clothing substances that would meet such kind of demands. It is important to understand that without the demand of the ready to wear clothes, it could have become impossible for the designers to make them (English, 2013). It is this demand that led to the mass production of the ready to wear clothes in the 20th century. The widespread production and manufacture of the ready to wear clothes reflects a variety of factors that includes economic disparity, an increase in media attention, and the desire to have an independent fashion industry (Frank, and Zeckhaus2007). In the early 20th century, America was able to face a number of fiscal problems and depressions. The demand for fashionable and affordable women clothing was able to make designers and departmental stores to manufacture these clothing substances in bulk. Furthermore, these manufacturers were able to produce and manufacture female clothes that were affordable to every people, irrespective of their class, and social standing within the society. It is therefore prudent to denote that women played a great role in accelerating the consolidation of the ready to wear clothes. Without their demands, it could have been difficult to manufacture these products in bulk. Furthermore, United States designers such as Chanel came up with innovative types of female dresses, such as the shift dress. This type of a dress was very popular amongst women that they were able to produce them in bulk, and sale them faster and quicker. This made other designers such as sears, to develop their own innovative clothing, and the manner which they could sale them. To gain a competitive advantage, Sears was able to develop the mail order catalogue (English, 2013). This made it easier and faster, for women to purchase their clothes, and at an affordable and cheap price. Furthermore, the development of the United States ready to wear industry which was different from the European style played a role in the consolidation of the industry. The United States fashion market was able to turn away from the Parisian fashion style, this is in favor of an apparel industry which is highly individualized. This type of industry was able to be promoted through the media advertisements. The media used were the television, and the radio stations, which were very popular during this period in time. Furthermore, players in the fashion industry were able to promote their designs and products through magazines such as Ladies Home Journal, Harper’s Bazaar, and Women’s Wear Daily. These magazines played an important role in promoting the development and consolidation of the ready to wear clothes and garments. This is because they acted as a source whereby designers could market their products, to the target market. Most designers and manufacturers were making garments that were targeting women, and on this basis, they had to use such kind of magazines, for purposes advertising their products. Furthermore, the editors of these magazines were able to influence on what fashionable clothing was (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). This is because most women were able to trust their opinions, regarding the quality and type of designs that are new within the industry. It is important to understand that in the 20th century, the media was also greatly used for purposes of consolidating the ready to wear clothing and apparels. The emergence of media organizations such as CNN, and BBC was used for purposes of promoting the use of these garments and products. It is therefore important to denote that without the media, the process of consolidating the ready to wear clothes of garments in the 19th and 20th century could not be possible. This is because the media acted as a source of disseminating information, which was crucial during this process of consolidating the use of the ready to wear clothing. Frank, and Zeckhauser (2007) explains that the ready to wear clothes were a reflection of a modern and fashionable culture, during a period in which the consumer industry was growing, and the American people were having a redefined opinion concerning the mass production of manufactured goods and substances. This means that new technological innovations made it possible for the manufactured products to be produced en mass. Take for example the creation and development of the sewing machines. This machine made it possible for manufacturers to produce clothes and apparels in large scale. The emergence of the sewing machines was able to positively, and negatively affect the economies of the world (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). These machines were able to make it possible to make fabrics easy, and it considerably decreased the amount of work that was done for purposes of making the fabrics. This is because initially, clothes were made by the use of hands, which were woven by women. This was time consuming, and it was difficult to produce a single cloth (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). However, the sewing machines made it faster and easier to sew and produce clothes. This is because they were able to reduce the time frame of making a dress or a shirt to approximately, one hour, and fifteen minutes, and the time for making a dress to one hour. This is an indication that the sewing machines played a great role in making the mass production of clothes a reality. This is an important characteristic that is used to depict the evolution and consolidation of the ready to wear clothes. Andre (2004) maintains that without the invention of the sewing machines, it would have been difficult or impossible to wear the nice and beautiful clothes that we see today. Furthermore, sewing machines were able to reduce the prices of products, and also increase their quality, leading to an increased demand. Furthermore, the costs and prices of the more traditional fine clothes, and the ones which were produced en-mass were not different (Taylor and Zhang, 2013). This is because the demands of these traditional fine clothes was low, hence reducing their prices. Based on these factors, it is therefore possible to denote that the industrial revolution, emergence of technological innovations, an increase in the demand of these products by women, the emergence of the mass media played a great role in ensuring that there was the consolidation of the ready to wear clothing during the 19th and 20th century. Conclusion: In conclusion, the ready to wear clothes were consolidated, because of the emergence of technological innovations. One important technological innovation is the development of the sewing machine. This machine made it possible for designers to produce clothing products in bulk, and in a large volume. This is because it was easier to sew cloths, in a faster and more efficient manner. Furthermore, the sewing machine made it possible for a reduction in the prices of clothes, making it possible for everybody to afford purchasing these clothes. This is because it replaced the hand woven clothes which were made by women and children. These clothes normally took a considerable amount of time, and it was difficult to process and manufacture them. Furthermore, the rise in demand of these clothes by women contributed significantly into the consolidation of the ready to wear clothes. Women began using these clothes, because they were cheap, and fashionable. Furthermore, the use of the media to advertise these clothes played a significant role in ensuring that there is an increase in demand, of the clothing products. This is a major issue which led to an increase in their designs, and manufacture. Bibliography: Andre, M. (2004). Ready to wear: An experts guide to choosing and using your wardrobe. New York: Perigee. Top of Form Bottom of Form Bateman, H. (2009). My clothes. New York: Sandy Creek. Top of Form Bottom of Form English, B. (2013). A cultural history of fashion in the 20th and 21st centuries: From catwalk to sidewalk (2nd ed.). London: Bloomsbury. Top of Form Bottom of Form Frank, R., & Zeckhauser, R. (2007). Custom made versus ready to wear treatments: Behavioral propensities in physicians choices. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Top of Form Bottom of Form Joselit, J. (2001). A perfect fit: Clothes, character, and the promise of America. New York: Metropolitan Books. Top of Form Bottom of Form Taylor, C., & Zhang, N. (2013). Ready to wear. New York: Simon Spotlight. Read More
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