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The Opium Poppy - Term Paper Example

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This term paper "The Opium Poppy" focuses on an addictive narcotic drug that contains alkaloids such as papaverine, codeine, and morphine. The opium poppy has a complex history. The opium poppy has both negative and positive effects of opium poppy upon human society. …
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The Opium Poppy
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Biology Bio(BISC399) - Plant and People al Affiliation The opium poppy: blessing and curse Introduction Opium is an addictive narcotic drug that contains alkaloids such as papaverine, codeine, and morphine. Preparation of opium requires the dried latex of green seedpods of the opium poppy as the raw material (Szablewicz, 2010). Opium poppy has a complex history as it has brought great problems, as well as great benefits to the human society (Lee et al., 2011). This is, probably, among the earliest medicinal plants that human beings had discovered. In the present day, cultivation of opium poppy takes place in many countries worldwide, notably Turkey, Poland, Holland, Romania, Iran, Afghanistan, Canada, just to mention a few (Moraes & Moraes, 2003). Opium poppy has both negative and positive effects of opium poppy upon human society (Chouvy, 2010). The negative effects of opium poppy include terrorism, wars, international politics, crime, addiction and dependence, health problems, and negative economic issues, and the positive effects include the manufacture of drugs and for homeopathy. Negative effects of opium poppy Terrorism Opium poppy is the source of opium, which is a narcotic drug. Narcotic drugs are illegal in most countries across the world (United Nations, 2009). Therefore, many countries consider the trading of narcotics as illegal and take actions against those individuals who take part in drug trafficking. However, violence, corruption, and subversion have increasingly impeded the international narcotics control efforts. Violence increases when efforts begin to have an effect on the trafficking operations (Davids, 2002). Various countries have put more effort towards identifying those groups and individuals who attempt to undermine the struggle against trafficking of narcotics. Such groups can include those groups, which finance their terrorist actions through profits they acquire from the narcotics trade; groups that actively engage themselves in narcotics trafficking and use terrorist activities to sustain or enhance their positions; and groups that the narcotics traffickers organize randomly to resort to terrorist activities and violence to enhance and protect their criminal enterprise. Most of the countries that produce narcotics have political insurgents, who quite often use terrorist techniques and have become involved indirectly or directly with production and trafficking of narcotics (Davids, 2002). There are close relationships between narcotics trafficking, terrorist groups, and arms smuggling, especially in the Middle East. According to Davids (2002), there is some evidence of state-sponsored trafficking of narcotics. In a few cases, the further evidence is that some of the communist nations have engaged to some extent in facilitating the trafficking of narcotics. Terrorism refers to the use of violence or threats to apply violence as a political weapon to attain control, to influence government policy, or to destabilize and overthrow governments (Davids, 2002). The legal definition of terrorism may not be precise in describing narcotics traffickers and their organizations. However, the tactics they employ at times are equal to, or exceed those tactics that terrorist organizations use. Most of the groups involved with narcotics production or trafficking do not meet the traditional or legal definitions of "terrorists" or "insurgents," the fact is that the use of planned, high-threat, sophisticated violence to accomplish their goals, even without a political agenda, is terrorism (Davids, 2002). Furthermore, the increasing use of violence against international narcotics control efforts, irrespective of the source as well as the dealing in narcotics for firearms and the financing of political insurgencies and terrorists through illegal narcotics activities, pose grievous threats to the national security of the narcotics producing countries and to the prospects for effective international narcotics control. Prostitution, Robbery, and Thievery The incidents of prostitution, robbery, and thievery have a close association with the use of opium and other narcotics (Hesse, 2002). The users of opium and other narcotics are willing to do any evil in order to acquire money for buying the drug, especially after addiction and dependence. Opium Addiction and Dependence Opium addiction and dependence has plagued human beings for a number of years. This is an intensely addictive narcotics drug obtained from the opium poppy through a simple production method, and has led to a culture of addiction in many countries and cultures across the world. Opium addiction became a serious problem in China when the continent first started trading with the established western countries (Ahmad, 2007). Historically, wherever people introduced opium to a culture for the first time, opium addiction, and many other related problems soon followed. Opium addiction has negatively affected international economies and entire populations, and through the dispersion of other drugs derived from the opium poppy, opium addiction has become a worldwide problem (Ahmad, 2007). The drug users frequently become enamored with opium, the initial