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Dim Sum: A Mirror of Hong Kongs Past, Present and Future - Essay Example

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This paper is a brief story about the traditional Cantoneese food - Dim sum, which has reflected the Chineese culture and history for hundred years. The writer will show us examples of spreading this dish around the world…
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 Dim Sum: A Mirror of Hong Kong’s Past, Present and Future Dim sum is the food that has captured the stomachs of millions and acted as an introduction to Chinese cuisine for people in many parts of the world. The passion and emphasis put on food in the Chinese culture, particularly that of the Cantonese people, is integral to the everyday lives of Hong Kong citizens. There is no doubt that a significant marker of change and growth of lifestyle for the Hong Kong locals lies in the transformation of dim sum throughout the course of history. In a variety of ways, the evolution of dim sum is symbolic for the progression that Hong Kong had undergone to become what it is today. The phrase dim sum in Cantonese literally means ‘touch your heart’ according to the Hong Kong tourism board website.1 It actually refers to a wide range of snack-sized dishes that are enjoyed for brunch or lunch. The origins of dim sum in Hong Kong was closely tied to the trade that had taken place with the Western world as they were travelling along the silk road.2 Passing through the region, people stopped for tea while dim sum was offered as snacks therefore dim sum became synonymous with yum cha, drinking tea. Since then, the spotlight has shifted from tea to the dim sum which became more and more sophisticated and intricate. As Hong Kong was seized by the British as a colony, dim sum became more diversified to incorporate aspects of western cuisines. The widespread popularity of dim sum is due to its large selection and diverse use of ingredients. For example, Har Gau (Shrimp Dumplings) are the staple items at dim sum places to determine the authenticity of the restaurant however, there are dishes like egg tarts that originated from Portugal and evolved to fit the taste of the locals.3 Commensality for Chinese culture is almost as integral as filial piety. There are dishes that suit everyone’s tastes and price points therefore, people of all backgrounds and classes can share and enjoy the food.4 Therefore, the changes made to dim sum were to adapt to new resources and cuisines and promote a blend of new cultures with the traditional Chinese tastes. This reflects the will of the Hong Kong people and their ability to thrive under a new political system and environment. Though there were augmentations to the traditional dim sum, it wasn’t until the period prior to 1997, the repatriation of the colony to Chinese rule, that Cantonese food and dim sum became truly globalized. Due to the speculation and fear of communist crackdown, there was a mass migration from Hong Kong including some of the finest chefs from Hong Kong restaurants moving to countries like Canada, Britain, and United States.5 Therefore, they brought their skills and determination to a foreign land and spread the art of dim sum throughout the world. The multiple political pressures and unrest that ‘Hongkongers’ had to face also shaped their way of living. It seems that dim sum is a way to express their standards in life even when their survival is being threatened their identity and attitude must be declared to the world. Throughout the creation of dim sum and its evolution, the alterations were all initiated by external situations that Hong Kong needed to deal with. The extended conflict overall involved the clashing cultural and political identities which Hong Kong needed to distinguish itself from. Just as dim sum developed from ancient Chinese tea culture, Hong Kong rose from merely a trading port into one of the most thriving and prosperous financial centres in the world. The spirit of Hong Kong and its citizens is demonstrated along with this dim sum transition. They had to adapt quickly and use their resources to the fullest advantage while experimenting with which parts of their Chinese traditions to hold on to and which of their British colonial identity to adopt. The first website I stumbled upon was from the Hong Kong Tourism Board which should represent what the Hong Kong government want to convey to foreigners and tourists unfamiliar with Hong Kong. The description for dim sum emphases its inclusivity and promotes the Chinese traditional habits of communal eating. Furthermore, an anecdotal fact about dim sum etiquette indicates the importance of the deep-rooted history dim sum and yum cha culture has. This source is surely biased and has clear intentions of promoting an enriched, diverse and cultured city which everyone should visit. However, it is not invalid but merely limited in information and should not be used for academic purposes. The History of Dim Sum by Yauatcha includes a brief but accurate and informative background of its origins and developments. It is unique due to its added perspective from the Executive Head Chef for Hakkasan Group which has several Michelin-starred restaurants for its Cantonese style cuisine. He expressed the balance between innovation and tradition when making dim sum and how dim sum exists differently in Southern China. The takeaway however, is that regardless of how much change dim sum undergoes, its core is rooted in sharing a meal and connecting with people. Though this is a food blog which is not suitable for an academic essay, it does bring interesting perspective from people who appreciate the culinary arts. The South China Morning Post article made comparisons between Hong Kong cuisine and its British influence. The creation of fusion food by integrating British ideas with Chinese ingredients was metaphorical for the fundamental values, traditions and beliefs of the Hong Kong people and how British governance created a fusion of cultures. However, this article is not scholarly but rather more of an introduction on British influence of dim sum, along with restaurant recommendations. It would not be appropriate for an academic paper. However, it does include interviews with local foodies and experts which validates its reliability regarding dim sum. The Scandinavian Traveler blog is one that caught my attention because it is not written by a local Hong Kong resident but rather a visitor who is viewing Hong Kong from a tourist angle. Describing dim sum as quintessentially Hong Kong because of its social aspect was a new viewpoint. This suggests that Hong Kong society is fundamentally social oriented and dim sum is how they uphold this value. Furthermore, dim sum ranges in price and caters to all people groups regardless of age and class. This non-discriminatory nature exists in other aspects of Hong Kong as well, when understanding that it is a place full of opportunity and hosts a variety of immigrants seeking belonging. Although this blog was not extremely informative, it provided insight from a needed standpoint but is also not suitable for academic essays. The Globe and Mail article is the most detailed and credible source I found. The author is describing the dim sum adventures he embarked on in Hong Kong and what they represent to him about the city. I discovered that dim sum in Hong Kong for those who enjoy food is an art that has been polished and redefined over its lifetime. It has become tantamount to Hong Kong culture and identity and allows the city to differentiate from other Chinese cities while being fundamentally Chinese. Having experienced the drastic transformations that Hong Kong has, the city and its people are defined by their reaction to change. Dim sum was along for the ride and exists as proof that the efforts have not gone unnoticed. Regardless of the forces dim sum has been influenced by, it exists in Hong Kong as a unique part of the local culture. The cohesion and bonds formed through eating dim sum are creating the ever-growing Hong Kong identity as we speak. Bibliography Read More
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