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Facebook Creates Team to Beam Internet Everywhere on Earth by Reed Albergotti - Essay Example

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As the paper "Facebook Creates Team to Beam Internet Everywhere on Earth by Reed Albergotti" outlines, Facebook has made advanced thrusts to capture opportunities in currently remote areas towards the organization’s outlook for unprecedented growth through technological innovations…
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Facebook Creates Team to Beam Internet Everywhere on Earth by Reed Albergotti
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The article en d “Facebook Creates Team to ‘Beam’ Internet Everywhere on Earth” written by Reed Albergotti and published online in the Wall Street Journal presented relevant information which disclosed the ongoing plans of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, and CEO of Facebook, to launch Connectivity Lab, described as a team of scientists whose aim is to bring the Internet to remote places (Albergotti, 2014). The team was reported to be composed of about twelve people from different backgrounds and expertise.

Some of these members were noted to be scientists by profession in the fields of aeronautics and communications. Likewise, the formation of this team was disclosed to be part of Zuckerberg’s initiative, which allegedly aims to bring connections to parts of the world where access to the Web has not yet been reached. Therefore, to enable connections to be made possible, it was disclosed that new technologies would have to be invented, which, accordingly would necessitate working with drones, satellites, and lasers (Albergotti, 2014).

Concurrently, Albergotti (2014) also revealed that Facebook has made other business ventures and acquisitions to expand its organizational sphere. As noted, Facebook had reportedly agreed to purchase “Oculus VR, a maker of virtual reality goggles, for $2 billion… (and) announced a $19 billion deal to acquire WhatsApp, a mobile messaging service” (Albergotti, 2014, p. 1).

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