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Increasing of English Fee System - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Increasing of English Fee System" argues in a well-organized manner that it was the Conservative Party, managed by PM David Cameron, who raised the highest tuition fee to £9,000 from £3,000 per year from English Universities (Bachana, 2013). …
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Increasing of English Fee System
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Research Methods Essay Business and Management (BU) Module Research Methods of the Assignment: Individual Essay Module Leader: Jill Millar Student Name: Fernando Cruz Student Number: 12094429 Word Count: 2150 Table of contents Introduction Research Question Secondary Data Primary Data Undergraduate Research Conference Ethical issues Interpretation of the handout Conclusion References Appendix Personal Journal Introduction Prior to September 1998, all higher education students in the UK were excused from paying tuition fees (Croll and Attwoodb, 2013). It was the then Labor Party, under the then Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair, that led to this change with a proposal, which stated that the cost of student continuance should be repaid through graduates on a job-related basis. Nevertheless, it was the Conservative Party, managed by PM David Cameron, who raised the highest tuition fee to £9,000 from £3,000 per years from English Universities (Bachana, 2013). When Cameron was asked why his party chose to increase the tuition fees, he replied that it would mainly do two things; firstly, it would ensure that UK’s English universities are well funded and; secondly it would mean that the UK government would not go on raising tuition for higher education students so fast (Vasagar2012). The increasing of tuition fees in the UK has led to a lot of controversy, which has caused many individuals lash out at the Conservative regime and a majority of perspective students traumatized at the thought of having to pay off £27,000 worth of education fees, prior to adding up the fee of their maintenance loans, as well (Bachana 2013). In the wake of all this, university students in the UK are turning to employment to be able to pay this high school fees rate, as well as settle the loans they use while in school. This essay conducted surveys, observation, journals and books, with regards to how the new English fee system has affected student employment. The main survey method that was used was conducting interviews through questionnaires. In this regard, 250 were distributed to undergraduate students in order to come up with the findings. In addition, using this type of sources will help to conduct an understandable research strategy and accurate timetable of activities. Research Question A research question should be clear, concise, centered, complex and arguable. It should be a question that everybody in the team was genuinely interested in (Munn, 2004). These aspects were particularly important because they helped us center on our research by providing a way through the research, as well as writing process. My group’s specificity of a well-developed research topic helped us avoid the “all-about” types of papers and endeavor towards supporting a particularly arguable thesis, “the new £9000 per year English fee tuition has affected student term time employment habits.” Due to the recent debate in UK universities with regards to raising the annual tuition fee from £3000 to £9000, we saw this as an extremely important topic to discuss. Particularly, how the new £9000 per year English fee tuition has affected student term time employment habits. A majority of students are now turning to employment while they study in order to cater for these high fees of studying (Vasagar2012). Also, the income acquired from these endeavors is channeled towards repaying the loans for education. Therefore, many students cannot miss something to say about this occurrence (The Scotland Government, 2008). We did some preliminary studies on our topic and found that literature about this topic were limited. Finally, we also considered our audience (university students and the government) since they were the vital concerns of this law, as Cameron, the current UK Prime Minister stated. Hence our research question, how the new £9000 per year English fee tuition has affected student term time employment habits. We all come across questionnaires at some point in our lives. They also come in many forms: opinion based to factual, from text responses to tick boxes. The interview will be used in order to gain accurate information from participants (Saunders,2009).Whatever the form they come in, questionnaires are normally perceived as a quick, as well as easy method of carrying out a research (Browne 2005). This is not to say that they do not have any challenges, but when effectively conducted, they are very helpful to the research question. According to (Oppenheim, 2000) questionnaires, when effectively conducted, they provide firsthand information to the surveyor. This is if the respondents are effectively explained to the subject matter. For our topic, “how the new £9000 per year English fee tuition has affected student term time employment habits,” we saw that it was vital to issue questionnaires to a certain number of students (250), with specified questions on the topic. We found it extremely practical and that large amounts of significant information were gathered from many students in a short time span, which was also fairly cost effective. Also, due to our limited skills, we were restricted to somewhat an “unprofessional method” of surveying. This is because we were in no position of analyzing number and other aspects that can make a survey appear professional. However, our