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Mega Simulator Game - Research Paper Example

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This paper "Mega Simulator Game" will adopt Kolb’s reflective learning model in explaining the MEGA business simulation dynamics. The model is detailed and it will give proper insights into the MEGA business simulation process that the team members engaged in…
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Mega Simulator Game
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REFLECTIVE REPORT ON MEGA SIMULATION GAME Reflective techniques have been considered an integral aspect in the learning and assimilation of new information and processes. This is a method where one studies his/her own experiences in order to develop his/her way of doing things. Incorporating the reflective techniques in an organization setting enables the organization to enhance its efficiency in a number of ways. For instance, the reflective technique will enable the operations manager to identify the redundant processes in the system and subsequently do away with them (Ross, 1999, p. 34). Moreover, personnel will be able to capitalize on new strategies of attaining productivity as opposed to the ones that did not work. It is an effective way of initiating change in the organization (Koch & McGrath, 1996, p. 90) Kolb’s theory of reflective learning entails a four-stage cycle. The processes involved are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation (Atkinson & Murrel, 1988, p. 15). This paper will adopt Kolb’s reflective learning model in explaining the MEGA business simulation dynamics. The model is detailed and it will give proper insights into the MEGA business simulation process that the team members engaged in. Concrete experience entails the subject undergoing a learning activity for instance in fieldwork. The subject is faced with a situation that will ultimately shape his future perceptions. Reflective observation entails the subject making sensible reflections concerning the experience. The subject looks at the influence that the experience he/she has undergone has on him/her. Abstract conceptualization entails the subject’s attempt to intellectualize the perceived model. The person tries to comprehend the theories underpinning the experience he/she has undergone. Active experimentation entails the subject’s attempt to apply the model. The person then tries to apply the lessons learnt in the experience in his/her situation. There are other reflective techniques and models for instance Schon’s model. This model has two fundamental concepts of reflective thinking. That is, reflection in action and reflection on action (Schon, 1991, p. 45). Reflection in action entails experiencing an event, thinking about the next step and acting instantly. Reflection on action on the hand entails thinking about an event that already occurred, thinking of a different strategy and taking time to implement it (Schon, 1991, p. 78). However, this model will not be used because it does not bring out the systematic processes that will aid in in explaining the MEGA simulator game. The MEGA simulation was an insightful undertaking that provided the team members with a number of meaningful insights. A number of incidents were brought to the fore due to the MEGA simulation game. These incidents were, Conflicts and non-cohesion incidents arising due to working in teams. Conflicts between the leadership and the team members The challenge of meeting organizational goals/objectives The occurrence of these incidents will be elaborated below together with the appropriate measures that were taken to tackle the conflicts. The simulation game stressed on the importance of teamwork since this would aid in realizing objectives of the process. For instance, reproduction of the organization’s processes was done in order to review their efficiency and appropriateness (Waldman, 1984, p. 56). Teamwork was essential in this undertaking in order to depict a true picture of the business processes in the organization. More importantly, the connection and congruence between the people and processes across different departments was highlighted. Instances where teamwork was present and those where teamwork was absent were enacted in the process. The different results were compared and effective deductions made out of the occurrence. It is imperative to note that issues of non-conformance and non-cohesiveness were experienced in the bid to create teamwork. The aspect of teamwork was very instrumental in the assessment process. Embracing teamwork improved the general working environment in the organization and fostered a sense of belonging that enhanced working to achieve a shared vision. The enthusiasm created due to embracing teamwork was evident on the productivity of the organization. Staff in the organization seemed to be intrigued by this development and was keen to uphold the practice of teamwork further. However, the need for teamwork came with a number of challenges for instance conflicts in opinions on the best way to achieve certain tasks. Moreover, there were conflicts that arose because of the divergent abilities of team members. It was difficult to know how to assign tasks based on the diverse skills and abilities of the team members. Even after being assigned different roles some members were not happy with the roles given to them. Interpersonal differences arose in the group because of the diverse beliefs, cultures, and attitudes of the members of the group. Different members had different and conflicting agendas that they thought were best for the team and the organization as well. However, these challenges were eventually overcome and the process continued. Moreover, the Simulator was designed to assess the performance outcomes and different processes in various departments. This strategy highlighted incidents that bordered on leadership and management. For example, the simulator enacted a scenario that involved the reproduction of the organizations schedule in order to access the efficiency in managing resource accessibility and work programs. The organizations leadership and management styles were highlighted and compared to the minimum leadership and management styles threshold of an effective organization. For instance, the process entailed reviewing the leadership styles practiced by line managers in different departments in order to achieve their objectives. A case in point was one in the sales and