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Class Tasks on Information Systems - Assignment Example

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The paper "Class Tasks on Information Systems" is a good example of a Business assignment. Both augmented and automated information systems could be used to make decisions. For the automated systems, they work. For the automated, the decision is made in four steps. First, the data is gathered from whatever source…
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RUNNING HEAD: ASSIGNMENT TASKS Assignment Tasks Name Subject Date Task 1; Question 1 Question 2 Both augmented and automated information systems could be used to make decisions. For the automated systems they work. For the automated the decision is made in four steps. First the data is gathered from whatever source. This data is usually raw of jumbled up data so through automation the data is synthesized into useful information. The information is then evaluated and properly analyzed automatically. Then finally based on the findings, the system makes a decision. For the augmented system the process is the same only that in this case the movement from one step to the other for example from data collection to data synthesis has to be done manually or has to be practically done as opposed to the automated system which does it automatically. The decision made by the automated system is structured in that it is of detailed, precise, concise and expansive as compared to that of the augmented system which is unstructured and therefore lacks precision and is not concise. Human capital should be a key focus when developing objectives and measures for automation and augmented systems. It is a very important asset in the daily operations of a company and the availability and efficiency of an organization’s human capital is vital in its performance Task 2; Question 1 For the primary value chain activities TTE must accomplish certain tasks. The first task would be data analysis. TTE must apply an automated system to be able to carry out their data analysis. Through data analysis they will be able to transform raw data into useful information which could be used in decision making. Another task that TTE should accomplish for each of the primary value chain activities would be decision making. TTE should be able to make a clear and concise decision on each value chain to ensure each of them is running at its optimum level. Therefore, the decision should be based on the type of value chain. TTE could also improve its performance through three objectives. There are three objectives for improving performance of TTE that is improvement of revenue, increased output and expansion of the organization. This relates with the mission of the organization in that they call for improvement and moving forward of the organization and hence expansion of TTE. It relates to TTE’s vision of a better brighter future whereby they outweigh their competitors in that the objectives are to increase output and quality of their products to win over more customers and clients. These objectives relate to the strategy of TTE in that improvement of revenue, increased output and expansion of the organization will work well in TTE’s strategy of putting peoples need forward and always going for the direct needs of the customers as they will be able to win more clients and hence increased output, improved revenues and ultimately expansion of the company. Question 2 Information systems can be applied with TTE in their activities to be able to assist them have an advantage over their competitors. TTE could apply faster working information systems so that they could produce more and provide better services at the same cost of production. At the same time TTE could automate most of their work in terms of files, storage of data, and data collection and hence making these processes faster and hence saving on miscellaneous costs. TTE could also employ more advanced systems of advertising through internet marketing by using of Google advertisements, paid advertisements, sharing links with other website owners and also telemarketing. For each objective, it is vital to identify at least one new action or program that needs to be developed to ensure successful implementation of the organization's strategy. For the application of information technology by TTE there will be adoption of a new book keeping and efficient system and also employment of more qualified personnel in the finance department to carryout and implement these actions. For the objective of increased output there would be adoption of new technology for the production process while for the expansion I would make management changes in all departments in order to improve performance in individual departments. Task 3 Task 3a Task 3b Task 4 Question 1 As a small enterprise owner I choose to research on a customer relationship customer application. My enterprise that mostly deals with buying of vehicle spare parts would like to expand its customer base by allowing us to communicate to customers better and also to have feedback, comments or any enquiries from them directly and as fast as possible. A good customer relationship application would go a long way in assisting my organization achieve this. The customer relationship application I found is called Automated Customer Care. It is a java application and is manufactured by IBM. The application has an automated voice responder depending on the key words used by the enquirer. The application costs $5,000. The major advantages of this software are that it is cheap compares to other application; it is easy