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The Story Lost in the Dreams - Essay Example

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The paper "The Story Lost in the Dreams" describes that although her eyes were closed, Kayleigh was awake, lost in her own private thoughts.  She often drifted away, retreating deep into herself, only re-joining the world of the living, the conscious when ready…
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The Story Lost in the Dreams
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Sarah Lall Writing - LOST Short Story Draft Although her eyes were closed, Kayleigh was awake, lost in her own private thoughts. She often driftedaway, retreating deep into herself, only re-joining the world of the living, the conscious when ready. Connor peered up from his book ever so often, knowing that whatever he had to say to her would just have to wait. She was beyond his reach at the moment. Connor found himself wondering, as he had so many times before, what was passing through Kayleigh's mid at the moment, what she was thinking about. He never knew, could never guess. Did he want to know, did he really want to know The question forced itself, unbidden, into Connor's thoughts. No, he wasn't at all sure that he wanted to. He did not know the real Kayleigh. He only knew her as the bronzed, breathtakingly beautiful, soft-spoken woman she chose to project to the world. She intrigued him. He wanted to uncover the mystery behind the woman he had married and, indeed, a few thousand dollars and a good private investigator would do. Something held him back, though. Connor shook his head, shook out the thoughts which threatened to cast a pall on his mood. On the starboard side, Brett pulled out a chilled bottle of Moet, only the best for the rich and beautiful, and began to fill four glasses up to the brim. Caroline was busy admiring the 4-karat diamond on her freshly manicured ring finger when Brett passed her a glass. The couples were heading towards their first vacation on the Voss Islands (the most talked about getaway spot at their club) Connor and Kaleigh, living together for 9 months, were intrigued when newlyweds Brett and Caroline moved into the new mansion next door. They never really had 'friends' within the gated community, just a few acquaintances, tennis partners, business partners, but not actual friends. It took only about a week until Kaleigh met Brett in health center one morning, and a few hours until they four of them were on Connor's terrace having cocktails and cucumber sandwiches. Fast forward through a few galas, banquets and club outings and we find our couples on Connor and Kaleigh's sailboat, heading for the remote Voss Islands. "Hey Brett, give me a hand with this anchor will ya" asked Connor. "Sure thing buddy" replied Brett. Linus was watching the 12 monitors at his station eagerly as he begged his sponsors off the island for some more funding. Back on the beach, Kate was busy contemplating who she loves more, hero Jack, or bad boy Sawyer. Growing angry, Linus sent one of him men to capture Jack as he headed into the forest. Kate's expression would soon grow graver. Night had fallen on the beach and Linus' henchmen hid behind large bamboo leaves waiting to hear Jack's footsteps draw nearer, waiting for Jack to come within their range. The tension was building and, inexplicably, Jack began to feel slight fear enter his mind "Honey, let's go, pack up your stuff, we're here!" yelled Connor. "Yes, dear," said Kaleigh in a monotone voice. She took off her headphones and closed her portable DVD player. "Wow Kaleigh, you really weren't kidding about this place, it's EXQUISITE! exclaimed Caroline. "Isn't it" said Kaleigh. Brett jumped off first, and reached out for Caroline's hand as she stepped down from the boat in her white sundress and straw hat. "Babe, I love it, it's going to be great," she whispered to Brett. Kaleigh was next. She held Brett's hand as he gazed into her brown eyes. For a moment, Brett felt as if he was drowning in those eyes, entrapped by her gaze. Kaleigh smiled, knowingly, and broke the gaze, freeing Brett. "Connor, I'm going to go show Caroline the spa, won't you check us in and get the keys" asked Kaleigh. "Definitely hun..."Connor said and he and Brett watched their wives walk down the beach. "Is she something, or is she SOMETHING!" said Connor with a smirk of satisfaction on his face. "Yeah she's gorgeous Con," replied Brett. "Oh don't get me wrong Brett, Caroline's a looker too, but there's just something about Kaleigh, you can get lost in those brown eyes of hers." As the men began to walk up to the lobby, a woman in a black dress began waving at them. "Ah man, I'll be right back B", said Connor. Brett watched Connor run up the marble steps of the La Casa Bella resort. He took the strange woman in his arms, hugging her, not as would one a long-lost friend but, a much missed lover. Brett looked away, uncomfortable, wishing that he had not been privy to this scene. Brett headed on to the concierge to pick up the keys when he spotted Kaleigh gliding towards him from the poolside entrance. "Hey Brett, did Connor get the keys yet" "Uh, oh no not yet, we're still waiting on them" replied Brett nervously. "What's wrong, you