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Health Care Organization - Term Paper Example

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"Health Care Organization" paper examines the challenges of managing the human resources in the organization, competencies required for the position, the role of the company, and the strategic view of human resources that support the institution’s organizational strategy…
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Health Care Organization
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? Health Care Organization Affiliation: Introduction Health care is an important component in any given social setting. Many countries around the world are from time to time pursuing health care reforms, aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the health sector. The underlying interest is to strike a long term and favorable relationship among all stakeholders in a bid to provide to populations quality healthcare. The management of health care organizations is a critical component that determines the realized outcome in the health sector, prior to the goals and objectives an organization in the context of the wider goals and objectives of the industry. Human resources play a key role at all levels of health care provision, enhanced by proper decision making by health care organizations. In the light of the Johns Hopkins Medicine organization, human resources environment is evaluated and assessed in terms of the various factors that characterize that environment. Challenges of managing the human resources in the organization Managing human resources is often characterized by a number of identifiable challenges. These challenges are spread across all variables that define the operational functionality of human resources in an organization. Human resources management in the context of Johns Hopkins Medicine organization experiences challenges internally and externally, based on local and international trends in factors that affect human resources and the entire health care industry. The challenges herein are discussed below: New technology challenge The Johns Hopkins Medicine organization is one of the health care organizations that highly adopt changes in new and advanced technologies. The organization is committed to providing the domestic and international community with health services that utilize contemporary technologies in a bid to make the services effective and efficient. This is actually a positive effort for the organization, but its human resource management personnel face a significant challenge posed by this pursuit. This process promotes a shift from touch labor to knowledge work (Beardwell & Claydon, 2010). In other words, managing this change in the context of the workforce is a difficult task. Leadership development Leadership impacts on the organization at all levels. This is because organizational decisions are taken at all levels due to the required interdepartmental relationship. While Johns Hopkins Medicine organization is focused on becoming a world leading example in the health sector, little or no concentration is directed towards internal leadership of specific departments. On the same note, all the departments are required to work in harmony and observe the same goals and objectives. The conflicting pursuit challenges leadership development in the organization. Measurement of effectiveness Many health care organizations are focused on the result other than the process. Effectiveness measurement in these organizations is directed to the general company performance other than the individual contribution of each department in the organization. It is important to account for the effectiveness of the human resource department in the pursuit of the organizational goals. However, proper mechanisms to do so are lacking in many organizations. While such mechanisms may be in place in Johns Hopkins Medicine organization, the key variables that measure the effectiveness are lacking. Staffing It is the role of human resources management to undertake proper staffing in an organization. This is done through recruitment and management of available skilled labor, locally and internationally (Pilbeam & Corbridge, 2011). Johns Hopkins Medicine is an ever advancing organization in terms of its operations and technology. As a result, the staffing of the organization needs to be diverse and dynamic over time in order to match these trends. Striking a balance between the advancement and the staffing process is significant challenge. Health and welfare Benefits and costs are two economic flows that characterize many organizations around the world. Costs of operations are required to be as low as possible, while the benefits to the organization and the society are maximized (Wright, 2006). Johns Hopkins Medicine is an active organization in the industry and therefore the costs of operation are likely to be high. Reducing costs through human resources is a strategic action that can be used to realize this objective. However, promoting health and welfare, while still pursuing these efforts is not an easy task. Competencies required for the position There are key competency variables that are crucial to the position of human resources management. It is important that open mindedness be observed. Health care needs keep changing, and so are the operations of health care organizations in a bid to respond to these changes. As a result, it is important to be observant and analytic. This is enhanced by the mentioned open mindedness in undertaking the required goals and objectives. The management position also requires adaptability to change. The management style employed cannot be static over time under the health care organizations context. This is a competency variable that is aimed at promoting diversity and dynamism in the real world scenario. Understanding this diversity and dynamism in the real world enhances management skills in dealing with the changing nature of the organization and the entire sector in general. Global mind setting is essential with the current trends in globalization. The management should embrace global thinking and perspective mode of management as a key competency factor. Human resources are mobile in nature due to the changes in demand and supply of labor at a given point in time (Armstrong, 2007). In this regard, it is important that the management possesses evaluative knowledge and skills in responding to labor force trends. The underlying interest of an organization is having the most effective and efficient human resource personnel at all time and across all its operations, and a global mind set is a key competency factor. Role of the company The Johns Hopkins Medicine organization has a role to play in developing human resource management skills to its managers. The organization has been in the health care sector for quite long compared to other organizations in the industry. For this reason, it easy and effective for the organization to monitor changes, improvements and other significant trends in the sector that further necessitate improvements in the human resource dealings. It can therefore play a crucial role in influencing the knowledge and skills outcome in the professionals prepared for the health organizations. Another role that the company can play is the training of employees at all levels. Over and above the professional training through the normal education system, it is important that the company undertakes further training to its junior and senior employees in order to customize their knowledge and skills to the operations and interests of the organization. By so doing, the manager expects to become more experienced in dealing with human capital for the benefit of the organization (Sandstrom, 2008). The organization is also bound to benefit by putting in place a management team that fully adjusts to its changing programmes over time in response to sectorial needs of health care. Strategic view of human resources that supports the institution’s organizational strategy Johns Hopkins Medicine organizational principle of operation is to revolutionize the heath care sector. Its role as one of the most successful health care organization is influential both locally and nationally. The integration of human resources in the organizational strategy of Johns Hopkins Medicine organization takes a strategic position of its human resources in the entire health care market. The organization is committed to serving the health care sector to its full capacity. Since it fully keeps at par with sectorial demands further installs competitive human resources, its strategic view is to diversify its research and development pursuits and prospects to reach out to external health care markets that are still untouched. This way, it will tap competent international human resources that are not utilized to full capacity. References Armstrong, M. (2007). A handbook of employee reward management and practice. London: Kogan Publications. Beardwell, J. and Claydon, T. (2010). Human Resource Management: a contemporary approach. New York: Pearson Education. Pilbeam, S. and Corbridge, M. (2011). People Resourcing and Talent Planning: HRM in Practice, 4th ed. New York: Pearson Education. Sandstrom, N. (2008). EOn’s Ahead, People Management. London: CIPD Publications. Wright, A. (2006). Reward Management in Context. London: CIPD. Read More
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