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Green Buildings in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example

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This dissertation chapter describes the literature review of the green buildings in Saudi Arabia topic. The researcher discusses the recent situation of building regulations in Saudi Arabia, energy efficiency and the goals and the concept of Green Buildings in Saudi Arabia…
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Green Buildings in Saudi Arabia
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Green Buildings in Saudi Arabia Literature Review Building Regulations: The Recent Situation of Building Regulations in Saudi Arabia: It has been expected that regulation of Green Buildings would become obligatory in Saudi Arabia in the recent times. The government and the industry have been obtained to work together in this regard such that a common standard may be incorporated and applied in the process. Water and energy savings in buildings have also been considered significantly where the Ministry of Electricity is effectively involved with the Green Building Council and other associated companies (Neuhof, 2010). Saudi Arabia has based its codes of building on I-codes. Earlier in the year 2007 a memorandum of understanding had been signed by the International Code Council with the Saudi Building Code National Committee (SBCNC) to contribute to constructing secured awareness and technological know-how. This MOU included several joint projects focusing on codes of building, specifications, technical seminars, technical information services, and publications. The agreements ensured meetings among the representatives of these parties focusing on the exchange of technical expertise supporting the activities related to building codes and the promotional activities of technologies, research, publications and services (IHS, 2007). Thus the government of Saudi Arabia can be understood to have taken concerns regarding incorporation of standards with respect to building regulations and green buildings. Use of Building Regulations in Gulf Countries: News in the year 2011 reflects on the plans of the Gulf nations to have unified codes of building. Standardization has been considered in terms of temperature measurement, humidity and electrical quantities thus focusing on their approval. The Gulf mass measurements have been referenced from the measurements that were maintained as standards by Dubai Central Laboratory in the UAE (Haider, 2011). Gulf countries like Dubai are concerned with the building regulations- the Green Building Regulations and Specifications in the Emirate of Dubai- with intentions to improve the performance of the constructed buildings. Such regulations have been expected to reduce the consumption of energy, water and other resources, accompanied with the improvement of the public health as well as their safety and general wellbeing (Green Building Regulations & Specifications, n.d., p.5). Green building that practices the creation of structures and use of processes intending to increase the effectiveness of use of resources like energy, water, and materials, at the same time plummeting the impacts of building on human health and the surroundings during the lifecycle of the building, with the use of enhanced design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal, has been considered in the strategic plan by the Gulf countries like Dubai. The country focuses on making use of building regulations for the sustenance of urban environment thereby enhancing the ability of the country’s infrastructure facilities considering the future development of the country. These regulations have been applied to all buildings in the Emirate of Dubai that include Free Zones as well (Green Building Regulations & Specifications, n.d., p.5). Availability of Using Different Regulations: BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) are the extensively recognized environmental assessment methodologies that are used worldwide in the building construction industry in the present times. BREEAM 2008 that replaced BREEAM 2006 is used for the assessment of buildings in the current times. Percentage scores and BREEAM rating are accordingly presented for the tests of the buildings. Certain mandatory ratings have also been set. Considering LEED, prerequisites have been set by the methodology before the mandatory ratings of the BREEAM as reflected through LEED 2009. There is a competition between both the methods that has led to enhanced development of building standards, and innovation (BREEAM versus LEED, 2010, pp.4-16). BREEAM has had several revised versions since it first came into place in 1990. These revisions have been focused on the changes in the building regulations and the BREEAM methodology now intends to set the standards accordingly. “The BREEAM system is a rating tool that has specific formats for a range of buildings allowing it to be capable of meeting the different functions of key building types” (Kirkpatrick, 2009, p.18). Considering the standards maintained by LEED, the continuing use of fossil fuels has distorted the scoring of the system and hence its awareness is less effective. The initial costs of the system are also high which however has been obtained to be able to be minimized through savings that can be incurred over the period of time. LEED is a measurement tool that still needs certain improvement in addressing the climate specific issues without which buildings may score even if they are not up to the standards (LEED Benefits and Disadvantages, 2009). 