acute euphoria, followed by a period of drowsiness, relaxation, and a sense of disconnection. There are additional side effects of opium use, which include itching, vomiting, constipation, and a build-up of tolerance (Ahmad, 2007). The tolerance can be the herald to opium addiction because the body requires larger doses to attain the same result. Other effects such as nausea and vomiting are short-term effects, which lessen as dependence or tolerance increases. Respiratory suppression can be fatal when people use opium in combination with other substances or for recreational purposes (Ahmad, 2007). Opium dependence is a condition that occurs through the long-term use of opium (Heilmeyer, 2007). Users may undergo the development of physical dependence on opium, which is a common aspect of opium addiction. Dependence refers the physical effects that follow when a person stops using the drug. Opium addiction is usually hard to treat because of the grimness of the physical withdrawal symptoms (Heilmeyer, 2007). The withdrawal symptoms of opium include nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and physical pain as well as chemically stimulated psychological symptoms such as dysphoria or depression. Dysphoria is unease, depression, and discomfort, characterized by anxiety and lack of a sense of wellbeing (Heilmeyer, 2007). This is the other side to the euphoria, which an individual experiences during the use of opium, and it can make recovering from opium addiction and dependence a serious challenge. Other health effects of opium use The use of opium can result in the development of health problems such as heart damage, constipation, sexual dysfunction, and sleep disturbances (Heilmeyer, 2007). Smoking opium can lead to serious long-term impairment to normal functioning of the heart. The chemical constituents that make up opium can interfere with blood circulation, oxygen levels, and cholesterol levels in a negative manner (Heilmeyer, 2007). Research has shown that the heart disease becomes acute when the patient smokes opium as compared to other modes of administration. This may be because of the rapid release of endorphins following immediate lung absorption. Many opium users often mix the drug with tobacco, which increases the likelihood of heart disease (Heilmeyer, 2007). Research has found that smoking opium can also lead to constipation. This drug is so effective at causing constipation and as a result, it is often useful in treating severe diarrhea like dysentery. Smoking opium activates opiate receptors along the intestinal tract, which virtually paralyzes the gastrointestinal tract (Heilmeyer, 2007). Opiate drugs bring on constipation by interfering with intestinal contractility and tone, increasing fecal dehydration, delaying transit time, and increasing the contraction of the anal sphincter muscles. These combined effects disturb normal defecation cycles, causing dry, hard fecal matter, and require a significant muscle contraction effort to eliminate feces from the body in an effective manner (Heilmeyer, 2007). The use of opium can also lead to sexual dysfunction. Opium acts as a depressant of central nervous system, slowing down almost all processes in the human body, including breathing, sexual stimulation, and heart rate (Heilmeyer, 2007). Opium smokers may experience low sensitivity during sexual intercourse because of decreased blood flow to the sexual organs. Some opium users may experience an inability to attain a sustained erection during sexual intercourse. Research has shown that using opiates can lead to sexual dysfunction in both women and men (Heilmeyer, 2007). This is because of a significant reduction in estrogen and testosterone production, both indispensable for sexual health. The use of opiate drugs affects male and female users in different ways. Men experience erectile dysfunction, while women experience irregular hot flashes and menstrual cycles (Heilmeyer, 2007). Smoking opium may lead sleep disturbances such as irregular dreaming cycles and insomnia. Opiates block adenosine, which is a neurotransmitter crucial for the initiation and regulation of sleep. Heilmeyer (2007) has done enough research, which explains that opiates cause sleep disorders because they activate both the wakefulness and sleep centers in the brain. When adenosine undergoes inhibition, the user of opiate drugs experiences a state of oblivion between being fully awake and asleep (Heilmeyer, 2007). Negative economic issues While income from the opium trade stimulates economy of the involved countries, there are negative economic consequences. The most common problems associated with the opium economy include widespread corruption, and the association of the opium trade and the insurgency (Davids, 2002). Opium farmers routinely bribe the counternarcotics eradication personnel and the police to turn a blind eye. The drug traffickers also pay the law enforcement personnel to protect their movements and avoid taking actions against opium trade and use (Davids, 2002). Farmers may concentrate on cultivating the opium poppy. Such farmers will experience an economic crisis when the government officials capture them and burn the product. The users of opium and their families may experience financial crisis because of buying the drug on a daily basis due to addiction and dependence (Heilmeyer, 2007). Some users can rob other people of their properties in order to acquire enough money for purchasing opium (Hesse, 2002). Therefore, the use of opium has close association poverty, especially in those areas where people use opium in a frequent manner. Positive Effects of Opium Poppy Manufacture of Drugs In spite of its negative effects, opiate drugs