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Individual Letter Element - Essay Example

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Firm’s Name Street Address City, Street Zip Date Mr. Ivan Gazaidiz Chief Executive Officer, Arsenal FC Recepient Street Address City, State Zip Dear Mr. Gazaidiz Re: Arsenal FC Evolution: Change from Without Arsenal FC is rated among the biggest clubs both in England and the entire Europe ever since its 1886 conception…
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Individual Letter Element
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In order to top the elite clubs in England and Europe, there exist a number of drivers from the external environment of the club that could be significant in the evolution: international fan base, online merchandise and club marketing, and the club’s loyal owners. Being a football franchise, Arsenal FC greatly relies on the support of fans. Arsenal FC has a huge fan base on the international scene. However, there are millions of unhooked fans that could provide a perfect customer base for the clubs merchandise, assets that collect about 11% of the club’s revenue.

Revenue is bound to grow and so is the club’s superiority given the influence that fans usually have on the players. With a huge and loyal fan base, players are likely to work extra hard to avoid being letdowns. Arsenal FC has potential to attract more fans given its current numbers, with statistics showing that Nigeria alone has more fans of Arsenal than the total number of Arsenal fans in the UK alone. Additional PESTEL analysis factors will emphasize the club’s ability to achieve this.

The internet has revolutionized into one of the biggest sole market place globally through ecommerce. Online market force opportunity for Arsenal is another key driver that could change the fortunes of its revenues and increase the ability of its fans in getting its merchandise. The current online statistics stand at over 50 million subscribers to its Facebook and twitter page, site, and its online store. The arsenal marketing outfit needs to focus more on online marketing and strive to implement the stalled Click and Collect service.

The last key factor that puts Arsenal FC at a position of extensive growth and change is its ownership team that is entirely committed to the core values that run the club. The club has the ability to maintain this by avoiding any frequent change of management witnessed in other major clubs in the country. The above key drivers for change were determined using a framework of PESTEL that ensured viability and realism. The Political factor (P) provides favorable environment by letting football franchises operate independently thus independence.

With independence, the club ownership of Arsenal FC is liberal enough to do anything under their sleeve that would improve the club’s fortunes. The steady revenue income for the club is a key Economic factor (E) to count on in ensuring enough capital in online marketing and increasing the international fan base through numerous promotions. The stable economic situation globally has enabled emergence of a population class that is stable enough to involve in fun activities such as football. This is a Social factor (S) that ensures availability of potential fans for the club.

Literacy level in IT matters in the society have increased, facilitating a possibility of high access to online material, a strategy Arsenal intends to market itself. Technology (T) has ensured the availability of internet and numerous smart devices that would enable easy implementation of Arsenal’s online marketing strategies. In implementing all the key drivers, care was taken not to violate any Environmental factors (E) thus avoiding pollutants of any kind. For the Legal factors (L) Arsenal’s self-sustaining business model of operation shield’s it from legal confrontations by not infringing any competition law that governs English football.

Arsenal has a number of strengths and an equal share of weaknesses

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