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Social Implications of Business Ethics - Essay Example

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The paper "Social Implications of Business Ethics" names diverse factors - social issues in the community - influencing business operations from time to time. Wal-Mart continues to face a number of critical social implications due to alleged discrimination in its human resource management…
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Social Implications of Business Ethics
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To improve its progressive social image, Wal-Mart will have to observe responsibility and accountability towards employees and society in general.

M2Complains by employees has put Wal-Mart in a critical business position from time to time. In particular, the retailer has had to deal with the problem of justifying its business practices whenever controversies emerge. Discrimination against women and people of color pressures the company to find ways of correcting its social image from time to time (McIntyre, 2008). The primary reaction of labor unions has not been positive either. Labour unions accuse the company of exploiting its workers through poor pay and unjustifiable employment termination. Moreover, outsourcing cheap products from foreign countries has further accelerated the company’s point of clash with society. In this respect, the retailer appears to be in jeopardy as far as social responsibility and accountability are concerned. The company will have to re-evaluate its business conduct in a bid to get rid of unethical practices (Ferrell & Ferrell, 2014).








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