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The Operational Capabilities of Amazon - Case Study Example

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The paper entitled 'The Operational Capabilities of Amazon' concerns the which was incorporated in 1994 as an American online book retail store and was later reincorporated in the year 1996. The paper intends to critically evaluate the operational capabilities of, Inc…
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The Operational Capabilities of Amazon
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The corporation seeks to be the world’s leading online retailer, particularly for four distinct sets of buyer groups including the individual and business consumers, supply-chain intermediaries and content creators. The corporation also generates its revenue through marketing and promotional services, such as online advertising and co-branded credit card agreements (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, “, Inc”). With an increasing number of internet users as well as the expansion of business through e-commerce, online business has become intensely competitive.

The most prominent competitors of majorly include other online e-commerce sites, media companies, and traditional retail companies. In the online retail industry, there are many other factors which tend to create a significant impact over the competencies possessed by including pricing regulations, convenience, and quality assurance, time-efficient delivery of the ordered product and reliability of the systems used to execute the entire process. It is in this context that Amazon.

com, being considered as one of the pioneers in the online retail industry, has witnessed a steep rise in demands along with rapidly altering preferences amid customers. Hence, it becomes quite likely that competition, in the upcoming days will be increasingly intense due to the rapid advancement in information technology as well as increasing customer awareness (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, “, Inc”).

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