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International Migration to the UK - Essay Example

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The research "International Migration to the UK" will be geared towards the study of trends and the reasons for the international migration of a person to the United Kingdom. The underlying reasons for migration will be studied by use of the structured in-depth interviews…
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International Migration to the UK
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 International Migration to the UK Research Project Plan Aim: The research will be geared towards the study of trends and the reasons for the international migration of a person to the United Kingdom. Hypothesis: There are various reasons as to why people migrate internationally to the United Kingdom from other countries. The underlying reasons for migration will be studied by use of the structured in-depth interviews. The study will involve the use of the structured in-depth interviews. The method will choose because the interviewee and the interviewer will be equal partners in the activity. This method will be very effective because as an interviewer I will be aware of what I want from the interviewee again; the interviewee will be allowed to take different thoughts and explore different paths and feelings to give the required information. This method of gathering information is effective for this study because of there is any subject that may not be addressed satisfactorily I will be able to revisit the subject by use of the prompt questions. Use the semi-structured interviews allows the interviewee to be briefed on what is expected of him or her, thus, ensuring that interviewee may not lose the focus of the interview (Schatz, 2012). Since the method is more of a dialogue, much information can be gathered during the exercise. The use of the in-depth semi-structured interviews has various advantages or strengths that will be quite important for the success of the study. These strengths of the in-depth semi-structured interviews will impact the study positively. This type of interviews allows the respondents to give responses to the questions that they are given with much detail as they wish without limitation. The details that will be given will ensure that the information obtained from the interview will be sufficient to get the expected information. This aspect will be an advantage of the usage of this method since the respondent may even give extra information that will make the interview more detailed and comprehensive. This method of data collection will be also imperative because the respondent will be able to give information about their values, attitudes, and opinions and they will be able to explain how they contextualize the issues that are contained in the interview. Other strength of the use of the in-depth semi-structured interview is that data can be collected from an informal atmosphere. This aspect will make the respondent to be open, may give more information without fear and may disclose much detail that they cannot offer when the information is collected from a formal setting. This aspect makes the information that is obtained to be more detailed than use of the interviews that require a formal setting. Finally, this method of data collection is flexible and as the interview is taking place the order of questions can be adjusted and may result in no conflict of the issues or inadequacy. However, this type of method of data collection has its shortcoming as it is used for the data collection. The major disadvantage is that the few interviews of this nature can be undertaken because each one of them takes longer time to be completed. The other shortcoming of this method of study is the comparison of the information obtained from the in-depth semi-structured interviews is difficult since the answers to various questions are not ordered. This unique makes the information collected to be cumbersome to be analyzed or compared with data obtained from another interview. Again, the sample size is relatively smaller which can make the results obtained to be of a specific population. Finally, the method is time consuming in both collection of the data and the analysis. This method of data collection can be influenced by the ethical problems that can arise during the interview. Some of the ethical issues are being non-judgmental, non-directive and not guiding the participant. This aspect can occur during the interview and may ruin the expected results. It is good to put into consideration the impact they can cause and address them at the right time. This issue will be addressed by not allowing the emotions to carry me during the interview (O’Brien et al., 2011). The respondent may not wish to have his or her information disclosed which would be addressed by assuring the interviewee the confidentiality of the data collected. Other practical problems that can be encountered during the interview are the lack of professionalism and the focus. These problems can be eradicated by ensuring that at the time of the interview the interviewer listens carefully to the respondent. The maintenance of the emotions is also quite imperative in the interview. It is important to ensure that I listen carefully to the interviewee to get the actual content that is given during the interview. Other problems that can arise during the interview are the cases where the interviewee may not be willing to give the correct information. This problem can be addressed by encouraging the respondent and assuring them that the information that they give will be confidential, and the purpose of the data collected should be clearly stated to them. Activity Week 1 Presenting the topic of study to the supervisor. 