ISMG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5. Retrieved from
ISMG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words - 5.
Big organizations preying on him might decide to give him a deal that he cannot turn down, thus leaving the organization. Subsequently, the organization would lose one of its lead coders. While looking for means of retaining is important, understanding that anything could happen to him, such a tragedy would help them think about this problem soberly. Although he had turned down several offers, it does not imply that he would live with IVK forever. One day he could decide to go or retire. In any case, one day he has to leave. The best way of solving the problem, therefore, is looking for individuals talented enough whose efforts when combined could make a substitute.
While hiring IT personnel, it is important to put into consideration several issues. The skills of the individual are important as IT as a profession requires adequate skills. Talent is yet another important element that managers should look at while determining the kind of people to hire in the IT department. Finally, the management needs to consider the experience of an individual while handling different systems or performing certain tasks.
Organizations use two different tradeoff methods while locating their IT departments, centralizing them or geographically decentralizing them. While each has its advantages, it has its limitations as well. While centralizing enables the monitoring of the operations as well as proper utilization of organizational resources, it has little impact on the department it is required most. However, it saves the organization additional expenses in maintaining the various branches. On the other hand, decentralization has a greater impact on the areas IT services are required but increases organizational expenditures. Moreover, there is minimal supervision of the various departments.
Different organizations have different ways of drawing their budgets, and their investment plans. The level of expenditure in an organization in a particular department in most cases depends on the size of the organization’s department. For instance, an organization that uses IT extensively could have an extensive expensive expenditure budget on IT, while another could have a bigger budget for a different department. An organization should be willing to spend extensively on the particular department generating more income. However, there should be a limit, especially concerning the organizational budget. While innovation is important to a manufacturing organization, it v could have an insignificant impact on a different organization. As such, the ideal ratio between the amounts that a firm spends on IT maintenance versus innovation projects depends on the organizational capacity and the importance of the two.
The kid’s toolkit approach method, if applied carefully by a manager could help them in avoiding mistakes while determining the best models to apply for their organizations. Although not a certified method, it makes sense. For instance, by arguing that a manager’s ideas and thoughts were like a toolkit, which they should keep to themselves, it meant that managers, despite having the role of making the most important decisions in an organization, were not always right. Although they perceive their models as being better and superior to others, the geniuses of these are only possible through actual application in an organizational setting. The reason why a model appears good to a person is that particular aspects please them. However, this does not mean that the plan is as good as when applied. Thus, managers should use these ideas as toolboxes to supplement the ideas of others in making decisions regarding the models to apply in an organization.
Regardless of the complexity of a situation, there ought to be a decision taken in the end. Every organization faces a myriad of problems, in which it has to make decisions, some of which are too complex for the managers to take instant action. Organizational culture, whether good or bad, in most cases, is hard to abandon. Thus, deciding on an organizational culture like the one IVK faced is rather a challenging exercise. Every person holds one of the three options, compliance, strict enforcement, or gradual migration. However, identifying the likely scenarios of each of these options would be the best way of concluding. While complying with the previous standardization would mean that the trend that the management seeks to change would continue, it would lead to less resistance to the organization, both from the people involved in the procurement process as well as the workers. Taking the second option of strict implementation would mean that the organization would have too coarse several people, but would achieve the much-needed change. Gradual implementation would lead to slow adoption, and would be more costly in the end, but would achieve the desired results with minimal organizational resistance. Thus, this should be the best option that IVK should take to achieve its goal of infrastructure standardization.