2. Energy Efficiency of Saudi Arabia: The Recent Situation of Energy (Electricity) in Saudi Arabia: The recent energy use and resources in Saudi Arabia can be learnt from the following chart: Energy Production and Consumption (in thousand metric tons of oil equivalent) Saudi Arabia Total energy production, 2000 487,889 % change since 1980 -8% Energy imports, 1997 4 Energy exports, 1997 386,792 Total energy consumption, 1999 84,907 Electricity consumption, 1999 8,181 Energy consumption per capita, 1997 5.05 % change since 1990 28% Energy consumption per GDP {c}, 1999 404 % change since 1990 11% Table 1: Energy use and resources in Saudi Arabia (Energy and Resources- Saudi Arabia, 2003, p.1). Saudi Arabia has proved to be the top consumer of energy with its energy consumption being increased to around three million ebpd from 2.92 million ebpd, as reflected through a report presented by OAPEC or the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries. Oil products have been found as the chief element of the energy mix as consumed by the country (Saudi energy consumption swells: Oapec, 2011). Causes Leading to Increased Demand of Power and Electricity in Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia has been the largest producer and exporter of total petroleum liquids in the world in 2010. In the production of crude oil, it ranked second behind Russia. The economy of the country is highly dependent on the production of crude oil. 80-90 percent of the total revenues of the country have been accounted on the export revenues obtained from oil production in the country. The country has focused its attention on increasing oil production since the target production has been achieved by the country. The increasing demand of power and electricity by the domestic sector has been mainly owing to the economic hit followed by the high prices of oil and subsidies of fuel (Saudi Arabia, 2011, p.1). Studies reflect that the causes leading to the increasing demand in power in the country can be associated with the population of the country that is increasing rapidly, the increase in number of connections of different customer, the development in industrialization and different projects of development, and expansions of electricity to villages located in remote areas. Moreover the behavior of the consumers get affected owing to the low tariffs that leads to increasing wastes of energy thus leading to rising demand of electricity in the country (Obaid, 2011, p.151). Energy Efficiency and Carbon Dioxide in Saudi Buildings: The creation of Saudi Arabia Energy Efficiency Center has been considered as significant by the country. This center would be in charge of the technology efficiency and policies of conservation necessary for energy efficiency. The National Energy Efficiency Program planned for eight objectives in the year 2008 focusing on reduction of electricity intensity and included services of energy audits, supporting the industry, efficient use of oil and gas, efficiency labels and standards for applications, codes of construction as well as technical management and guidance. The country’s energy consumption has been rising increasingly over the years, along with increase in the electricity consumption. The demands have been from households, services as well as the agricultural sector (Saudi Arabia- Energy Efficiency Report, 2011, p.2). The energy and CO2 intensity trends in the country reflect that the country’s consumption of energy is rising above the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the country. This in turn is increasing the final and major energy intensities, which is different from the common trend that can be observed in other countries of the world. It has been observed that this rising trend can be associated with the dependency of the development of the country on energy intensive industries, along with standard of living with high demands of energy use in buildings and transport that is further promoted by low prices of the energy. The intensity of CO2 has been rising at a slower rate in comparison to the consumption of energy (Saudi Arabia- Energy Efficiency Report, 2011, p.3). Conservation of energy in the power sector has been targeted by The National Energy Efficiency Program that focuses on improvement of the steam system efficiency through energy audits and the support of energy-efficient boilers. The efficiency of the power sector (thermal power plants) has been observed to have increased on a regular basis, rising from 27 percent to 31 percent from 1990 till 2009. This improvement has been possible owing to the increasing contribution of gas-fired facility. The National Energy Efficiency Program also incorporates energy audits in the industrial sector accompanied with encouragement of high-efficiency motors (Saudi Arabia- Energy Efficiency Report, 2011, pp.3-4). Power Generation: Power generation in Saudi can be understood from the following figure. Figure 1: Electricity generation by fuel in Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia Energy Issues, 2012). Energy and Technology: The use of energy and technology can be reflected through the school building designs in the country. Passive cooling and energy conservation design strategies have been implemented in the school buildings in Riyadh which is the capital city of the country (Abanomi & Jones, 2005, pp.619-629). Building envelope designs have also been considered in several schools in the country that disconnects the outer environment with the inner environment of a building. This considerably affects the thermal performance of the building allowing energy efficiency as well as comfort for the residents of the building (Al-Rubaih, 2008, p.1). Retail stores and supermarkets in the country are also modeled in a manner such that the energy consumption can be reduced decreasing the costs of power and energy as well (Alzain, 2006, pp.19-33). Even in the single family houses, effects have been initiated towards having a possible energy saving and saving of power and electricity through the appropriate use of thermal insulation in the buildings (Al-Ghamdi & Al-Feridah, 2011, pp.1-6). 