seem so tense Brett, don't worry this vacation is just what you need, where's Con" "Oh, he" Just then Connor rounded the corner and surprised Kaleigh from behind. "Hello beautiful" said Connor and he wrapped his arms around Kaleigh's perfectly sculpted body. Kaleigh's eyes shifted above her sunglasses as she locked gazes with Brett. It wasn't until moments later she turned around and threw herself in Connor's arms. Brett looked back at the concierge until he saw Caroline running from the poolside up to the trio. "Wonderful Connor, this place is simply wonderful!" "Well Kaleigh and I are glad you like it, now why don't we all go unpack and meet at the beach bar around 7" said Connor. "Sounds good," replied Brett. The beach was perfectly lit with a chestnut dance floor placed above the powder-like sands and a live band playing soft music in the distance that seemed in sync with the crash of the waves against the shore. The bar was fully stocked, which definitely pleased Connor. The couples met in the lobby and walked down, hand in hand towards the drinks and dancing. "Oh honey, I love this song, let's dance," asked Kaleigh. "Babe, I just got my drink, a few more daiquiris and maybe some tequila then you can ask me," laughed Connor as he nudged arms with Brett. "ButfineCaroline do you mind if I steal your husband for a dance" asked Kaleigh. "Go for it Kal, I could do with a few daiquiris myself." said Caroline with a smile. "Yeah, now that's my kind of woman, someone who can hold her liquor!" exclaimed Connor "Have a seat!" Kaleigh took Brett's hand and walked onto the dance floor. She held onto his shoulder as she slipped the strap off of her stilettos and threw them aside. Unsure if it was the heat, or his emotions, Brett began to sweat and glanced over at Caroline who was laughing hysterically and a joke Connor had just cracked. Kaleigh's cold fingers touched Brett's face, burning him. She gently drew his face to hers, locked her eyes with his, drawing him closer, mesmerizing and entrancing him. They began dancing and Kaleigh leaned in to whisper something Brett couldn't quite make out. Whatever she said, Brett knew that her voice was so sweet that it was sinful. She drew her hand from his shoulder down to his hand. He felt her delicate fingers interlock with his. He looked down and saw a bright flicker of silver catch his eye. It was his wedding band. "Oh shit!" flashed in his mind a million times over. Just then, he felt two tiny arms wrap around his waist as Kaleigh's grip loosened from his and she was pulled away. Caroline and Connor joined their spouses and continued to dance the night away. Brett refused to look at Kaleigh until after the night was over. The next morning, Kaleigh headed over to Brett's room and knocked on the door. "Morning Brett, is Caroline ready" "Ready...Ready for what" "I'll be right out Kal!" yelled Caroline from the bedroom. Kaleigh walked into the room uninvited and proceeded to tell Brett about the massages she has booked for herself and Caroline. "They really are divine Brett"said Kaleigh as she ran her fingers across Brett's neck. He quickly pushed her hand off and walked away, resisting her, trying to stave off the inevitable. The two women walked across the resort and into the cove. There they took off their wraps and put on robes. Even Caroline couldn't help but envy Kaleigh's body, for it was comparable to that of a goddess. They walked into the candlelit room and laid face down onto two massage tables. As Caroline stared down at her beautiful pink diamond engagement ring through the small cut out hole that her face fit snuggly into to, the masseuse began to slather eucalyptus oil on her back... "Oh Caroline, I forgot to thank you for letting me borrow your husband last night," said Kaleigh with a giggle. "I beg your pardon" questioned Caroline. " You know, for the dance" "Ohhh, that was nothing, don't even mention it!" said Caroline with a hint of relief in her voice. "Really though, Brett's an exquisite dancer, and he's so sweet and gentle, sometimes I wish Connor could treat me the way Brett treats you." "Oh come on, Connor adores you Kaleigh, I see the way he looks at you, and the way he talks about you, you're his angel," said Caroline. "No no, I know that Connor loves me it's just that, don't you ever wish that you could start over sometimes. Start fresh!" said Kaleigh. "You're losing me here Kal. I'm not sure I know what you're taking about" "Start over new, live a different life with a different manmake your own destiny, don't conform to what's expected of you by your friends and your family," said Kaleigh. "Where's this coming from Kal You and Connor look so happy together." "it's not about happiness Caroline, it's about living. Don't you want to live Do what you want at the spur of the moment, and damn it all to hell" As tempting as that sounds, I'm pretty content with my life " "content content! And you're satisfied with that That's not living Caro, that's surviving going through the motions. I don't want to go through the motions; I don't want to just survive, I want to live. Don't you get that" Caroline, who had almost let herself feel Kayleigh's emotions and long for the impossible that she was talking about, mentally shook herself. Snap out of it,' she