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The Effect of World Agribusiness Trade on Arizona, or American Southwest - Essay Example

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This essay “The Effect of World Agribusiness Trade on Arizona or American Southwest” investigates agribusiness sector that entails farming and farming related commercial activities in the field of agriculture. The process of agribusiness, in this case, entails planting crops, harvesting, manufacturing, and distributing them for sale. …
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The Effect of World Agribusiness Trade on Arizona, or American Southwest
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THE EFFECT OF WORLD AGRIBUSINESS TRADE ON ARIZONA Introduction Agribusiness is a sector that entails farming and farming related commercial activities in the field of agriculture. Agribusiness can also be looked at as a business that collectively associates with the production, processing and distribution of agricultural commodities. The process of agribusiness in this case entails planting crops, harvesting, manufacturing, packaging and distributing them for sale. Clearly, the entire process around agribusiness is important as it creates employment and food security (Moss et al., 2012, 34-36). The objective of this paper is to enumerate to the reader the effect of world agribusiness trade on Arizona as a whole. The document, thus, will primary illustrate on ways that can be utilized to understand the contents of international agribusiness and trade related challenges in Arizona. Furthermore, the document will also focus on trade agreements, food security and security disputes associated with agribusiness in Arizona as well. by learning about the impact of international agribusiness to Arizona, more information will be gathered on how Arizona has done it from a background point of view (Neff, 2014, 23-27). Significantly, learning about Arizona’s entire approach will help the reader to understand the impact from a historical point of view. Thus, sub-headings will be utilized in this case as a way of guiding the reader effectively follow-up to the contents of the topic in question. International agribusiness and trade related issues in Arizona So as to effectively understand international agribusiness and trade related challenges in Arizona, the table below will be significant for the purpose. First and foremost, the table shows that in 2006, the total Arizona primary farm was livestock and crop production which was generated directly at a cost of 1.2 billion dollars as the GDP. The statistics on the table show that Arizona started participating in international agribusiness several years ago. Furthermore, the statistics are based on the recordings made by the U.S Economic Accounts from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (Miljkovic, 2006, 9-11). Based on the fact that the statistics are based on the Bureau of Economic Analysis, it shows that they are genuine, and, hence, need to be offered the optimum priority in terms of consideration on how the international agribusiness has affected Arizona. The table compares Arizona with other U.S selected states as a way of demonstrating the effect of international agribusiness to Arizona (Moss et al., 2012, 5-7). The table enumerates that the GDP generated in Colorado through agribusiness is on the same order as Arizona. It is noted that both Arizona and Colorado primary livestock and crop production is 0.5 and 0.6 respectively for all industries. Fundamentally, the implication of the percentage is relatively lower than the share in the U.S as a whole. Thus, the implication of the table below is agribusiness and other related trade issues have not created a lot of positive impact in Arizona in general. The enumeration is related to on ten years ago. Thus, it implies that the initial impact of agribusiness on Arizona was not worthwhile. The reason for poor agribusiness in the initial year can be due to poor farming methods and other related aspects in agribusiness (Miljkovic, 2006, 17-19). Thus, the illustration made on the table below is genuine based on the analysis done by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. GDP in agriculture in Arizona and other states as of 2006 Primary agriculture –livestock and crop production State Billion Dollars Percentage of industries GDP in State Arizona 1.21 0.5 Colorado 1.41 0.6 Florida 3.86 0.5 Texas 6.09 0.6 California 15.13 0.9 Kansas 2.44 2.2 Nebraska 3.66 4.9 Iowa 4.9 4.1 U.S 95.78 0.7 Statistics for the gross value added concept GDP is the only basis with comparable data. The table below shows that as of 2007, the Agricultural Census showed that 15,637 farms and ranches in Arizona utilized over 26 million acres of farm and ranch land. Apparently, it is over one-third of the total area of Arizona, and, also, an implication that the recorded farms are significantly higher than previous years. The average area farmed by specialty as recorded in the table entail that crop farm is one-fourth of the average for all plant production. The average for livestock farms is about 2,200 acres which is influenced by large cattle ranches (Moss et al., 2012, 16-18). Therefore, the table indicates that international agribusiness and trade related issues in Arizona are improving in a positive perspective. Structural Data for Agriculture in Arizona as of 2007 Agriculture as a whole specialty Farm type All Livestock Plants Crops Number of farms 15,637 11,235 4,402 3,116 Land in farms, 1000 acres 26,118 24,526 1,590 282 Acres per farm 1,670 2,183 361 90 Source: Based on the 2007 agricultural census As per the table below, the 2012 Census of Agriculture has more than 20,000 farms and ranches spanning across the state of Arizona. The table entails that farmers and ranchers are the main managers of Arizona’s lands, where cropland and grazing land represents roughly three-quarters of the state’s land region. