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Samsung Company - Organisational Career Development - Case Study Example

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The paper "Samsung Company - Organisational Career Development" is a perfect example of a business case study. Samsung Group is a multinational company that majors in the manufacture of electronic components such as chips, flash memories, lithium-ion batteries, hard drives and semi-conductors for clients like Sony, Apple, Nokia and HTC…
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REPORT ON INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT IN STRATEGIC AND NATIONAL CONTEXTS Name: Course: Tutor: University: City and State: Date: Table of Contents 1.0 1ntroduction………………………………………………………………………………3 1.1 Purpose……………………………………………………………………………3 1.2 Background Information…………………………………………………….3 2.0 Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………....5 3.0 Analysis Parts……………………………………………………………………………..5 3.1 Personal Career Development……………………………………………………5 3.1.1 Career Summary………………………………………………….5 3.1.2 Smart Goals……………………………………………………….5 3.1.3 Boundaryless and Protean Career Report………………………6 4.0 Organization Career Management and Development…………………………………..7 5.0 Strategy and Development………………………………………………………………..8 6.0 National Context…………………………………………………..……………………. 10 7.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………….………………………….12 8.0 References…………………………………………………….………………………….13 9.0 Appendix……………………………………………………….………………………...14 Samsung Company Report 1.0Introduction 1.1Purpose The purpose of this report is to ascertain how Samsung Company uses it vision and goal setting strategies to achieve success. 1.2Background Information Samsung Group is a multinational company which majors in the manufacture of electronic components such as chips, flash memories, lithium-ion batteries, hard drives and semi-conductors for clients like Sony, Apple, Nokia and HTC. It is one of the world`s largest manufacturer of smart phones and mobile phones. The company venture in making computers, LCD panels, televisions, Samsungtablets and smart watches. This report presents a description of the company`s roadmap to success and how it continues to undoubtedlydevote to its dealers all around the world. 2.0Executive Summary This paper provides an evaluation and analysis of four sub-parts designed to enable people in achieving the set learning outcomes. They include, the personal career development, organizational career management and development, strategy and development and the National context of the Samsung Company. The findings of the report are that the company focuses on establishing clear vision and objectives in order to achieve its results. It also shows that training and development of employees can be achieved by following company models, which aid in guiding the Company towardthe achievement of its goals. 3.0 Analysis Parts 3.1 Personal Career Development 3.1.1 Career Summary I am currently working as the Human Resource Manager in the Samsung Company. The company is worldly known for its reliable and innovative products and service with its main goal being to take the world in inventive new direction. As a manager in the Human Resource department, I take the overall responsibility for selection, recruitment, appraisal, training and staff development, implementing and understanding welfare and employment legislation. As a dedicated leader to the company, I am willing to work with other leaders and the cooperation at large to ensure the company leads the global market. Before the promotion, I worked as an assistance HR and my roles were; helping the Human Resource Manager in ensuring that the company employs the right personnel in terms of experience and skills, and development and training employees to enhance their performance hence achieving employer`s business aims. Other roles that aided in giving me the skills and experience as the assistance HR were preparing payrolls, maintaining employee records, advising on pay, preparing staff handbooks, promoting diversity and quality and undertaking regular salary reviews.My competency and hard work landed me a promotion of which I became the HR of the company. 3.1.2 Smart goals The Company has its Mission and Vision which helps in defining its goals.The vision reflects on the company`s commitment to inspiring its customers by leveraging three mainstrengths; Creative solutions, new technology and innovative products. It also aims at promoting new values for Samsung`s core networks (partners, employees and the industry). It works to subsidize to animproved world and a comfortable experience for all(Schulman, & Kowadlo, 2005, 56). Samsung has also drawn out specific plans of attaining 400 billion US dollars and becoming one the world`s best brands by the year 2020. As the company continues to build on its previous accomplishment, it still looks forward to discovering new markets like biotechnology, medicine and health. Samsung is also dedicated towards being an inventive frontrunner in new markets(Steve, B. 2013, 82). 3.1.3 Boundary-less and Protean Career report As a human resource manager with a boundaryless career mindset, I am responsible for the success or failure of the organization to a great extent. This means that, if I am not enthusiastic about sustaining and creating an active relationship beyond organizational boundaries then the company will eventually fall or I mightbe on the risk of losing my job (Briscoe, Hall,Rachel, &Demuth, 2006, 31).As the HR of the Samsung Company, I am not only responsible for creating my own career paths but also responding to the changing environment. The boundary less attitudes combines professional commitment, growth and freedom and the achievement of psychological success in pursuit of successful work (Briscoe, P. et al. 2006, 33). After filling the questionnaire, it is clear that value-driven attitudes measure the key beliefs regarding to individuals definition of career success and their emphasis of the key personal values. It is important for a leader to seek opinions from other people as it helps in making precise organizational decisions. The nature of work contraction enables managers to retain the organizational uniquenesswhile adjusting significantly in the way they consolidate their careers and work (Briscoe, P. et al. 2006, 41).In this case the only career that suits me best is being a Human Resource Manager. 