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Change in Business Strategy of Vodafone - Case Study Example

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The paper “Change in Business Strategy of Vodafone” is related to Vodafone, an international company that has gone through many phases of change. The company has recently changed its business strategy due to which, it has been facilitated with much profit and flexibility for its workers and customers…
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Change in Business Strategy of Vodafone
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For the business strategy, the management of the company did many deals with other potential sellers due to which, it gained access to broadband technology to an extent that it has nearly 650,000 broadband customers now. The company suffered some problems, in the beginning, to go with new technology and to innovate in a business setting is not an easy task. The management of Vodafone identified that to proceed in the market and to compete with the other competitors; they were required to access the fastest technology to facilitate their customers with the best services and products.

Nowadays, internationally mobile usage is increasing day by day and the increasing consumer market requires innovations and fast access to data through mobile technology. Therefore, the service providers of mobile technology are needed to compete at a high pace with each other.Vodafone after identifying and recognizing the need of people towards enhanced technology changed its business strategy by accommodating broadband technology in its business setting. For the enhancement of technology and expansion of business, Vodafone invested in emerging markets.

Because of broadband technology change, the company was benefited to a large extent. They have to invest a large amount but the results are more rewarding. They were able to capture new markets and the company also increased its number of customers. Previously the company was considered only as a small and beginner mobile company but with their change of strategy, they were able to open new grounds of success for their business. The company, Vodafone has also done a deal of Tele2, which facilitated the company to capture new business on the basis of broadband technology.

The strategic change that was brought up in the organization was an outcome of proper planning and there was no emergency decision making. It is seen that decisions that are taken in an emergency come up with destructive results and often are unprofitable. Vodafone did a full risk analysis for bringing in a business strategy. After the implementation of the change, the company was able to make a grand revenue because of its changed business strategy. There was also the availability of employment in the company because of innovating technology.

The change of business strategy that was brought up in Vodafone because of the attainment of broadband technology was profitable for the company and it made the company to capture more consumers and to meet the needs of consumers all over the world.

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