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Chronic Forms of Leukemia - Essay Example

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The author of this paper "Chronic Forms of Leukemia" will make an earnest attempt to address a two-fold objective: (1) to distinguish chronic forms of leukemia; and (2) to differentiate presenting features of the patient, prognosis, and treatment of each form of leukemia…
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Chronic Forms of Leukemia
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Based on cell type, leukemia is classified as myeloid or lymphocytic while acute and chronic categories refer to classification by the chronicity of the disease. Thus, four main types of leukemia emerged and include acute and chronic myeloid leukemia (AML and CML) and acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (ALL and CLL) (Ruddon, 2007, p. 75). The chronic forms of leukemia (CML and CLL) will be focused of the paper.

A gradual onset, a prolonged clinical course, and relatively long survival distinguished chronic leukemia from acute leukemia. The two types of chronic leukemia vary in terms of prevalence, presentation, treatment, and prognosis. Chronic myeloid leukemia typically developed among men ages 40 and 50 while chronic lymphocytic leukemia rarely strikes before age 45 but most of the victims are over age 65 (Daniels and Nicoll, 2012, p. 771).

Presenting features of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia varies. The majority of patients are asymptomatic, however, CBC can detect leukocyte counts of more than 100,000/ mm3 and patients may experience shortness of breath, slight confusion, and enlargement and tenderness of liver and spleen (Day, Paul and Williams, 2009, p. 1005). Lymphadenopathy is rare in CML and patients to develop more symptoms (malaise, anorexia, and weight loss) and complications as the disease progresses. Meanwhile, patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia present features of lymphadenopathy, elevated lymphocyte counts, fatigue, infection, the experience of anxiety and lower quality of life, and social isolation (Daniels and Nicoll, 2012, p. 771).

Available treatments for treating chronic myeloid and lymphocytic leukemia also vary. According to Rosdahl and Kowalski (2008), treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia includes observation, chemotherapy, multi-drug chemotherapies, and bone marrow transplant (p. 1050). Oncologists observe the patients for signs and symptoms of the disease prior to the initiation of treatment. Once the necessity for treatment is determined, a patient will receive chemotherapy or monoclonal antibody but this will not cure the disease. Patients may also receive radiation therapy in stem cell transplants. On the other hand, treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia includes chemotherapy and bone transplants which can offer a cure (Rosdahl and Kowalski, 2008, p. 1050)

The prognosis for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia depends upon the eradication of the Philadelphia chromosome. Imatinib (Gleevec), a kinase inhibitor, is the current treatment of choice but its ability to cure CML is unknown. Only the allogenic bone transplant can induce cures in 50% of patients but the risks and requirements for donation limit the application of treatment (Gates and Fink, 2008, p. 172). Meanwhile, the prognosis for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia offers at least one or two decades of life expectancy but the difficulty of applying the treatment and mortality arises once CLL progresses into more aggressive diseases.

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