findings are fully reliable. This is because the findings of the questionnaires were qualified by a software package. The respondents were eager to join in, in the study, because of the effect that the new English university fee package had brought to them. Therefore, this method was very effective. Secondary Data A majority of the literature, available with regards to this topic, were newspaper articles, journal articles, online sources and one significant book. The main reason why fewer books are published with regards to this topic is the fact that the law was passed late last year. These sources assess contemporaryon learners’ perception on the likelyeffect upon future learners as new fee structures are introduced from 2012. The sources examine the issues that university students may face with subsequent debt and the dawn of student loans provided that they are normally combining multifaceted lives with their education, with little time to repay their loans in their working lifetime. In spite of government rhetoric on the need to raise participants from these working students, most guidance and advice has centered on the customary full-time market, with little being carried out to study the views of term time learners or to offer appropriate assistance for them from 2012 onwards. We incorporated these sources because their views had been gathered from focus group discussions with learners in a traditional English university, as well as four of their extra education partner colleges through online discussion forums. We analyzed their resultant data to look at rising themes that can be summed up as: the respondents had shunned away from the new fee regime; students lacked understanding on the current funding system; student feared that their sponsors would suffer and acquiring a loan would rather be a ‘selfish’ strategy; and finally, term time feared that graduate employment would still dodge them. Primary Data According to Saunders (2009) “The data that you collect depend on research question and objectives”. Moreover, the objective of our study was to form questionnaires to evaluation the effects of the new fee structure systems of the United Kingdom to term time students. We focused on providing estimates of the parameters of certain characteristics of the introduced fee structure in the United Kingdom. We also providing a systematic comparison of characteristics across several fee structure systems and explore the association among variables for the new system. Our questionnaires incorporated open ended, discrete and ordered scales questions. These forms of questions were also seen in sources such as Croll, and Attwoodb (2013), Harrisona et al. (2012) and Shawa(2012). Closed questions, also known as discrete questions, made the analysis of the data quite easy. Harrisona et al. (2012), in particular, was quite specific with the way he gathered his information. His team cautiously explained to the students the subject matter and also specifically picked those who were willing to take part in the survey. Our recording process, also known as a coding scheme, was defined prior to the survey. This allowed us directly to enter data from the survey forms into our database for evaluation. Critics argue that the numbers in boxes or wordings should correspond with the variables in the database in which the responses with be kept. After screening the final question summaries, we created principles of answering more specific questions concerning our data. We filtered, compared and presented rules that allowed us to focus in on particular subsets of our data, which enabled us to can analyze our results in a method that was most significant to us. Undergraduate Research Conference According to Williams (2013), so as to present questionnaire results, the surveyor should follow a series of simple tasks such as establishing a primary report. Then they should write a CEO’s synopsis of their findings. After that, the technical element of the report, as well as the actual survey procedure involved, should be addressed. The surveyor should also focus on presenting an appendix along with a summary at the end of the report. The background of our report were structured on the following basis, introduction to the survey research, research objectives, clear explanation of data collection methods, clear findings and final thoughts and recommendations. We listed all factors, which motivated us to come up with our report in order to give a clear introduction to the survey report. We also prioritized our objectives and goals so that they objectives of the survey could be clear as possible. Factors that were considered when doing this were whether or not our respondents successfully completed the survey. The report specified a clear data collection process. We used MS PowerPoint in order to not complicate the work and also ensure that everybody clearly had a chance of viewing the presentation. We tried to make our slides as colorful as possible and also used as limited number of slides so as to ensure that the report in not too long. Ethical Issues According to Saunders, M et al (2009) the research design should be implemented a ethical consideration .further to this statement our research will not force people to take a part of this,whether a surveyor is an educator, psychologist or anthropologist, the main responsibilities to respondents are clear: acquire consent, shield from harm, as well as ensure privacy (Oppenheim , 2000). Nevertheless, there is one field of responsibility, which is normally less clear for both the participants and the researcher: deliberate deception. As for our survey, we ensured that the procedure through which someone might opt whether or not to take part in the study was clearly followed. We made sure that the participants had a clear comprehension of what they