2 Start writing the draft, introduction, methodology and formulating the semi-structured interviews. 3 Collecting the data by use of the in-depth semi-structured interviews. 4 Data analysis and start wring the report. 5 Finalizing on writing the final report and the ensuring that everything is in order. 6 Submitting the final report to the supervisor. The following is a scheduled interview for the data collection. 1. What is your name and how old are you? 2. What is your country of origin? 3. When did you migrate to the United Kingdom? 4. Why did you migrate to the United Kingdom? 5. What is the expected duration that you intend to spend in the United Kingdom? 6. As you stay in the UK, do you have legal document allowing your stay? 7. Which city or town do you reside? Moreover, what are some of the challenges that you face at the same place? Research Project Report Introduction Migration is one of the fundamental aspects of the human race from the original homeland to the present habitat. Migration is an important aspect of the lives of the world. People move to other places to survive. They move to search for the food. People move away from death and danger or seek for the opportunities for life. Migration is strongly tied to the human spirit that pursues dream, seeks adventure and finds reasons to hope to even the most calamitous circumstances (Rienzo, 2014). These movements affect the communities the communities where that receive the migrants and impacts to the communities that are along the migration routes. Since the inauguration of the New Labor government in 1997, the immigration has been high on the socio-political agenda with the measures to control the populations of the asylum seekers entering the UK. The policy has encouraged the economic migration of the individuals where it benefits the UK economy (Wadsworth, 2010). Over the time, the immigration flows and the immigration policy have changed during this time and are still continuing to change. The asylum seekers were denied access to the labor market and the positions of the government. However, there was a prom that was initiated for the refuges to provide community volunteer work (Stillwell and Duke-Williams, 2011). Once the asylums were granted the refugee status, they were able to work legally. The permanent settlement was only granted to the refugees after five years are eligible to remain in the UK. The immigration rules allow the spouses, fiancés, same-sex and unmarried to come and stay in the UK. Aim and hypothesis The objection of the study was to establish the underlying reasons for the migration of the internationals to the United Kingdom. The study aimed at identifying the sectors that have the documented data about the immigration and those that possess no recorded data about the immigration patterns. Methodology Data sources that are used to compile the final estimates of the international migration in UK were reviewed. That data that was obtained from the migration statistics program showed that the data that was compared the 2001 census and the labor survey that immigrants wanted to live in their indented destinations but only for a short duration of time (Hatton and Tani, 2012). The labor force survey was conducted that gave the information about where the migrants wanted to live rather than their intentions after first arriving in the United Kingdom. The labor force survey data was gathered that gave the geographical distribution of the immigrants who had arrived in UK over the last few years. The distributions were used to create the total control of the geographical area by use of the international passenger survey. The IPS calibrated the control data. IPS datasheet was created that had the inflows for the original and the estimates based on the geographical area consistent with the labor force survey. The migrant and visitor switchers estimated the key features of the international passenger survey that were based on the intentions of the passengers. The IPS was used to classify the migrants as the travelers as individuals who intend to change their nationality for at least one year (Haug, 2009). This section was used to identify the individuals who were visiting UK, stay for less than one year and were captured as immigrants. These immigrants were added to the category of the estimation of the immigrants. This approach showed data of the individuals who wanted to leave UK after twelve months or more but identified that these people may leave before the end of the duration that they intended to stay in UK. The travelers who intended to stay in the UK for less than twelve months were captured by the IPS as the visitors. This composed of the category of the individuals who indented to stay in the UK for six to twelve months. The IPS did not interview all the asylum seekers who were leaving and entering the UK, but in getting the total international migration the Home Office to get the information for the individuals who had applied for the settlement, asylum and citizenship and immigration control information (Salt and Kitching, 2010). The Home Office department gave the information on the number of the asylum seekers who had applied for it and refused and those who were granted. Literature Review Most of the European countries are becoming multicultural due to the increasing number of the immigrants from the foreign nations. The net migration of the individuals to the UK from 2001 to 2011 were revised I the light of the data that was obtained in the 2011 Census that showed that net migration was greater than the migration estimates that were published (Hatton and Tani, 2012). The main entrance to the UK is as a result of the asylum seeking, for and the family reunion. In 2005, the UK government published a strategy for the immigration and asylum that continued to focus on the