told herself. Then, out loud, louder than she had intended, "I love Brett and wouldn't trade him for anything in this world " ".Not even Connor" asked Kaleigh "WHAT!" exclaimed Caroline as she lifted her head out of the massage table and glared at Kaleigh's perfect bare back. "Just imagine if we traded husbands for a night, I went with Brett, and you had Connor" Kaleigh lifted her head from the table and fixated her gorgeous eyes on Caroline's distraught face. Her serious demeanor was frightening. "Stop it Kayleigh. Stop it! Just listen to yourself you just offered me your husband doesn't he mean anything to you Well, mine means something and no, I'm not about to exchange him for one night, or one minute!" Later that night, the couples headed back to the beach bar for another round of cocktails and dancingonly Caroline was tightly glued to Brett's arm the entire night as an awkward aura filled the air. Caroline and Brett's world was spinning and the entire night seemed foggy. Perhaps it was the powdered drug that Connor slipped into their drinks during a slow dance. Brett opened his eyes to a whizzing fan above his head. He heard screams and cries coming from downstairs. When he looked to the left he saw Kaleigh's metallic gold bathing suit drying on a chair and Connor's Ralph Lauren duffle sticking out of the closet. He headed downstairs only to catch a glimpse of a blood-soaked white body bag being carried out on a stretcher. Four Caribbean policemen immediately tackled him to the ground and slapped cuffs on his wrists. "You have the right to remain silent." "WHAT DID I DO, NO YOU'VE MADE A MISTAKE!" Brett yelled. As he was being forced out of the cottage, Brett saw Connor and Caroline crying in the corner. "HE DID IT, THAT'S THE MAN! BRETT HOW COULD YOU, I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY WIFE HOW COULD YOU" screamed Connor. Brett ignored the policeman and Connor as he tried to make eye contact with his wife. "Caroline, sweetheart look at me, you know I would never do this to you. You know the type of man that I am, you have to help me." Caroline didn't respond, but her tears spoke for her. She was torn. She had known Brett practically all his life and though he never could have been capable of such an act, she questioned his very identity. She even questioned herself. Caroline knew she was a strong woman, but to let herself become comfortable with someone, especially her husband, must have made her weaker. Could Brett really have deceived her "Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth" asked the Bailiff "I do" replied a woman's faint raspy voice from under a large sunhat. Connor and Kaleigh were dating. That woman in the black dress was actually his wife and the two were about to manipulate an innocent couple for a few mil. Caroline and Brett seemed innocent enough and Kaleigh had a strange fascination with Brett's trusting nature. Her obsession with Lost fueled the entire plan. Connor stocks were plummeting and Kaleigh was about to lose the luxurious life she was accustomed to. Linus' manipulation of the castaways seemed like a full proof plan. She knew deceiving and exploiting others was bad, but nothing compared to losing her lavish life and identity. It didn't take much time for Connor to agree with her plan, since his fascination with her overpowered his marriage vows to another. When Caroline and Brett moved in next door, the perfect opportunity presented itself. The courtroom was packed that day and Brett's lawyer asked to call in a special witness. As the court doors were held open by the bailiff, a tall slender woman with gold-rimmed sunglasses and a tan trench coat entered the room. As she took the stand the judge asked if she would remove her sunglasses. From behind the large oval frames peered those distinct brown eyes that could kill. Kaleigh confessed to counts of insurance fraud, manipulation, and deceit. Her lawyer claimed psychological distress, which lessened the sentence to 20 years in prison. Connor was behind bars for life. She had confessed, just like that. No coercion, no threats she had just confessed. She never really knew why but suspected it was her desire for recognition. She was a manipulator, the manipulator and wanted to be acknowledged. So she just confessed. She stared at the rays of light on the concrete floor that poured in from the rusty iron bars. "1470 time for lunch, you get 10 minutes doll face or starve." For 20 years, Kaleigh never heard her name spoken. She was now reduced to '1470', her inmate number. She sometimes pondered if she could ever be that girl again. If she could be the Kaleigh who lay on that sailboat, not a care in the world, with the ability to manipulate any one that came in her path. Her very own identity was lost in the years. Kaleigh was no longer the brazen temptress with looks that could eradicate and words that could murder. She realized that it wasn't only the money she was after, but the power that she sought. Kaleigh had a devilish smile on her face as she reminisced about the power she had over so many people. She would take 20 more years in jail if she could have had one more night as the manipulator. Soon very soon she had served her time. Read More
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