4.0 Organizational Career Management and Development Samsung puts into consideration the concepts of Myers-Briggs on employee development. In the approaches to career management and development, the company uses the formal education program approach, which helps in encouraging employees to develop effectively. Formal education takes the form of assessment whereby employees with managerial potential are identified. This process also helps in determining the weaknesses and strengths of existing managers and discovering the overall abilities of team work. This activity also involves exercises such as group discussions, personality and ability tests and addressing of administrative tasks(Myers, B., Kirby, & Myers, D., 2004, 66). Benchmarks are also considered as important tools in assessing managers(Myers, B., etal, 2004, 70). Samsung has continued to use this strategy in rating all managers, assessing their abilities in coordinating their subordinates, creating a friendly work environment and above all finding skills related to managerial success. When carrying out performance appraisal, Samsung Company uses different approaches to assess employees. They are; rating work employees` behaviors and traits, ranking them and measuring the productivity(Quenk, N. 2004, 44). All Human Resource Managers working in the Samsung Company must ensure that there is a 360-degree feedback flow for the team. They should achieve this by gathering evaluations from all employees and customers(Quenk, N. 2004, 44). A 360 degree feedback in the company is achieved through the identification of a development goal, the strategies for attaining it, the process to recognize how to accomplish it and the ability to understand the strengths and weaknesses of all employees. The company has been able to achieve great success through the use of this concept. The company continues to enlarge and have headquarters all over the world. More responsibilities and new challenges are faced each and every day. This makes it easier for employees to learn and grow effectively. The company also considers Briggs idea of job rotation whereby employees are moved to several job projects with one functional area. Samsung employees continue to show a sense of cooperation as they are motivated by leaders through promotions, transfers and downward moves (Quenk, N. 2004, 44).Transfers in this case encompass the reassigning of a different job to an employee or relocating them to other headquarters. Employees are also promoted and given a challenging position with greater authority and responsibility. Downward move on the other hand involves assigning an employee a spot with less authority and responsibility. Although this may demotivate them, it helps in finding the right personnel to aid with the modification(Myers, B., et al. 2004, 72).Other activities carried out in the company to motivate workers include; mentoring and coaching whereby a productive and experienced employee helps in supporting and directing a less experienced subordinate(Myers, B., et al. 2004, 74). Samsung is one the best companies to work with as it has defined goals and clear strategies to help in employee development. Working with the company has given me greater chances to explore and move beyond my comfort zones. My career goals have become stronger and achievable that is why I believe it is the best company to work for. 5.0 Strategy and Development Samsung career management and development is aligned with a strategy which follows a modest philosophy to bestow people`s talent and technology to producing greater products and services that subsidize to a better global society. The strategy of the company is guided by five core values, Excellence, people, Integrity, co-prosperity and Change. An organization strategy is linked between the Samsung’s strategy and their career management and development in that, they both are linked and cannot work without the other. The company ensures that employees are more engaged to ensure that they remain customer-focused,resist temptations to leave and are more productive. The well-defined strategy of the organization helps in establishing an effective career management plan. This has helped in maintaining a positive impact in the organization`s product in the worlds market in order to attract the right employees. It has also helped in propelling employee growth, development and engagement. The company has also succeeded in creating a sustainable culture of career accountability and ownership. The company uses the major models of training function organization which include the corporate university model, customer model, business-embedded model, matrix model, functional model and outsourcing. In the faculty model, the company`s director supervises a staff of professionals with specialized knowledge and skills. This is the reason why Samsung remains one the best companies with employees who are experts in the area they train (Noe, R. 2012, 19). The company also uses the customer model whereby Human Resource Managers carry out the process of hiring, training and performance management(Noe, R. 2012, 21). Although the process is time- consuming, it helps trainers to stay on top of update courses and business needs respectively. Trainers report to the functional area manager and the training department manager. This is to ensure that they are linked with the company`s business needs (matrix model)(Noe, R. 2012, 22). The two mangers are responsible for ensuring that the trainers gain expertise in their respective business function. The corporate University model has aided the company in maintaining a strong