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The Error Rate and Concentration of the Unknowns - Coursework Example

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This paper 'The Error Rate and Concentration of the Unknowns' tells us that from the graph of peak area vs. concentration, the value of R2 is 0.996 while the value of R2 from the graph of peak height vs. concentration is 0.824. From the graph of peak area vs. concentration, the value of R2 is 0.998…
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The Error Rate and Concentration of the Unknowns
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The error for calculating sample concentration from peak area is 1.9356 and that for the sample concentration from peak height is 1.9232 there is only a very small difference of 0.0124. The magnitude of this error rate difference is insignificant

From graph 2(ethyl-2-acetoxybenzoate)

Error value for calculating the sample concentration using peak area is given by the formula,

Error rate = (standard deviation for peak area/average of peak area) 100 %

Error rate = (754485.1699/71959867)100 %

Error rate for peak area = 1.0485


Error value for calculating the sample concentration using peak height is given by the formula,

Error rate = (standard deviation for peak height /average of peak height) 100 %

Error rate = (58809.76655/6270026)100 %

Error rate for peak area = 0.938

The error for calculating sample concentration from peak area is 1.045 and that for the sample concentration from peak height is 0.938 there is only a very small difference of 0.107. The magnitude of this error rate difference is insignificant.

How to improve methods and result

Carefully rinse the volumetric flask to ensure correct and precise concentration

The sample should be carefully handled to avoid contamination.


The objective of this experiment is met. The concentration of the unknowns was found by interpolation using the graph of the known standards. This method may not be a perfect one but considering the error rate that occurred, it is still an appropriate method of determining the concentration of the unknowns.

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