were getting into (risk involved, significance of their participation and also the demanded needed from them as participants). Browne (2005) argues that the participants should be able to evaluate the information on the research papers in order to ensure the validity of the data. We chose our respondents in their ability to gain, retain, and assess information. Competence is partly decided through legal qualification and ability. The place where the survey is conducted is likewise important. For example, according to Williams (2013), if a request for contribution is made in the classroom, then students might feel compelled to take part. When the voluntariness of the respondents is not guaranteed, the legitimacy of their replies cannot be guaranteed. For instance, asking minors questions associated to immoral or illegal acts, such as socially undesirable matters or smoking, is not likely to create reliable responses. In addition, when the obtained responses propose an illegal activity, what would be the morally proper thing for a surveyor to do? For instance, what moral obligations would surveyors have if responses gotten from senior high school learners showed that they use illegal drugs? Interpretation of the handout In the handout, the study was aimed at examining how the £9,000 per year English Fee System introduces in 2012 has affected student term time employment habit. The research question was therefore whether the topic has been recognized by the radio and news. Thus, the study was aimed at answering whether ONS and literature contradicted on figures of university employees decreasing or increasing. However, the research established that there was no literature that specifically focused on students since the introduction of the new English Fee System. In regard to the research method, interviews were carried out. The researchers targeted 250 responses and had a pilot of 20. In addition, the Systematic Radom Sampling method was used on different days, times and campuses. In their literature review, the researchers established that the data collected revealed that majority of student are not employed. This supported the trend shown by the ONS. In addition, the established that finance for both living and leisure are the major reason for employment. Thirdly, it was established that as much as majority of the employed students stated that there were no other beneficiary factors in being employed, the second most answer was based on the development of skills. This supported Curtis and Lucas argument that employed student has improved transferable skills and therefore may become better managers. The literature review also revealed that a student perception that student term time employment does not impact studies. Conclusion Prior to September, 1998, all higher education students in the UK were excused from paying tuition fees. It was the then Labour Party, under the then Prime Minister to the UK, Tony Blair, that led to this change with a proposal, which stated that the cost of student continuance should be repaid through graduates on an job-related basis. Nevertheless, it was the Conservative Party, managed by PM David Cameron, who raised the highest tuition fee to £9,000 from £3,000 per years from English Universities. This paper has presented the survey methods used to come up with the findings of the research question, “how the new £9000 per year English fee tuition has affected student term time employment habits.” The main research method that this paper used was survey forms and the process was very effective. This paper would, however, advice further research into that topic. References Bachana, Ray. “Students expectations of debt in UK higher education,” Studies in Higher Education 6.8 (2013): 56-60. Print. Browne, Green J. Principles of Social Research. New York: Open University Press, 2005. Print. Croll, Paul and Attwoodb, Gaynor. “Participation in Higher Education: Aspirations, Attainment and Social Background,” British Journal of Educational Studies 61.2 (2013): 187-202. Print. (2008) Dimensions - Geert Hofstede. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 12 Dec 2013]. Munn, Paul. Using Questionnaires in Small-Scale Research: A Beginners Guide. Glasgow, Scotland: Scottish Council for Research in Education, 2004. Print. Oppenheim, Anna. Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement. London, UK: Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, 2000. Print. Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2007) Research methods for business students. 4th edition. Harlow. FT- Prentice Hall. Shawa, Angela. “Examining the potential impact of full tuition fees on mature part-time students in English higher education,” Journal of Further and Higher Education 3.7 (2012): 56-67. Print. The Scotland Government. Graduate Endowment Scrapped. N.p, 2008. Web. Vasagar, Jeevan. Tuition Fees Increase led to 15,000 Fewer Applicants. N.p, 2012. Web. Williams, Anderson. “How to Write and Analyze a Questionnaire,” Journal of Orthodontics 30.3 (2013): 245-252. Print. Appendix Research Question: In 2012 the new £9000 per year English fee system was introduced, how has this affected student term time employment habits? Introduction: (Friendly Greeting) would you be willing to participate in a short questionnaire that would assist us in the completion of a Research Methods module on the subject of student term time employment? Thank you for agreeing to participate, I have some eligibility questions to ask first: Eligibility Questions: (Ensure participants who were not eligible are noted down) 1. Are you and Undergraduate? 2. Do you attend university under the English fee system? 3. When was your start date of University? (September 2012 onwards) ............................................................................................................................................................................... Criteria Met Questions: 4. Male or Female? 