are still among the most effective painkillers and are particularly crucial in the treatment of terminal illnesses and severe pain. People cultivate Opium Poppies especially the Papaver family for medicinal purposes (Ahmad, 2007). Historically, Opium obtained from these poppies have been useful medicinally mainly for sedation and pain relief, always by smoking or eating the Opium. In the contemporary society, derivatives of Opium Poppies, which are among the most cultivated medicinal herbs, are significant in many familiar medications that are under the government’s strict control because of their addictive properties (Santella, 2007). Such derivatives include heroin, codeine, and morphine, just to mention a few. Over many years, research has shown that the Chinese have used opium poppy to treat cases of headaches, diarrhea, and asthma (Ahmad, 2007). The Chinese have also found the use for the unripe seeds of the opium poppy as both sedative and antitussive, since it has been evident that opium poppies contain more than twenty different alkaloids, including papaverine, morphine, codeine, and noscapine. In today’s world, scientists have realized that the alkaloids from the opium poppy can be useful as an effective painkiller. While codeine can be useful in the treatment of minor pains and injuries, papaverine can be useful in increasing blood flow, and noscapine can be useful in the treatment of coughing (Ahmad, 2007). Opium poppy has also been useful as a base for powerful synthetic narcotic drug (Ahmad, 2007). However, it is necessary to remember that because of its strong, addictive properties, the use of opium products is illegal in many countries. Opium can be available in the form of dried latex, and it is useful as a powerful narcotic, analgesic, and antispasmodic. In tradition, opium is useful as an excellent remedy for cold, because of its ability to decrease physical function, and to suppress and sedate nervous activity, coughs, including pain. Because opium is highly addictive, it is useful after it has been evident that other less powerful painkillers have failed to bring relief for the patient. According to Ahmad (2007), Opium also brings relief to patients suffering from persistent coughs and diarrhea. Homeopathy Preparation of the homeopathic remedy opium is with the opium or poppy seeds (Kent, 2002). The founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, substantiated the safety as well as the effectiveness of this medication. As a homeopathic remedy, opium treats a range of different health conditions. Opium possesses incredible curative properties, and many people believe that this homeopathic medication has the potency to provide the missing solution to a variety of health problems that an individual may be enduring (Kent, 2002). Considering that man uses opium to prepare this homeopathic medication, opium likely possesses the properties that may facilitate the treatment of patients who may be enduring any mental or physical health problems (Kent, 2002). If individuals who have suffered from life threatening incidents or intense medical problems, for instance recovering from paralysis or a brain injury caused because of a stroke turn to opium, are certain to attain an immense benefit (Kent, 2002). The use of the homeopathic remedy opium may take care of those individuals experiencing withdrawal symptoms after enduring hallucination / delirium or giving up alcoholic beverages. Therefore, all the above evidences are enough to show that the homeopathic medication opium is extremely helpful in extreme circumstances (Kent, 2002). Conclusion Therefore, opium poppy is both a blessing and a curse, regarding its usage in human society. However, the negative effects of opium outweigh its positive effects. Opium has a close association with various crimes, such as prostitution, robbery, and thievery because opium users are ready to perform any possible task with an attempt to obtain the drugs (Tian et al., 2011). Addiction and dependence, heart damage, constipation, sexual dysfunction, and sleep disturbances are some of the health problems that have a close relationship with the use of opium. Medicine is one of the few fields in which opium is useful. Opium finds its application in the manufacture of painkillers and other drugs that treat conditions such as diarrhea, constipation, and asthma. Cultivation of the opium poppy is legal in different countries because of the medicinal value of morphine (Dewick, 2009). References Ahmad, D. L. (2007). The opium debate and Chinese exclusion laws in the nineteenth-century American West. Reno: University of Nevada Press. Chouvy, P. (2010). Opium: uncovering the politics of the poppy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Davids, D. J. (2002). Narco-terrorism: a unified strategy to fight a growing terrorist menace. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers. Dewick, P. M. (2009). Medicinal natural products: a biosynthetic approach (3rd ed.). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley. Heilmeyer, M. (2007). Ancient herbs. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum. Hesse, M. (2002). Alkaloids: natures curse or blessing? Zurich: Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta. Kent, J. T. (2002). The art and science of homeopathic medicine. Mineloa, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Moraes, F., & Moraes, D. (2003). Opium. Berkeley, CA: Ronin Pub. Santella, T. M. (2007). Opium. New York: Chelsea House. United Nations. (2009). Addiction, crime and insurgency the transnational threat of Afghan opium. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Read More
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