relationship among managers, suppliers, external customers and employees. The senior mangers in the organization form a governing body, a vision statement and instills the decision making process on how to fund the University. The organization then identifies the needs of the customers by developing quality products and services. Samsung has prospered in ensuring that Universities and colleges offer a training curriculum, courses and programs under this model(Wentland, D. 2007, 9). Samsung considers outsourcing as one the channels to meeting success. That is why they involve external collaborators to control some of the activities in the organization. This process saves both time and funds and increases the company`s desire to access better training services in future(Wentland, D.2007 12). Samsung is also focused on making the business-embedded model a roadmap to achieving success. In the past, this model has been able to ensure that new product designs and deliveries are availed in time (Wentland, D.2007, 14). The company continues to strategize its use as it helps in providing modified training solutions based on customer needs. This concludes the fact the company has to remain linked to its strategic plan if the training function has to remain effective. Understanding the structure of the company, its strategy and conditions is also very crucial. 6.0 National Context The operation of the Samsung Company in other countries in terms of National Training Framework may differ with Australia as the country regulates its qualification in Australian Education and Training. Australian Qualification Framework is the national policy for regulated qualification in the Australian education and Training system. AQF integrates the requirements from each training and education sector into a solitary comprehensive national qualification framework(ArgüElles, & Gonczi 2005, 55). The training and development of employees in both countries will differ in that; It would be easier for the company to operate in Australia as it has defined objectives which are easy to comply with than to operate in a country whose objectives are indistinct. Adapting to the environment of the other country would be difficult as there are no set principles on how operations should be carried out. (Castejon, J.2011, 104). The Australian Qualification Framework has defined objectives which are quite flexible. These objectives ensure consistency and national recognition as well as a common understanding across the country(Castejon, J.2011, 114). A country that lacks precise objectives is hard to operate from. Samsung may find it challenging in such environment as there are no pathways to formal qualifications due to the presence of educational sector boundaries. Setting a Samsung Company in Australia will be easier as the AQF supports the maintenanceand development of pathways which give access to qualifications and helps people to move readily and easily between different training and education sectors across the country. Training and development will be easier as the company staff can freely move to those educational centers mentoring student on career growth and development(ArgüElles, & Gonczi 2005, 45). Unlike in other countries whereby education systems lack quality assurance arrangement and national regulatory, Australia underpins these strategies. Training and development will also differ between Australia and the other country as the two operate under different National Training Framework. In Australia, training and education is considered to be a shared responsibility of the State and Territory governments. Both training and development are a full time responsibility of the AFQ(ArgüElles, & Gonczi 2005, 57).The NHT of the other country may not support contemporary and relevant qualification outcomes which build the confidence of all trainers and company operators. AFQ guarantees the accommodation of diversity of purposes of Australian Education now and in the future. In this case Samsung will find it flexible to operate in Australia since the future is guaranteed (Castejon, J. 2011, 122) 7.0 Conclusion The report shows that the projections of the company and its current position are very positive. It also shows the major reasons as to why it has been able to become a multinational company. There are however few weaknesses which might require further examination and counteractive action to solve them. 8.0 References: ArgüElles, A., & Gonczi, A. 2005. Competency Based Education and Training: A World Perspective. Mexico: Editorial Limusa. Briscoe, P., Hall T., Rachel L., & Demuth F, 2006. Protean and Boundaryless Careers: An Empirical Exploration. Journal of Vocation Behavior, 69(1):30-47. Castejon, J.-M.,2011. Developing Qualifications Frameworks in Eu Partner Countries Modernizing Education and Training. London: Anthem Press. Myers, B., Kirby, L., & Myers, D., 2004. Introduction to type: a guide to understanding your results on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. California: Consulting Psychologists Press. 86-98 Noe, R. , 2012. Employee Training and Development. Boston: McGraw-Hill Publication. Quenk, N., 2004. Essentials of Myers-Briggs type indicator assessment. New York: Wiley Publication. Schulman, M., & Kowadlo, B., 2005. Working smart. London: South Western Publication. Steve, B., 2013. Learning Employment Readiness Skill: Establishing Smart Goals. New York: St. Marin`s Press. Wentland, D., 2007. Strategic Training: Putting Employees First. New York: HRD Press. 9.0 Appendix Excel questionnaire   Answer key 1 To little or no extent 2 To a limited extent 3 To some extent 4 To a considerable extent Boundaryless and Protean career attitudes scale 5 To a great extent     Instructions: Using the answers in the pink answer keybox, enter the number that best reflects your answer in the blue column next to each question. Note – if you are young and have little or no career – some of these questions will not be applicable. This is NOT a test and there are no right or wrong answers. Question Enter your Answer Here 1 When development opportunities have not been offered (by my company), I’ve sought them out on my own. 5 2. I am responsible for my success or failure in my career. 