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) identifies farms by the commodity that they specialize in. The table also entails that the most prevalent type of agricultural operation in Arizona is operations specialized in animal aquaculture and other animal production. Thus, the effect of international agribusiness and trade related issues in Arizona have been affected in a positive point of view. Number of Farms in Arizona by Farm Type, 2012 Type of farm by NAICS Number of Farms Oilseed and grain farming 718 Vegetable and melon farming 1,625 Fruit and nut farming 877 Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production 400 Cotton 195 Hay and other crops 1,294 All crop farms 5,109 Beef cattle ranching and farming and feedlots 4,215 Dairy cattle and milk production 102 Hog and pig farming 213 Poultry and egg production 267 Sheep and goat farming 4,593 Animal aquaculture and other animal production 5,506 All livestock farms 14,896 All Farms 20,005 Source: USDA, 2014, 2012 census of Agriculture-Arizona and County data. According to the table below, there were 33,613 farmers operating 20,005 farms on 26.2 million acres as of 2012. It is also noted that the number of farmers and the number of farms in Arizona have rose by a startling rate of 28% 2007 to 2012. On the other hand, the total number of farmers in the United States has declined by 3%and farms by 4%. The implication of the table entails that the average farm in Arizona has been shrinking whereby as of 2007, the farm size was 1,670 acres, and in 2012, the figure declined to 1,312 acres. The average farm size in U.S as of 2012 was 424 acres, which implies that farm size in Arizona is relatively large (Miljkovic, 2006, 30-32). The decrease in farm size has been contributed by the increase in investing ranches as opposed to farms. As a result, the Arizona market has relatively a huge percentage of agribusiness, but divided in different areas. The areas in question are livestock, farms, ranches and manufacturing firms used to manufacture and package the agricultural products. Fundamentally, the table entails that the presence of agribusiness in Arizona has not entirely reduced farm participation as individuals are investing in all areas related to agriculture as there is land. Arizona Farms by size The above tables entail that in case agricultural production in Arizona were to cease, a lot of major business would collapse as well. Industries located in Arizona to serve agriculture with first-hand processing and packing of farm commodities would lose their business basis minus production in agriculture. Furthermore, any economic activity in terms of trade generated by private consumption spending from personal incomes earned by workers and business owners in agribusiness would also disappear. Economic Analysis of agribusiness in Arizona From an economical perspective, the contribution made by Agribusiness extends beyond the commodities produced on farms and ranches across the country. The industry that depends on Arizona agribusiness sector for their production would not have been the same level of activity without the presence of agribusiness in the state. Economic activity in Arizona is stimulated in other industries in Arizona economy so as to meet the demands of agricultural producers and processors and households (Moss et al., 2012, 20-24). So as to effectively enumerate how the economic status of Arizona has been affected, the table below helps as follows: Economic & Employment Contributions of Agribusiness System to Arizona’s Economy 2011 Total Output ($billio) Source: Calculations by authors, data from IMPLAN, LLC, 2011a; USDA ERS Farm and Wealth Statistics, 2011; Department of Commerce BEA State Income and Employment Summary, 2011; Department of labor BLS, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, 2011. The above table enumerates that in 2011, the agribusiness system directly and indirectly contributed to approximately $17.1 billion in terms of economic output to the Arizona economy. The $17.1 billion is as a result of $5.6 billion in sales generated in non-agribusiness supply industries and the other industries affected by household spending. There is also the presence of $5.8 billion that was generated in sales from on-farm production in agriculture. Significantly, the table shows that crop production accounted for a majority of sales made, i.e. $3.2 billion. Livestock accounted for an additional $1.9 billion and agricultural support services and the other $0.7 billion accounted for farm labor and other on-farm agricultural assistance. Therefore, the economic status of Arizona has also largely been supported by the services being initiated in the field of agribusiness. Arizona Agribusiness distribution pie chart 2011 The above pie chart enumerates the manner in which Arizona has invested in agribusiness is a way that each area of investment benefits the state as a whole. Ranching and agriculture form Arizona’s second largest source of revenue, which is an indication that the presence of agribusiness in Arizona has been and is beneficial from an economic point of view. Both ranching and farming