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Information mangment - Essay Example

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Information Management Name Professor Course Date Introduction Information management when spoken of in terms of technological terms refers to the management of data in any known database. Information management can be illustrated as the intellect behind the collection and management of information from one or more sources…
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Information mangment
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Technology has changed a lot; from the way people manage their information to the way data is stored and also to the way it is distributed among people. Why the topic is important This topic is important because many people are not aware that they manage information in more than one way every day. Information management does not only involve the collection and management of data from different sources (Beynon-Davies, 56, 2009). It also involves the distribution of this information to one or more different other sources or individuals.

Information management in business is used to do different things. The information management software is used to assist in running the business. An information management software in business helps connect a business with access to database servers, business intelligence, management of contents and also the protection of data from other sources that might cause data discrepancy. My argument in this essay Information management is an issue that is very important in business and the whole world as a general since it enables the secure storage of data, collection and management and also the distribution (McAfee, 300, 2009).

Without information management, there would be an unstable system of business, technology and living as a whole. The essence of this essay will be to center on the significance of data technology in business and life as a general. Most people overlook the concept of information technology as something that would not aid them in their day to day lives. When it comes to developing data and managing it, it is very crucial that there be a source to which one can manage the data. Theories Since management means the overall organization, control, planning, structure and organization, controlling, processing, evaluating and reporting of all the information actions that transpire daily, it is then safe to say that information technology helps to meet client objectives and enable corporate functions in the delivery of information to people.

In information management, there are numerous stipulations used in explaining the term. There is information retrieval, information seeking, knowledge organization, and the society. Without these four key aspects, then information management would cease to have meaning. Information management has been taken into an assumption by many, and the purpose of this essay is to show individuals that information management involves a lot than people may think. In an organization, the ability to process certain information brings out the power of a company to perform.

An organization’s ability to process information strengthens a company’s core and management practices. Taking a look at social media, the quantity of data that is substituted in a single second can illustrate the level of management of data that is used. Social media is a networking site that enables people to interrupt with each other and share things like photos, videos, information pertaining to themselves and many more stuff. Much information that is exchanged and also a lot of information are stored in the servers since social media’s contain a lot of people (Boddy, Boonstra & Kennedy, 100, 2005).

With such information, it is crucial that an information management system be used to deal with all the data in the servers. Data pertaining to the people of social networks, the information that they exchange on a daily basis is stored in secure locations so as to maintain the

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