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People Resourcing - Coursework Example

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G4S contracted Wave recruitment to run its recruitments campaign trusting the agency would deliver by recruiting the best candidates to fill the new positions of security guards in all Olympic locations. The initial recruitment exercise went well as planned and Wave appeared to…
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People Resourcing
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In what ways might contingency planning have helped G4S? G4S contracted Wave recruitment to run its recruitments campaign trusting the agency would deliver by recruiting the best candidates to fill the new positions of security guards in all Olympic locations. The initial recruitment exercise went well as planned and Wave appeared to be moving in the right direction, that even when the number of guards who were needed was increased, the agency seemed to have the ability to deliver. However, that changed soon when G4S admitted that they could not deliver the whole contract, which saw the drafting of 3,500 soldiers to cover the shortfall.

A contingency plan would have been important for G4S because no matter how well the recruitment was organized and initiated, there were bound to be many variables which can come into play and scupper the process. The contingency plan would have given the company a plan B on all potential disaster scenarios and alternative strategies of how to turn these situations around.2. Importance of communication to improve the planning process When he appeared on Radio 4, Nick Buckles of G4S lacked information regarding details of the recruitment, training and vetting processes.

He was not in a position to explain what had gone wrong or confirm a number of issues about the candidates. Communication would have helped to better plan for the whole recruitment process because it was an important contract and controlling the recruitment process can be complex which can benefit from an external perspective. Being an internationally recognized and reputable firm, G4S would have made it a precondition for Wave to ensure that it was involved in the whole process, the reputation of the security firm being at stake. 3. Planning in a similar situation With less than an year and being expected to recruit 8,000 inexperienced staff, the first thing that would need to be done is to ensure have a plan for addressing and managing candidate’s expectations.

This will minimize the issue of candidates turning down the offer upon being cleared as successful. G4S faced many such dropouts which affected the recruitment process. In addition, I would address the issue of suitability skills required for the position. The question that many sought answered on the recruited candidates is whether they would speak fluent English, which Buckles could not confirm. Ensuring suitability skills are considered will minimize the issue of having a poor caliber of candidates which will compromise the credibility of the company and the process.

Overall, I would ensure that there is a contingency plan to identify issues quickly and speed up the drive to get the perfect candidate and also restore trust and faith of the company.

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