3. Green Buildings in Saudi Arabia: The Concept of Green Buildings in Saudi Arabia and their Goals: Studies reveal that building and construction represents the strength of the policies for development in Saudi Arabia. This reflects on the fact that the rise and fall in the trends of the building can have either a negative or positive effect on the different sectors of development. The government has currently taken sincere concerns with regard to the green buildings. This calls for considering significant standards of building constructions and necessary approvals (Green Building in Saudi Arabia, 2010). A green building is formed through the availability of energy efficiency, resource efficiency and environmental accountability that may be reflected through the planning, design, construction and operational activities. The building council in Saudi Arabia is trying to promote and facilitate the practice of green building in the country by increasing public awareness, providing training and needed education on the issue, assisting the industry of construction alter to the specifications and needs of green building development (About SGBC, n.d.). Building Materials in Saudi Arabia: Cement of all kinds, concrete, tiles, marbles, granite panels, and gypsum are the building materials primarily used by the construction industry in Saudi Arabia. The cement industry has a significant role to play in the building materials industry in the country. Around seven companies are involved in production of Portland cement, the annual production capacity of which has been obtained to be around 21.5 million tones. There are other companies involved in production of white cement and crushing clinker. The annual capacity of production of these materials is around 370,000 tones. The different cement companies serving the industry include Yamama Saudi Cement Company, The Qasim Cement Company, Arabian Cement Company, Yanbu Cement Company, Eastern Province Cement Company, Saudi Cement Company, and Southern Province Cement Company. The basic building materials industries include Al-Rashid A Betong Company, Saif Noman Said & Partners, Qanbar Dywidag Precast Concrete Company, National Marble & Granite Company, and National Gypsum Company (Shoult, 2006, pp.401-402). Building Structure: Since the government has now taken sincere concerns for the development of green buildings in Saudi Arabia, the structures of the buildings are also considered significantly. The government has planned for certain preliminary standards for the construction of the green buildings. The structures are planned such that the cost of the construction and that of power and consumption of power may be reduced. Metal and glass panels are the building materials considered in the process. These would replace the use of concrete blocks in the building constructions. With the passage of time, the old panels would be capable to be removed painted and replaced in the new green buildings. This has been found to save a significant amount of money. Such devices are planned to be incorporated in the buildings that controls the entry of damaging rays inside the buildings, thus keeping the buildings and their internal environment cold. This also saves power and water. All these factors have been considered to be effective for consideration towards the development of green building constructions in the country (Green Building in Saudi Arabia, 2010). Building Systems: Various committees are working together towards the successful implementation of the green building development in Saudi Arabia. The committees are directed by a director who has the committee the members working along with him. Along with the committee members of the committees, there are certain other committees that include external relations committee, government relations committee, membership committee, outreach and marketing committee, and technical & training committee that are associated with the building systems in the country (Committees, n.d.). Although a burst in the construction industry is experienced in the country, yet Saudi Arabia has been obtained to show a positive and increasing interest in the green building technology. Considering the design, the building and the operations of such buildings, there are several challenges that the industry is encountered with respect to the legal implications as well as development and improvements in the systems (Gazette, n.d.). However the country has its focus on developing the building systems and has also considered the intelligent integrated systems for the construction of green buildings thus trying to determine intelligent green solutions for different types of buildings (Intelligent Integrated Buildings for Green Buildings, n.d.). Buildings and Water: With the focus on the green building design, construction and systems, Saudi Arabia has been obtained to use the technology of green revolution thereby introducing the concept of green building technology effectively in the country. This not only enables enhancement of the country, but also opens up several opportunities for the country towards international market activities. International companies would also provide the country with innovative concepts of building design, along with energy and water efficient technologies. This would together in turn reduce the consumption of power and emissions of carbon dioxide in the environment (The green approach to Saudi Arabia’s dynamic building and