contribute $10.3billion in Arizona’s state economy, whereby beef and milk are the primary feeders for the state. From a national point of view, Arizona is ranked second in the area of producing lemons, third in tangerine production (Miljkovic, 2006, 37-40). Cattle industry as the pie chart above, it is clear that it is a great source of business in the sector of agribusiness in Arizona. Significantly, the chart entails that dairy is the primary area of agribusiness in Arizona where major investment has been placed. Thus, the approach that has been implemented by Arizona in the field of agribusiness is significant as the state is able to feed its citizens and the rest of America without depreciating. Fundamentally, Arizona has taken the right initiative of investing in different food crops and livestock as it is benefiting the economy as a whole. So as to enumerate on how agribusiness is being initiated in Arizona, the table below shows how Arizona as invested in agribusiness as of 2012. Initially, Arizona is perceived to have taken part in trade issues associated with cattle, cotton and citrus as the most significant area of concern. Arizona deals with vegetables, melons, sweet potatoes and potatoes mostly in terms of their market value in agriculture. Arizona also has invested in milk from cows, greenhouse, cattle and sod as the primary products that enable their economic status to increase (Moss et al., 2012, 35-37). The table below is significant as it shows how agribusiness has been utilized in Arizona based on an agricultural perspective. Market Value of Agricultural products sold for Arizona Trade agreements Trade agreements are a wide ranging duty, levy and trade contract that consists of investment guarantees. The presence of trade agreements in agribusiness in Arizona have also been put into consideration as a way of creating fare market for its clients. Therefore, the purpose of trade agreements the Arizona international agribusiness is to reform trade in the sector and to make policies more market-oriented. Fundamentally, Arizona trade agreements in international agribusiness entails improving predictability and security for importing and exporting participants. It has to be noted that the intention of the Arizona trade agreements is to apply them in accessing the market, for domestic issues and for export subsidies (Neff, 2014, 55-58). Therefore, the approach of using trade agreements in initiating international agribusiness in Arizona has been a beneficial strategy as it has enabled the state to reach out to more market share. It is true as trade agreements have contributed to expansion of international agribusiness for Arizonians and the United States as a whole. One of the primary trade agreements that have been utilized by Arizona in the area of agribusiness is the Trans-pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement meant to assist in economic growth and employment opportunities by getting rid of trade barriers for agribusiness products. The trade is meant to increase Arizona’s trade issues with other states from an international perspective. The presence of TPP in Arizona is significant as it often helps in building better ways for agribusiness in terms of investment connections and employment opportunities for related participants (Moss et al., 2012, 39-41). Furthermore, the trade agreement of PTT has offered Arizona the opportunity to increase agribusiness products with several other U.S. FTA partners. The TPP agreement ensures that export growth in agribusiness increases employment opportunities by creating new business for Arizona’s economy. Furthermore, the agreement also ensures that imports support employment opportunities and keeps cost low by assisting Arizona agribusiness compete and save families real dollars at the cash register. The agreement is significant as it permits the government to assist rural economies through policies that create less distortion to agribusiness. The TPP agreement permits some flexibility in the way commitments are put into practice in agribusiness in Arizona’s economy (Neff, 2014, 4-7). Significantly, the purpose of TPP as an Arizonian agribusiness trade agreement is important as services are initiated on a wider platform. Additionally, the agreement brings about more opportunities that ensure that the economic status of Arizona grows in the right path. There is also the North Americans Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which is a treaty that was entered by United States where Arizona is part of, Mexico and Canada in general. The trade agreement on NAFTA is significant for Arizona’s agribusiness based on the perspective that it eliminates any associated trade barriers that hinder trade between the member states. The rationale of the trade agreement was based on the perspective that opening up the continent to a free trade would increase prosperity for all states. The trade agreement of NAFTA offers Arizona access to a larger market and wider choice of agribusiness products (Michelmann, 2001, 12-16). Significantly, the primary purpose of the NAFTA trade agreement as noted above was to create free movement of commodities across national boundaries. According to a report by the Office of the United States Trade Representative, United States trade goods have increased due to the presence of NAFTA trade agreement. Fundamentally, it means that Arizona utilization in agribusiness has created significant results for the Arizonians as a whole. The other relevant aspect of NAFTA trade agreement is it entailed