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Fr Trd or Fir Trd Wht's th diffrnc Issus surrounding th WTO r mny nd complx - Essay Example

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On My 28, 2004, th Unitd Stts signd th U.S.-Cntrl mric Fr Trd grmnt (CFT) with Cost Ric, l Slvdor, Gutml, Hondurs, nd Nicrgu. CFT ws ngotitd, in prt, s rgionl grmnt in which ll prtis would b subjct to th "th sm st of obligtions nd commitmnts," but with ch country dfining its own sprt schduls for mrkt ccss on biltrl bsis…
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Fr Trd or Fir Trd Whts th diffrnc Issus surrounding th WTO r mny nd complx
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Undr CFT, mor thn 80% of U.S. consumr nd industril xports nd ovr hlf of U.S. frm xports to Cntrl mric would bcom duty-fr immditly. To ddrss unvn dvlopmnt nd trnsition issus, CFT spcifis ruls for lngthy triff phs-out schduls s wll s trnsitionl sfgurds nd triff rt quots (TRQs) for snsitiv goods. lthough mny goods would ttin immdit duty-fr trtmnt, othrs would hv triffs phsd out incrmntlly so tht duty-fr trtmnt is rchd in 5, 10, 15, or 20 yrs from th tim th grmnt tks ffct. Duty-fr trtmnt would b dlyd for th mor snsitiv products, nd in som css, th triff rductions would not bgin until 7 or 12 yrs into th grmnt.

CFT is controvrsil nd fcs politicl uncrtinty. Supportrs hop tht CFT cn b prt of policy foundtion supportiv of both improvd intrrgionl trd nd long-trm socil, politicl, nd conomic dvlopmnt. Concrns rmin, howvr, ovr th ngtiv ffcts on crtin sctors nd mploys of th U.S. conomy, nd tht blncd outcom my b difficult to chiv if th FT fils to ccommodt sufficintly th djustmnt costs lso fcing crtin Cntrl mricn workrs, smll frmrs, nd othr groups. Th history som CFT countris hv of poor lbor rights nforcmnt riss qustions ovr whthr th lbor provisions will dqutly promot socil dvlopmnt.

For ll CFT countris, th constntly incrsing US forign dirct invstmnt nd ccss to US tchnology combind with th incrsd duty fr ccss to th US mrkt rprsnt significnt bnfits. Morovr, th psychologicl ffct of th grmnt will ncourg mor ntrprnurship nd grtr job crtion in Cntrl mric nd th Dominicn Rpublic, which r ssntil to crting sustinbl dvlopmnt. Nvrthlss, CFT firms will fc strongr comptition from US firms undr th grmnt. Opponnts of CFT rgu tht only th wlthy lits of Cntrl mric nd th Dominicn Rpublic will bnfit from th grmnt, nd tht it will hv n unfvorbl impct on workrs, smll businsss, frmrs nd th nvironmnt.

Thy furthr disdvntg of CFT tht th nt rsult of CFT will b n vn widr gp btwn th rich nd poor in ths dvloping countris. This disprity in conomic powr nd th rsulting conomic injustic hs bn th root cus of th politicl instbility tht hs inundtd ths countris historiclly. dding up ll trd bnfits, th Bush dministrtion rgud to Congrss tht CFT would offr support for strngthning dmocrcy in countris tht hv continuously struggld with stringnt intrnl politicl conflicts nd rgionl conflicts in th rcnt pst.To tk full dvntg of ths bnfits, nw World Bnk rport dviss countris to commnc complmntry invstmnts nd rforms to nhnc th grmnt's growth impct nd gurnt bnfits for ll.

"Grtr trd opportunitis r ssntil to improving living stndrds in dvloping countris," sid World Bnk Prsidnt Pul Wolfowitz. Th grtr trd lvls will ris from th rmovl of virtully ll triff nd quot brrirs, consolidting th privilgd mrkt ccss Cntrl mric lrdy hs in U.S. mrkts through th Cribbn Bsin Inititiv. CFT should lso intnsify rgionl intgrtion mong th Cntrl mricn ntions thmslvs nd ncourg grtr lvls of forign invstmnt. It's importnt to rcogniz tht conomic growth is rsult of production, not consumption.

Thus th logic of th "trd s forign id" rgumnt dictts tht CFT is intndd to promot th importtion of goods from Cntrl mric, rthr thn th xport of U.S. goods to th rgion.Th qustion wthr th Unitd Sttd of mric will bnfit from this multiltrl grmnt stys opn, but thr r som nsws tht cn bring you closr to undrstnding wht popl nticipt from this grmnt. Mny popl in th Unitd Stts r suspicious of fr trd grmnts. Thy r concrnd bout losing thir jobs bcus of imports

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