to use and requires minimum maintenance or supervisory cost. However, the major disadvantage is that it is more prone to hacking and malware than other similar applications. Quality is another management goal whereby these measures would improve the quality of services that is offered to clients. Employees could gain access to any client records or history files as fast as possible and from anywhere in the world and be able to give instructions on the appropriate methods to be applied in dealing with a case of a client in time. Another management goal that of revenue whereby through adoption of this new measures would completely transform the institution into a paper free environment which would create a lot of space that was used to store many paper records and files of history of clients. This space could now be used for other revenue generating purposes like creation of more offices. (Niven, 2010). Question 2 For Eastern Duck Restaurant an automated system could be used to improve their in-house customer orders delivery through the introduction of a common touch screen or keyboard input screen with all the orders displayed. The customers could go to the screen at their convenience and key in the orders they want. This screen should be directly connected to the kitchen or order office and the information conveyed to the waiters who then bring in the orders. This would go a long way in saving time and reducing operational costs through better services. Firstly these measures would facilitate the management goal of improvement whereby these measures would improve the financial climate of the corporation in a wide array of ways (Gray 2004). In adoption and subsequent application of these measures there would be a considerable decline in the amount spent in the recording made by doctors regarding their patients and other things in form of dictate notes (Gumbus 2003). In addition it would also greatly relieve the accounting department of the operating cost incurred for updating, keying in and generally preserving and keeping up to date charts for the thousands of clients. It is therefore a surprise that the major hurdle that was experienced by the corporation for not putting into operation these measures was insufficient finances. Task 5 Question 1 NBD could use social networking to further implement its competitive strategy in various ways. It could social networking to reach to more customers whereby by creating a fan page and making more posts on this fan page it could attract customers who could share links with their friends and hence creating a viral effect that would bring in more clients. This would give NBD a competitive advantage over its competitors. It could also use social networking to advertise its different range of products and creating a direct link to these products that a customer could follow through a social network. NBD could also use social networking to gain a competitive advantage by creating a group in a social network such as Facebook about the quality of their products and services. These groups could attract more clients in. Question 2 NBD could use mash ups to further implement its competitive strategy by putting up links of its website to other related websites or websites in the same line of business and in exchange putting their links on its website. NBD could also put up paid ad words by google in order to get more traffic to its website. NBD could further use mash-ups to implement its competitive strategy by putting up paid banners of its sites to other related sites that would attract customers. Question 3 Considering question one, the best way NBD could implement its competitive strategy by using social networking would be through creating a fan page and making more posts on this fan page it could attract customers who could share links with their friends and hence creating a viral effect that would bring in more clients. The reason for this choice is due to the fact that fan pages attract very many visitors as compared to any other style of social networking advertising. Considering question two, the best way NBD could implement its competitive strategy by using mash-ups would be through paid ad words by Google in order to get more traffic to its website. My choice of this method is that it is cheap therefore NBD would save on cost and it is effective as the traffic from Google is very huge and hence this traffic could be directed to NBD’S site. Question 4 If I owned NBD I would implement the ideas in question one and two. This is because through this internet marketing methods that is social networking advertising and mash-ups I could direct a lot traffic to my website and hopefully convert this traffic into sales. References Gumbus, A. & Johnson, S.D. (2003, July). “Information Technology and business” Strategic Finance 85 (1)36-42 Retrieved May 17, 2010, Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (2004) “Measuring the strategic readiness of Information Technology Business” Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://www.cma Management%20Accounting/MeasuringTheStrategicReadinessofIntangibleAssets.pdf Niven, P. (N.D.) (2010). “Internet Marketing perspectives.” EPM Review Retrieved May 17, 2010, from Gray, D. (2004). “Getting the Measure of Intangible Assets” Insight 2004 Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from rde/xchg/SID0A82C28998FE483F/live/root.xsl/6383_6630 html Sharma, P. (N.D.). (2010). “Social Network Marketing and Mash-ups” Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://www. /doc/5032774/Balanced-Scorecardlearning-and-growth Read More
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