tariff elimination as a way of quantifying commodities. Therefore, it has helped Arizona to effectively invest in agribusiness as there is a wide market in regions as Mexico which is their primary associate in terms of business operations (Moss et al., 2012, 53-55). In 2008, NAFTA trade agreement proposed the elimination of nontariff barriers. Significantly, the approach has created more opportunities for Arizona as more trade is being conducted in Mexico and vice versa. The outcome of the strategy of getting rid of the nontariff barriers has ensured that even small scale business owners are able to take part in agribusiness related concepts (Neff, 2014, 8-10). NAFTA has created a wider market for agribusiness related business, and, as a result, the trade agreement has brought the market closer to Arizonians in United States. Thus, NAFTA trade agreement in Arizona has played a beneficial role because it has opened up more market for their agricultural products. The other trade agreement that Arizona has taken part in so as to create better opportunities for its agribusiness sector is the Arizona State Trade and Investment Office. The objective of the agreement is to improve local and regional economies on both sides of the border from an international perspective. Moreover, it is a good approach that Arizona has taken in terms of partnering with Mexico through opening one of their offices in Mexico. The trade agreement between Arizona and Mexico is meant to create more employment opportunities in the agricultural sector (Moss et al., 2012, 64-66). The trade agreement is significant as it brings to Arizona a wider market as well and also creates a market opportunity for both members. The presence of the trade agreements that have been utilized by Arizona is a good approach as it is contributing towards a more beneficial way of profiting from agribusiness. Agribusiness as a commodity Agribusiness in Arizona is an essential aspect of livelihood because it contributes towards the revolving of the state as a whole. The rationale as to why agribusiness is looked at as a commodity in Arizona is because it deals with several types of products. The products in question are dairy, beef, watermelon, cabbage, pork, broccoli, spinach and cotton. The above mentioned products are what make agribusiness in Arizona to be regarded as a commodity. The products are what Arizona puts into consideration as a way of building the economy. Commodities like pork and beef are often utilized by citizens of Arizona and the international market for consumption and for marketing issues (Miljkovic, 2006, 45-48). Fundamentally, the implication here is that agribusiness is a commodity that is worth an international commodity as it makes Arizona a known state. The Arizonian market has been benefiting the citizens and the international market in a positive way because it creates significant results for the economy as a whole. The Arizonian market has benefited the state as they are able to invest in agribusiness as a way of creating a better livelihood for their families and their economy as a well. Significantly, agribusiness is a commodity that is worth Arizona as it enables them to create an economy that benefits the international market and the local market as well (Neff, 2014, 56-57). Additionally, it is therefore, relevant for the citizens of Arizona to look at agribusiness as a commodity that is of essence to their economy and the international market as well. The other reason as to why agribusiness is looked at as a commodity is because the products in question can be manufactured and sold to the entire market. Agribusiness is defined as a commodity by the Arizonian market because products in question can be bought and sold. Thus, this implies that commodities like cabbage, pork and beef are essential products as they contribute towards the economy of Arizona. The products are often manufactured into different forms so as to ensure that the end user gets the best products. Fundamentally, it is the rationale agribusiness in Arizona has acted as a commodity in a positive way. Agribusiness as food safety The issue with agribusiness as a food safety in Arizona has increased rapidly during the last decade in Arizona because they are a priority in the lives of the Arizonian people. Agribusiness as a food security is at the forefront of much of the work in food and agriculture industry. Food security involves a wide array of issues related to microbiological food borne pathogens, chemical toxins, bioterrorism and new product development in agribusiness. Food safety in terms of agribusiness is seen in the way the agricultural sector is operating from a security point of view. It is where food is being studied in schools, colleges, universities and at the health care institutions (Neff, 2014, 38-40). The approach is essential as it ensures that preferred medical approaches that look out for food are implemented. The strategy of studying food in the health care sector has ensured that the contents of agribusiness as a food safety in Arizona are met effectively. Arizona is a member of several programs associated with food programs in United States and it is a good approach as it sensitizes Arizonians on the importance of agribusiness. The programs specifically teach farmers and aspiring farmers on the importance of agribusiness as a food safety. The outcome of joining the programs has ensured that farmers in Arizona are in the know-how on what food safety entails. Significantly, agribusiness has been placed in Arizona as