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MEDIA USAGE BEHAVIOR Media Usage Behavior Affiliation At the present, marketing using internet has become an attractive trend for the businesses. Organizations are using internet in order to gain competitive edge over their competitors. This paper analyzes two web based promotional websites. This paper examines the information available on these web sites. These web sites include two agencies and business organizations with IMC programs. The initial business marketing website I have selected is Direct Marketing Association (
This online business website offers a variety of ways and means for business promotion and marketing. In this scenario, the website is offering enhanced techniques of business management and corporate recognition. This business website contains a large amount of research material for others to analyze and investigate. This business website offers a variety of marketing techniques and methods for the business improvement and management through online business marketing management. In addition, this business website offers corporate support and advocacy for the business management in case of marketing business.
This business website also conducts the business marketing educational programs. At this web site, we can see technical support and conferences for the business management and potential enhancement of the business management. This web site also contains an online business registration facility that helps the organization improve its working structure. Through this business registration capability we can potentially gain a better business support for the business and corporate management.The second business promotional website that I have selected is promotion marketing association (
This business website is aimed at helping the businesses to improve their working. This business website contains online newsletters those are very effective for business enhancement and corporate management. This business website is offering marketing support in form of shopper marketing, digital marketing, entertainment marketing and experimental marketing. Additionally, this business website is offering advocacy and promotional support for a variety of the business arrangements. The business website is also offering very effective management capability for improving business operations.
This is aimed improving the overall corporate working and business recognition to customers. In addition, this business website encompasses a variety of resources and research publications for the businesses. In this scenario, this web site is helpful to business for their marketing improvements. This website is a complete solution for overall corporate marketing management and business enhancement. This online promotional advisory and support arrangement is aimed to providing ad-hoc marketing support provision in case of any business arrangement.
This web site is offering multiple ways and means of business marketing. In addition, this platform contains a variety of research and technical support for business arrangement. This business website is extremely useful for getting knowledge of corporate management and business improvement. This paper has presented a brief analysis of two web sites. These both web sites are good in offering excellent support for the business marketing management. Since both web sites contain information regarding marketing so both the web sites can be used for building an effective IMC program.
ReferencesDix, A., Finlay, A. J., Abowd, G. D., & Beale, R. (2003). Human-Computer Interaction (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall.Summers, J., Gardiner, M., Lamb, C. W., hair, J. F., & Mcdaniel, C. (2003). Essentials of Marketing. Australia: Thomosn.
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