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Libraries Around the World As in any attempt at designing buildings, architects have to make sure that their design is a balance of both aesthetics and function. This is especially highlighted in the design of libraries. The big libraries like the Biblioteque Nationale, the British Library and the Boston Public Library demonstrate an emphasis on building a pleasant, people friendly and productive public space. These libraries feature open spaces that serve as both as a community space that i snot limited by walls.
For instance, the Bibliotheque Nationale features a “despatialization” in its interiors, which some call as the articulation of the void. One can see this in the Reading Room of the Richelieu site, which does not have any walls at all. Other design elements such as the choice of furniture, decoration, lighting, etc. have to complement this principle. This is true across all library designs. Modern libraries, like those found in the United States, would integrate glass wall panels in keeping with the emphasis on space.
The only difference is the attempt of library designers to integrate the cultural elements that represent the community where a library is situated. In some countries like the United Kingdom, library design and evolution is closely tide with the education tradition. Nonetheless, designing it is not unlike the way churches are built. The design and structure of church buildings reflect the values, beliefs and spiritual within a community it is built for. This is the same with libraries. In addition, as library holds some philosophical and cultural symbolisms, they assert their own informational, ideological and even nationalistic goals.
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