marketing department that entailed meeting of the departments sales projections by a certain trading quota. Instances where there was tension between management and the staff were present in this process. For example, tension arose due to the inability of an employee to execute delegated duties. Other leadership problems arose due the use of a different leadership style by the team leader. Some members of the team were not used to the leadership style employed. The leadership could not strike a balance between their objectives as leaders and their projected expectations from team members. At times, the leadership style was seen to be downright stringent hence giving less room for creativity and innovation. The leadership style used to attain this objective was analyzed and compared to the prescribed effective leadership styles that enhance productivity. The aspect of effective leadership was stressed on hence changing the perceptions of staff about conventional leadership techniques. Additionally, this process highlighted the aspect of meeting organizational goals and objectives. For instance, a simulation of a process in the Research and Development department (RD) that entailed the evaluation of performance metrics to measure the possible success of several situations, cost, and benefit trade off was enacted. The objective was to ascertain how the creation and development of a new product would affect the organization’s goals and objectives. For example, was the development of a novel good or service within the organizations cost constraints? What was the value that would be derived from such an undertaking (benefit). The cost and benefit trade off was then created to make conclusions. The challenge of meeting organizational goals/objectives was created. For instance, an issue arose where the team members were unable to meet the objectives specific to the department and subsequently failing to meet the overall organizational objectives. Specific tasks were given to the members where deadlines were set. Team members were unable to meet the deadlines and expectations of the given tasks. Another pertinent issue that arose was the overlap between some of the departmental goals and the overall organizational goals. This incident triggered an understanding of the importance of organizational goals and objectives. More importantly, different departmental objectives should be in line with the overall organizational objectives to avoid instances of sub optimality. Some individuals and departments alike had contrasting objectives to the ones of the organization. Moreover, the staff undergoing the MEGA simulation appreciated the aspect of congruence between individual and organization goals. The issues of non-cohesiveness and non-conformance between team members during the process of simulation might have been caused due to a number of factors. Differences in skill levels and general attitudes towards working in a team might have triggered the tension between members. Team formation techniques and approaches advocate for the formation of teams and work groups on the basis diverse working skills that when channeled together will produce substantial results. Tuckman’s theory depicts occurrence of conflict between members of the team. There are four fundamental stages involved during team formation: forming, storming, norming, and performing. In the forming stage, the individuals are not yet cohesive. In the storming stage, individuals may be at conflict with each other due to differences in opinion. The norming stage entails a sense of growing cohesion between members due to the formation of a working strategy. In the last stage, performing stage, there is a deliberate sink between member’s skills and focus on tasks to achieve results (Maples, 1998, p. 45). The conflict encountered in the simulation process was therefore an inevitable stage in the teamwork process. The occurrence of these issues during the process enabled all the participants to acknowledge the diversity of members within the team. Moreover, strategies put in place to overcome these challenges enabled the participants to incorporate important skills like interpersonal skills in their daily organizational duties. Moreover, these incidents enabled the team members to put their differences aside and focus on the bigger picture of completing tasks. Individual members in the group were empowered in to making decisions that affected the effectiveness of their process and the general ability to meet objectives. Management and leadership conflicts were encountered during the business simulation. The team leaders had different leadership and management styles. There was a difference in opinion concerning management and leadership styles exhibited by the team leaders. Effective leadership is essential in realizing organizational objectives. However, there may be instances where the leadership style does not factor in the interests and welfare of individuals within the group or organization. Effective leadership requires one to have good interpersonal skills in order to enhance the subject’s ability to perform tasks. Moreover, communication between those in leadership positions and the subordinates should be effective and designed to achieve specific results. The relationship between leaders and the subordinates is very important in enhancing the performance of the organization (Montes et al., 2005, p. 12). The tension and issues during the MEGA simulation process was due to different approaches to leadership. These instances and incidences of conflicts provided a learning opportunity for the team members to use the suitable strategy to attain organizational objectives. For instance, Patterson Model of Human Resource Management advocates for the ability of the management to promote positive attitudes and inspiration to the subordinates (Neal et al., 2005, p. 34). Moreover, the leadership should strive to give the employees expanded responsibilities so that they can utilize fully their skills. The model also suggests extensive decentralization of the management structure and subsequent facing out of bureaucracies within the system. This would enhance interactions between the leaders and the subordinates enabling them exchange ideas and sort out contentious issues in record time (Oakland, 2008, p. 78). These incidences highlighted due to the difference in management style gave the members meaning insights on the importance of people skills. People skills were not only meant