5. What is your age? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6. What course are you on? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7. Are you currently employed? 8. As an employee or self employed? 9. What is your job role? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10. How many hours, on average, do you work per week? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11. What times do your normally work? (Tick all that apply) 12. If not employed, have you applied for any jobs, or would like one? 13. Why are you employed or not employed? .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14. Do you feel that having a term time job impacts studies? 15. If so, how? .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Personal Journal Personal journals form an important component of any learning process. According to Hubbard (2009), students should be acquainted with writing personal journals as early as possible. This is reiterated by Thompson(2010), who assert that writing personal journals enable students to write about what they feel and what they have learned in an extensive manner. At the beginning of the module, I had no idea what it was about, the learning outcomes and which kind of assignment would we do. After that, we find out that we have to do a group presentation, it did not sound good for me because sometimes I do prefer to work as individual. In addition, the preference for a loosely knit social framework in which individuals are likely to take care of themselves and their immediate families only is known as Individualism. I was lucky to be integrated in an exciting group, composed by five persons. Moreover, Beamer (2011, p71) reports that the more you know about the culture of the other side, the easier it will be for you to speak with a foreigner who speaks only a little bit of your language, so were dialoguing, asking questions about each country in order to feel more comfortable. When we were looking for the question of our topic, we were confused of what we would talk about, what is interesting. I personally was thinking about the use of mobile phones should or not be reduced in the Oxford Brookes university campuses. Unfortunately, I did not share my thought and we decided to look at interesting topics on the news, radio stations, newspaper that is relevant to us as students. In addition, we came to the “What are the reasons behind the general trend of decline shown by ONS, in full time students having term time jobs looking at OBU students?” furthermore, after looking at literature and ONS there was a clear contradiction in numbers and with the new fee system it was an interesting topic to analyze. Nevertheless, our tutor advised us to review our research question. After the advice from the tutor we realized that our research question was too broad, and then we decided to analyze over various sources not just ONS. However, the access to ONS was difficult. In addition, after reading further secondary sources we found out a gap with students under the new fee system. Therefore, we reformulated our question to “How the new £9000 per year English fee system has affected student term time employment habits?” Our meetings were mainly virtually, by email or Facebook, so we thought of doing an online survey, it sounded weird because we would face a low response rate using that method. Furthermore, we decided to implement the interviewer administered questionnaire which was quick and simple way of gathering a large amount of reliable quantitative data. Indeed, the method mentioned above was more appropriate. Before we send out the questionnaires, we had to do some changes in our questionnaire because the previous one the questions mentioned there would not give us a reliable data and we had to make sure that we were using the right sample. After we collect all questionnaires answered we put the data into an excel file which every member of the group wrote his 50 questionnaires’ answers. Moreover, we met one hour before the presentation. In addition, each member of the group took the part that he thought was more comfortable to talk about. My part was interesting because I had to give a very quick speech and explain to the audience what we were talking about. By the end of the presentation I thought we have done better that we thought we would do, we did delivery the information properly. In my point of view, our group should meet more personally in order to be more prepared for the presentation not just one hour before and also to discuss better the ideas and thoughts. On the other hand, I did like the way we were communicating, the communication was precise. In addition, communication is a major aspect of success. I would also contribute more, due to the lack of English I did not have involved in some discussions and was more likely to not share my thoughts. This module helped me to develop more skills for collaboration, coordination and communication. Therefore, I am confident about my contribution in the group organisation, and luckily my group worked well and respected some parameters such as the strengths and weakness of every one, they listened to what everyone in group was saying, this was very crucial and helped to accomplish our task. References Beamer L., Varner. I. (2011) Intercultural communication in the global workplace,4th edition, McGraw Hill. Hubbard, M.(2009). Productive Journal Writing: How to eliminate stress and find solutions through effective journal writing. New York: Prentice Hall. Thompson, K.(2010). Therapeutic journal writing: An introduction for professionals. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Read More
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