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Revlictive report - Assignment Example

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I have learned the significance of being on time and caring for my work by avoiding troubles. The best achievement staff personnel can achieve is making a business organization to perform…
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Revlictive report
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Staff Appraisal Reflective Report Task Staff Appraisal Reflective Report Introduction Working for this company has taught me to work hard in given responsibilities in any field. I have learned the significance of being on time and caring for my work by avoiding troubles. The best achievement staff personnel can achieve is making a business organization to perform well and increase profits. I will evaluate my job skill, personality and behavior, and weak points in my first phase of working.During the working periods, I have shown quality skills needed in the field and able to learn other new job skills.

The department I am working in has improved appreciably through teamwork and exceptional skills that I possess. I got the skills through tutoring and self-train, which have played a significant role in the developing them. My personality and behavior has pleased great number of workmates, since we socialize and interact well. Some good characteristics that my fellow staffs members have recognized and appreciated are; honesty, self-motivated, courageous, risk taking, innovative, and creative.

We managed to escalate the business organization to another level through good interaction with my staff members, I have made sure that I handle myself well and avoid misbehaving at the work place (Caruth D, & Caruth, G. & Pane, 242). Even though I have excelled in most of the fields, there are areas where I have faced challenges, and need to work on. I have failed to work overtime because of the responsibilities I have to work on outside the job area. Working extra time is a big challenge to me although I respect the normal working time and take it seriously.

Therefore, I will working on the weak point and trying to settle down and concentrated more on my job in the coming phase.ConclusionMy strong areas discussed in my first phase are exceptional job skill, great personality, and good behavior, though I have failed to sacrifice my time and work extra time. Appraisal report generally assists in evaluating staff members and by letting, they realize their own strengths and weak points. Work CitedCaruth, Donald, and Caruth, Gail, and Pane, Stephanie.

Staffing the Contemporary Organization:A Guide to Planning, Recruiting, and Selecting for Human Resource Professionals. Westport: ABC-CLIO, 2008. Pp. 242.

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