a source of security in terms of taking up loans and also as a source of livelihood. Thus, agribusiness is an essential source of food security in the Arizonian community. Security disputes associated with agribusiness in Arizona The implementation of the NAFTA agreement is one of the primary strategies that have contributed to security disputes of agribusiness in Arizona. The NAFTA agreement has led to security disputes in the Arizonian market in that food supply is being compromised by inadequate boarder inspections. The implication of the NAFTA agreement is that it has increased negative consequences in agribusiness for the Arizonian market and its community as a whole. Furthermore, NAFTA has decreased food security and added to the erosion of the agribusiness approach in Arizona(Neff, 2014, 17-23). The disputes in question are those related between the counterparts of United States and Mexico which is their primary market in the field of agribusiness. Additionally, the security disputes have affected both parties, but in this case, the discussion is based on Arizona. Food insecurity continues to be the greatest among industrialized states like Arizona because NAFTA has added to the ranks of individuals whose food security is threatened. The implication here is disputes come about when the Arizona market is unable to effectively cater for their agribusiness effectively. The issue often generated by the presence of competition in the market. The competition hinders agricultural products from the Arizona market, and, as a result, disputes arise in terms of the right market price for the products. The threat competition is resulting from NAFTA related job loss, which is an aspect that is detrimental to the Arizonian economy. The threat calls for better marketing strategies and understanding in order to counter issues associated with security disputes. Security disputes also arise in the Arizonian agribusiness sector because the financial health of primary commodities of Arizonian food security, Arizonian farmers is ignored in official reporting of NAFTA impact. The other contributor of security disputes in the Arizonian market is The USDA does not monitor agricultural job loss. Additionally, there is no NAFTA Trade adjustment Assistance project for farmers in the Arizona market. Therefore, security disputes in the Arizonian market hemisphere have primarily being contributed by the NAFTA agreement that has linked United States of America and Mexico. The two states have disputed over issues related to food security in terms of market share and cost of products in the agribusiness sector (Neff, 2014, 41-45). Essentially, training and educating the Arizonian market on the importance of the NAFTA trade agreement and on ways that can be utilized create harmony will be significant. The importance of the training and educating is that it will create peace and a sense of evading from security disputes. Recommendations This paper has been discussing on issues associated with agribusiness in the area of Arizona in a way that helps then reader understand what has been happening in the market in general. Therefore, more and modernized strategies need to be incorporated in the Arizonian market so as to counter any likelihood of failure. First and foremost, more agribusiness related business have to be considered for the Arizonian farmers as a way of ensuring that the market thrives. The primary strategy would be investing in modernized technology as a way of moving with modernization. The approach is significant because it would enable the market to plough and irrigate their farms at a faster and well-approached strategy. More investment in agriculture by the relevant stakeholder and shareholders is another significant strategy as it will assure the agribusiness of enough and quality end products. It is true as the agribusiness sector will adequately pay for labor and distribution methods for their raw materials and end products for the market. The recommendation is appropriate as it is designed to bring shareholders and stakeholder in relation with the market. The outcome of such a connection is the agribusiness is likely to have a smooth flow of doing business and farming at the same time. Furthermore, investment by stakeholders and shareholders is an essential approach because it motivates employees in the agribusiness sector of a prosperous future (Neff, 2014, 30-32). Essentially, agribusiness can only benefit the area concerned if the necessary strategies are being utilized. It is the reason I perceive that investing in the right area of agribusiness will benefit the Arizonian market. Based on the fact that ranching and farming are the primary areas that benefit Arizona in the agribusiness sector, it is significant to invest more in the two regions. Investing in ranching and farming would be an appropriate approach because it is a form of doing business. Business entails majoring in the area that benefit. Significantly, ranching and farming helps Arizona to be noted on the market as an essential contributor (Agnew, 1987, 10-13). Therefore, it will significant to encourage the Arizonian market to invest in ranching and farming as the major areas that can benefit the agribusiness sector. Moreover, the Arizonian farmers should be encouraged to work in a Democratic approach. The Democratic concept is significant for the market as it will encourage team work, but the final decision will be made by the union leader under the agricultural sector. It is a good strategy because it encourages team work and