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Chuodhury & Galeta (1998) provided seven goals for achieving competitive advantage. A great example of a company that has managed to sustain a competitive advantage while using the seven goals framework is Google, the search engine. There are quite several search engines to date yet Google has managed to stand out as the best. It successfully managed to hold off at least for a significant amount of time the entry of other search entries into the market. Which is often the quickest way to achieve a competitive advantage, ensure the uniqueness of a brand and hold off competition long enough to establish and renew a company.
Considering that Google was among the first search engines to effectively exist, it has established a reliable customer base which is yet another way to achieve a competitive advantage. It has also managed to change appropriately to cater to the customers’ needs and wants. Google has further attempted to always offer more services and products like new web applications and recently advertising services.
Despite the numerous entries into e-commerce and the numerous entries into similar businesses, it is still highly possible for companies to achieve a competitive advantage. Creating a unique niche is always the fastest way to do so yet upon the availability of similar fields within a certain niche use of strategy will ensure the acquisition of competitive advantage as well.
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