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Leadership Point of View My leadership role models are the CEOs of the large corporations that are there in this country. I have always envied being in the financial market industry and be a leader of one of the large corporations in the world. Apart from my professional point of view, I am influenced a lot by my parents, my brothers, and sisters and more so, my larger extended family. I have had ambitions of being a leader in business world such as the CEO of one of the fortune 500 in America.
My mentor has been William Henry Gates, who is the cofounder and owner of Microsoft Company. Though I have never met him personally in life, I have admired the way he runs his business and the impact of the influence that it has had in shaping the future of the corporate world.My purpose in life has been to achieve great in fulfilling my ambitions. Am an ambitious person who have set clear goals that I would like to achieve. Alongside my wish of becoming a leader in the corporate world, I would also like to strike a balance between being a business leader and a parent.
I have created a life purpose statement, which I want to follow strictly. The life purpose statement is to care deeply, connect playfully, share generously, and love intensely. This will enable me to joyfully explore, learn and, grow and prosper. I also aim to be creative, brilliant, and honorably serve the highest good of all the people. I continue to follow this overtime, but generally, I feel it does a good job of summarizing what is important to me in life.I have set my core values in life, which I aim at following daily to fulfill my life purpose.
One of them is to be caring. I aim to include compassion, kindness and generosity to achieve my caring second core value is oneness. For me to achieve this core value, I must include unconditional love, connectedness, and harmony. Devotion is my third core value, which I aim at achieving. For me to achieve it I must include such characteristics as, passion, loyalty, and intensity. Fourthly, I aim to be intimate with myself and other people. I will achieve this though honesty, openness, and sharing with other people.
In addition, I aim to explore more on various issues in life. I will achieve this through curiosity, leaning, and being adventures. I believe that leaders should be a source of motivation to other people. Leaders should lead others by setting examples of how they should be led. They should be understanding to their followers and teach them how to follow laid down guidelines. Moreover, leaders should be inspiration to their followers. They ought to nature talent and see it through to achieve the optimum out of it.
In addition, leaders should be mentors to the young people so that they can enable them learn on the characteristics and traits of good leadership.I believe leadership is what people do with me and not that it is what I do to people. People should expect from me to show them the good characteristics of good leadership. People should also expect to learn from me the personal traits of good leadership. Contrariwise, I expect people to follow closely my leadership styles and correct me where I go wrong.
In this context, I expect various disagreements that are based on the decisions that I make as a leader.I will set up an example by advocating for justice and equality for all the people regardless of their status in the community. Moreover, I will nurture the various talents and ensure that they realize their full potential. Works CitedWitt, David “What Can People Expect from You as a Leader?” Blanchard leader chat, 2010. Web 9 march 2012 <>
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