interaction within the participants. The outcome of utilizing the Democratic concept is the market is bound to attain more in terms of performance and implementation. Despite the fact that international agribusiness in Arizona has brought about negative impacts on their market, there are also positive benefits that have been attained. Thus, it is appropriate to practice the above-mentioned strategies as they are likely to ensure that the Arizonian market creates more opportunities for their clients (Schmitz, 2010, 34-37). Furthermore, the proposals made are significant as they based on ways that benefit the agribusiness sector in the areas that Arizona deals with. Conclusion As a summary the contents of the topic has been enumerated in a manner that permits the reader to understand what is within the paper. The reason is because utilization of tables used is from credible sources, hence, the rationale for rating the paper as being genuine. They have adequately defined agribusiness as a business that collectively associates with the production, processing and distribution of agricultural commodities. It is a good approach in the Arizonian market because it contributes towards their way of lifestyle. Agribusiness has enabled the Arizonian market to invest in the international market because of their nature to deal with different types of agricultural products. The participation of Arizona in agribusiness has not been a smooth ride as enumerated in the above paragraphs. The process of dealing with agricultural products has been met with competition and disputes from the market as well. The fact that Arizona is within the United States, their presence in the NAFTA trade agreement has not been smooth. There has been competition from Mexico, and, as a result, the Arizona market has lost value in the market in terms of jobs. Furthermore, being a member of the NAFTA trade agreement has reduced employment opportunities for the Arizona market as they tend to get cheaper products from Mexico, which ultimately chases away expensive products. In addition, the Arizonian market has not adequately penetrated the international agribusiness sector in Mexico because of their products being expensive. The implication here is despite the fact that the Arizonian market has majored international agribusiness, they face competition dues to their expensive products. Arizona has majorly invested in ranching and farming as a way of dealing with agribusiness activities. The commodities harvested from farms are often manufactured and packaged before they are shifted to the desired market. The farming, manufacturing, distribution and selling of the products has led to creation of employment opportunities. Significantly, the Arizonian Market has invested in the right sector as they are able to create a connection between clients and the farmers as well. it also implies that agribusiness is contributing positively towards the field of agriculture as it is generating significant results for the economy of Arizona and the international market. The paper also shows that Arizona has entered into a number of trade agreements as a way of ensuring that what they are doing is genuine and safe for the market. The trade agreements have sensitized the international agribusiness on the importance of being part of the unions. Trade agreements have enabled Arizona to reach out to more market share in terms of expanding international agribusiness for Arizonians. Trade agreements are being utilized by the Arizonian market to create better ways for agribusiness in terms of investment connections and employment opportunities. Moreover, trade agreements that Arizona market has joined such as NAFTA and PPT have led to creation of flexibility in the way commitments are put into practice in agribusiness. Thus, the trade agreements are significant as they permit the Arizona market to relate with other members in the agribusiness sector profession wise. Additionally, the trade agreements that the Arizonian agribusiness sector has joined creates more opportunities that ensure that the economic status of Arizona grows in the right path. Agribusiness in Arizona acts as a commodity and as a source of food security for the citizens and the international market. Agribusiness was not initially strong in Arizona, but with modernization, things have gained the attention of the international market. Furthermore, international agribusiness has been hindered by all types of disputes, but it is still benefiting the Arizonian market in the area of food security and employment. Fundamentally, it is clear that international agribusiness in Arizona has created positive results for its economy because investments have been made by all types of investors and shareholders. Works Cited Miljkovic, D. New Topics in International Agricultural Trade and Development, Nova Publishers, 2006. Print. Moss, C., Rausser, G., Scmitz, A., & Zilberman, D. Agricultural Globalization Trade and the Environment, Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. Print. Michelmann, H. Globalization and Agricultural Trade Policy, Lynne, Rienner Publishers, 2001. Print. Agnew, J. The United States in the World-Economy: A Regional Geography, CUP Archive, 1987. Print. Schmitz, A. Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness, and Rent-seeking Behavior, University of Toronto Press, 2010. Print. Neff, R. Introduction to the US Food System: Public Health, Environment, and Equity, John Wiley & Sons, 2014. Print. Read More
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