for the leaders but also the members of the team involved in the process. Team members learnt to be versatile enough to adapt to different styles of management in order to attain organizational goals and objectives. Moreover, the team leaders learnt the best practices that they should engage in in order to bring out the best out of their team members. Team members learnt the importance effective communication in the organization. Effective communication was important in fostering cohesion between member to member and leader to team members. Inability to meet organizational goals and objectives was attributed to the magnitude of the tasks. Moreover, the amount of time required to complete the given tasks was deemed inadequate. This phenomenon can be explained using a number of human resource models. The human resource management approach should emphasize on the employment of total quality management techniques in the attainment of objectives in a productive manner (Ichniowski et al., 1997, p. 45). The human resource strategy should be soft in a way that it focuses more on the people but at the same time paying attention to the business processes. This human resource strategy entails reviewing the inputs of individual members in the group and subsequently motivating them to meet the objectives set out. This approach ensures that members have a shared goal because they understand the bigger picture. The principles and practices underpinning the operation of the organization should be in line with the tools and techniques applied in enhancing this operability (Evans & Dean, 2003, p. 67). In order to attain efficiency in meeting objectives, the management should enhance improvements in throughput and working performance through improved task processes and cutbacks in flaws, defects, and surplus. Moreover, the management should endeavor to increase versatility, receptiveness, and cycle time performance of various processes within the system. This is done through incorporation of lean production systems that aim to remove redundant tasks and processes from the system. Downtimes are minimized hence team members are able to finish their tasks in good time. The management should remove numerical quotas for the staff and administration by objectives. Quotas put emphasis on quantity as opposed to quality. They unconsciously inspire lowly workmanship in a bit to meet quotas. This kind of approach will enable team members to meet objectives that are set out by the department heads. It is also important to set department goals that are in tandem with the goals of the organization to avoid sub optimality. The team members involved in the business process gained substantial insights on means of attaining organizational goals. Strategies were put in place that made them maximize their skills and abilities in completing tasks assigned to them. Moreover, team members learnt the importance of incorporating total quality management principles in the processes that they were undertaking. The aspect of planning was integrated into the skill set of every participant of the process. They learnt the importance of having a plan at the outset of carrying out a given task. In retrospect, the MEGA business game provided various meaningful skills to the participants. The requirement to be in teams in order to facilitate the process provided a number of meaningful lessons and skills. The formation of teams came with a number of challenges like unresponsiveness from some group members. In order to attain the process, conflict resolution strategies were employed in order to attain a shared objective. Members therefore learnt the skill of conflict resolution. Moreover, members learnt to embrace interpersonal skills in their work. These skills are very important in achieving productivity within the work setting. Good interpersonal skills for instance add to the pedigree of an effective person and leader. Members were also empowered in their decision-making prowess. Decision-making is an important trait since it enables an employee to be self-reliant when carrying out tasks. Members acquired the skill of effective communication. Effective communication is important in any organization since it enhances the efficient running of organizations. Duties and responsibilities can be effectively communicated to everyone within the work setting by an individual who has good communication skills. Planning was an important skill that participants in the process acquired. They learnt this from the simulated activities that the process entailed. Planning is an integral aspect often linked with individual and organizational success. This trait will enable the individuals to put it place measures that will ensure their specific objectives are meant. Moreover, this will ensure that the objectives of the organization are realized hence influencing productivity of the organization. References Atkinson, G. & Murell, P., 1988, Kolb's Experimental learning theory: a meta-model foe career exploration, Journal of counseling & development, pp.374-377. Evans, R. & Dean, W., 2003, Total Quality: Management, Organization, and Strategy, 3rd Ed. Southwestern. Ichniowski, C., Shaw, K., & Prennushi, G., 1997, The effects of human resource management practices on productivity. American Economic Review, 87, pp. 291–313. Koch, J., & McGrath, G., 1996, Improving labor productivity: Human resource management policies do matter, Strategic Management Journal, 17, pp.335–54 Maples, M. F., 1998, Group development: Extending Tuckman's theory, Journal for specialist in-group work, pp.17-23. Montes, F. Moreno, R., & Morales, G., 2005, Influence of support leadership and teamwork cohesion on organizational learning, innovation, and performance: an empirical examination, Technovation, pp.1159-1172. Neal, A., West, M., & Patterson, M., 2005, Do organizational climate and competitive strategy moderate the relationship between human resource management and productivity? Journal of management, pp.492-512. Oakland, J., 2008, Total Quality Management: Texts with Cases, 3rd Ed. Elservier, Amsterdam Ross, J., 1999, Total Quality Management: Text, Cases and Readings, New York St. Lucie Press, ISBN: 1-574-44266-X Schon, D., 1991, The Reflective Turn: Case studies in and out on Educational Practice, New York: Teachers Press, Columbia University. Waldman, M., 1984, Job Assignments, Signaling and Efficiency. Review of Economic Studies, 1592, pp.255-267 Read More
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