interiors sectors, 2010). Considering the available resources of water in the country, the need for green building also becomes more significant. Studies reveal that there is a huge pressure associated with the natural resources being available in the country. The availability of water per person in a year has been recorded to be the lowest in the world. Yet the consumption levels are very high. Thus reflecting on the environmental benefits of green buildings, the green technology is more taken concerned of by the government of Saudi Arabia (Tassabehji, 2011). Air and Indoor Environmental Quality: The quality of air and indoor environment has significant effects on the health and activities of residents or officer staff of any building. Thus green buildings consider these facts effectively in their standards of building construction. With green revolution green plants can be used indoor of a building that turns a work environment to be healthy as well as positive. Plants have the ability to reduce the volatile organic compounds prevalent in high concentrations in the air. They can also release moisture in the air which in turn absorb heat and noise in the environment. The productivity of the workers has been obtained to get enhanced in the presence of green plants. Green products of cleaning have the ability to reduce the hazards of health thus allowing enhanced sustenance of workers improve the quality of air in the environment, and reduce the level of pollution as well. Green buildings enable these factors and if properly maintained, can protect the buildings from common pollutants like mould, mildew, dust mites, cockroaches that generally appear as a result of excess moisture. Indoor pollutions are largely caused depending on the building materials used for the construction of the buildings. Thus implementation of green building technology in countries like Saudi Arabia can provide the country with benefits through development of pollution free buildings and hence needs to be incorporated in the systems accordingly (Indoor environment quality, 2010). Thus from the above literature review from the different studies and reports as obtained, it can be reflected that the importance and benefits of green revolutions and the use of green building technology has been significantly realized by Saudi Arabia and thus the country has been found to have its sincere focus on the development of green building incorporating the necessary green building construction standards. It can be expected that in the near future the country would be able to successfully achieve the green building constructions for the purpose of living and work in the country. References 1) Abanomi, W. & Ph. Jones (2005), Passive cooling and energy conservation design strategies of school buildings in hot, arid region: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, inive, available at: (accessed on June 29, 2012) 2) About SGBC (n.d.), saudigbc, available at: (accessed on June 30, 2012) 3) Al-Ghamdi, S. & A.K. Al-Feridah (2011), Potential Energy Saving and Peak Shaving of Electric in Single Family Houses In Saudi Arabia, nceub, available at: (accessed on June 29, 2012) 4) Al-Rubaih, M.S. (2008), Energy Efficient Envelope Design for Schools in Saudi Arabia 5) Alzain, M.A. (2006), MODELING ENERGY USE IN THE COMMERCIAL SECTOR IN A SAUDI ARABIA RETAIL STORE AS A CASE STUDY, University of Sharjah Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, Vol.3, No.2, pp.19-33 6) BREEAM versus LEED (2010), inbuilt, available at: (accessed on June 26, 2012) 7) Committees (n.d.), saudigbc, available at: (accessed on June 30, 2012) 8) Energy and Resources- Saudi Arabia (2003), UNEP, available at: (accessed on June 27, 2012) 9) Gazette, S. (n.d.), saudigazette, available at: (accessed on June 30, 2012) 10) Green Building in Saudi Arabia (2010), globaltrade, available at: (accessed on June 29, 2012) 11) Green Building Regulations & Specifications (n.d.), DEWA, available at: (accessed on June 25, 2012) 12) Haider, H. (2011), Gulf nations plan unified building regulations, zawya, available at: (accessed on June 25, 2012) 13) IHS (2007), Saudi Arabia to Base Building Code on I-Codes, IHS, available at: (accessed on June 25, 2012) 14) Indoor environment quality (2010), gbca, available at: (accessed on June 30, 2012) 15) Intelligent Integrated Buildings for Green Buildings (n.d.), coba, available at: (accessed on June 30, 2012) 16) Kirkpatrick, J. (2009), Assessing and improving the efficacy of BREEAM in relation to ecology, bura, available at: (accessed on June 26, 2012) 17) LEED Benefits and Disadvantages (2009), lundygroup, available at: (accessed on June 26, 2012) 18) Neuhof, F. (2010), Saudi heading for green building regulation, utilities-me, available at: (accessed on June 25, 2012) 19) Obaid, R.R. (2011), Reducing Peak Electricity Demand through 300MW Wind Farm North of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.11, No.2, pp.151-157, available at: (accessed on June 28, 2012) 20) Saudi Arabia (2011), EMEU, available at: (accessed on June 27, 2012) 21) Saudi Arabia- Energy Efficiency Report (2011), ABB, available at:$file/saudi%20arabia.pdf (accessed on June 28, 2012) 22) Saudi Arabia Energy Issues (2012), geni, available at: (accessed on June 29, 2012) 23) Saudi energy consumption swells: Oapec (2011), saudigazette, available at: (accessed on June 27, 2012) 24) Shoult, A. (2006), Doing Business with Saudi Arabia, London: GMB Publishing Ltd 25) Tassabehji, R. (2011), greenprophet, available at: (accessed on June 30, 2012) 26) The green approach to Saudi Arabia’s dynamic building and interiors sectors (2010), bdi-arabia, available at: (accessed on June 30, 2012) Read More
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