5 3. Overall, I have a very independent, self-directed career. 5 4. Freedom to choose my career path is one of my important values. 5 5. I am in charge of my own career. 5 6. Ultimately, I depend upon myself to move my career forward. 2 7. Where my career is concerned, I am very much “my own person.” 3 8. In the past I have relied more on myself than others to find work 3 9. I navigate my own career, based on my personal priorities, as opposed to my employer’s priorities. 5 10. It doesn’t matter much to me how other people evaluate the choices I make in my career. 2 11. What’s most important to me is how I feel about my career success, not how other people feel about it. 4 12. I’ll follow my own guidance if my organisation asks me to do something that goes against my values. 4 13. What I think about what is right in my career is more important to me than what my organisation thinks. 4 14. In the past I have sided with my own values when the organisation has asked me to do something I don’t agree with. 3 15 I seek job assignments that allow me to learn something new. 5 16. I would enjoy working on projects with people across many organisations. 5 17. I would enjoy job assignments that require me to work outside the organisation. 4 18. I would like tasks at work that require me to work beyond my own department. 5 19. I would enjoy working with people outside of my organisation. 4 20. I would enjoy jobs that require me to interact with people in many different organisations. 4 21. I have sought opportunities in the past that allow me to work outside the organisation. 5 22. I am energised in new experiences and situations. 5 Reverse your score for items 23-27 and put them in this green column 23. I would like the predictability that comes with working continuously for the same organisation.   5 24. I would feel very lost if I couldn’t work for my current organisation.   3 25. I would prefer to stay in an organisation I am familiar with rather than look for employment elsewhere.   5 26. If my organisation provided lifetime employment, I would never desire to seek work in other organisations.   5 27. In my ideal career I would work for only one organisation.   4 Calculating your score .. Step 1 - for items 23-27 the scoring is reveresed. Take the numbers in the blue column and switch tjhem around and put the new score in the green column. So if your answer is 5 change it to 1, change 4 to 2, 3 stays as 3, change 2 to 4 and change 5 to 1 Your total score 114 How to interpret your results on the scale. The range of possible scores is 27 to 135. Generally speaking, the higher your score the more you tend to have boundaryless career mindset and a Protean career attitude. That is, you assume that your career is totally your responsibility, you look to work beyond the boundaries of any one organisation and want to follow your own path. This approach would stand you in good stead in a more turbulent environment although you may clash with any one organisation where you do not want to do what they want you to do. A lower score suggests a more ‘traditional’ career mindset. This will be good for employers who are seeking loyal and committed employees however in turbulent times (such as downsizing) you may find it hard to adapt if you are required to change organisations. A high or low score is neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’. Rather the point is to look at your ideas and expectations and consider how and when they will be adaptable. The point is also to look at other people’s responses and recognise that career attitudes vary. There are a lot of individual differences, and that is fine. The above scale can be divided into sub-scales as follows: Self-Directed Career Management Scale items 1–8, creating a range from 5 to 40. Higher scores suggest you want to be totally in charge of your career. This reflects the new careers theories. You might be challenged at times when it is not possible to get what you want. Your Self-Directed Career Management score 33 Values-Driven Scale items 9–14 creating a range of 6 to 30. Higher scores suggest you are more passionate about your values and that these will drive your career more than any company’s values. In this case it would be wise to choose an organisation or career path that most closely matches your values, as sometimes you may be faced with having to compromise. Your values driven score 22 Boundaryless Mindset Scale items 15–22 creating a range of 8 to 40. The classic definition of a boundaryless career is one that spans the borders or boundaries of organisations, or is not confined to one organisation. Therefore, if you scored towards the high end of the range for this sub-scale, then you like different experiences and can see value in working across these borders. This sort of mindset should add to your career development because you are focussed on learning and change, which is very adaptable in today’s environment, even if that change is within one organisation. Your Boundaryless Mindset score 37 Organisational Mobility Preference Scale items 23–27 creating a range of 5 to 25. This sub-scale tends to be the opposite of the others in that for highscores it captures a more traditional mindset of preferring to stay in one organisation. This may prove to be a bit unrealistic. Even if you prefer to stay in one place, when organisations downsize you may have no choice but to move on. Your Organisational Mobility Preference score 22 Source: Adapted from: Briscoe, J. P., & Hall, D. T. (2005). Protean and boundaryless career assessment collection. Boston, MA: Unpublished, copyrighted scale collection. In Briscoe JP, Hall DT and Frautschy DeMuth, RL (2006) Protean and boundaryless careers: An empirical observation. Journal of Vocational Behavior 69(1): 30-47 Read More
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