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Professnational email - Essay Example

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The steps to compiling professional e-mails involve the following steps;
Secondly, the sender should commence the e-mail with official greetings…
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Professnational email
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Professional e-mail With e-mails becoming an easy way of communicating, it is fundamental that the steps to writing professional e-mails be observed. The steps to compiling professional e-mails involve the following steps; First, the structure of the e-mail is very important. The sender should follow the following structure;To; (Insert name) - This includes the persons that receives the e-mailFrom (Insert name) - This includes the person sending the e-mailSubject: - This includes the title/ a brief component of the e-mail.

Date (Insert date) - This needs to be the date of the day the –mail is being sent.The subject can either be in bold or in capital letters so as it can capture the attention of the reader. Secondly, the sender should commence the e-mail with official greetings. This step is useful as it allows for creates an immediate rapport between the sender and the receiver of the email. A good example of the formal greetings include greetings such as “Dear Sir/Madam”. Through the greeting as well, the receiver will feel acknowledged by the sender (Chan 52-3).

The third step involves clearly stating the reason for writing the e-mail. The sender needs to begin by telling their recipient that they are writing for a specific intention such as, “…I am writing to outline my response on…” or even, “…in line with your request, I hereby respond to the allegations…” This step makes it easy for the recipient to understand the reasons for writing the e-mail without reading the entire email. This part also allows the recipient have a clear reference to previous communication with the sender.

If the e-mail is a response, the sender needs to begin by thanking the recipient (Chan 22). If not, it is still important that the sender briefly appreciates the chance of writing to the recipient. Proper grammar and punctuation needs to be followed at all times. The sentences in the purpose statement must be short and very precise in their meanings. After the brief purpose statement the sender to give more details on the contents of the e-mail with an aim to clarify their subject (Chan 63-5).

The next step is the closing remarks. This part involves showing gratitude to the recipient (Chan 54). The language should be very courteous and polite. A good example is, “…I value your patience and hope that you will consider my remarks…” The last step is the closing section. In this section, the sender should include a suitable closing. Appropriate closing remarks for professional e-mails include “Best Regards”, “Thank you”, and “Yours sincerely”, amongst others since they are appropriate for professional e-mails (Chan 54).

The sender should then include their name and signature. The signature proves the authenticity of the e-mail and should come before the sender’s name. After the writing the e-mail, it is of great essence that the sender proofreads their email to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. The sender should then read the e-mail one more time to countercheck on the structure and flow of ideas. Work CitedChan, Janis, F. E-mail: A Write it Well Guide: how to Write and Manage E-mail in the Workplace.

 Oakland, CA: Write It Well, 2008. Print.

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