differentiating the genuine refugees from the economic immigrants. Individuals who may want to travel to United Kingdom and work there are also allowed to settle in UK. The estimates of the immigration to UK are given by the International Passenger Survey (IPS) from the sea, air and Tunnel ports. The trend since 1990s has recorded a net increase of the immigration of the people to UK with the number reaching over half a million by 2005 (Haug, 2009). The recorded data has showed that the largest inflow of the individuals to UK was in 2005 that hit over one hundred individuals. Another comprehensive data on the immigration in UK is found in the labor force survey (LFS). In 2006 the records showed that the number of the foreign individuals who had moved to UK was about three million that accounted for the six percent of the total population. The Europeans accounted for the forty-four percent of the labor workforce (Levie, 2008). The foreign nationals were accounting for the six percent of the immigrants. Since the start of the 2000, the immigrants' numbers of the individuals have almost doubled in the nations of the West and Eastern Europe (Foreman-Peck and Nicholls, 2014). Some of the nations have implemented strict restrictive policies that regulate the immigration patterns, with United Kingdom being of the countries that have implemented stringent measures on the issue of immigration. In 2004, the individuals who were naturalized to become British citizens rose to a significant value of 140,795 persons (Salt and Kitching, 2010). That value was a twelve percent increase from the previous year and a sharp increase since 2000. Many of the individuals who were naturalized to become the British citizens were the nationals from Asia who made forty percent and Africa contributing thirty-two percent. The largest three nations of origin were the Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, where the Indians made the largest group. In 2005, an approximated number of immigrants of about 565,000 arrived to work and live the United Kingdom for at least a year, majorly from Africa and Asia (Scott, 2013). In 2014, the net increase of the immigrants to United Kingdom was about three hundred thousands from five hundred thousand in 2013. Results Table 1: People working and living in the UK in 2014 (Thousands) Male female total % UK 14,002 12,321 26,323 - Foreign nationals 915 795 1746 100 Europe 415 368 782 44.8 Africa 152 129 281 16.1 Americans 87 95 182 10.4 Asia 242 145 387 22.2 Oceania 47 49 96 5.5 Total 14,954 13,118 28,072 - Table 2: Immigration data of workers by sector in 2014 in (Thousands) Sector UK total Migrant worker total % Agriculture and forestry 340900 * - Quarrying and mining 107400 * - Manufacturing 3587600 124000 3.46 Gas, electricity and water supply 166200 * - Construction 2193200 52100 2.38 Retail. Wholesalers and motor trade 4058700 101800 2.51 Education 2417000 48700 2.01 Research Findings The study found that the net migration to UK was approximately one million individuals who had migrated for various reasons. The net migration has been in steady increase since the election of the new Labor government in 1997. The statistics showed that there is greater increase of the immigrants to UK who are seeking for the jobs or economic aspects. The education sector has also contributed greatly to the number of the foreign nationals who visit UK in search of education. The study also indicated that there is a significant aspect of the migration flows that showed that women migrants have been increasing. The domestic work and the sex works have grown significantly since 1990s and are responsible for the rise of the women migration to UK. There have been great reluctance in the admission of the students and the numbers of students moving to the UK have made some significant value over the last few years. According to the labor force survey, the number of the foreign nationals who visit the UK in search of the work in the sectors of the agricultures, mining, and energy supply were not documented (Garapich, 2008). The manufacturing, retail, wholesalers and motor trade sectors are the ones that are flooded by the immigrants. Out of the total number of the immigration to the UK, the number of the males eclipses the number of the female immigrants who travel to the UK. The international passenger survey had limited information about the immigrants to the UK compared to the data obtained labor force survey. Conclusion The main data sources that were considered were the international passenger survey, the labor force survey and the home office data asylum seekers and on non-asylum enforced removals. According to the international passenger survey, the number of the passengers who were arriving at UK through seaports, air and channel tunnel was studied. The information about the data is collected by various private and public organizations. The portion gave the figures of the population that was accounted for the travel cases that included the international tourism with data on short term and the long-term international migration. The data indicated that the number of the long-term international migration was the largest compared to the short-term migrants to UK. The survey was based on the intentions where the migrants were asked on the duration they intend to take in UK as opposed to their deeds of their earlier visits to UK. This international passenger survey of the immigrants asked the individuals to state their intentions of moving to UK. The main sectors where the undocumented migrants were not documented were the agriculture, construction, mining and energy. These sectors had the most number of the individuals who were under informal working. There is little published work on the experiences of the undocumented migrants to UK. References Abreu, M., Faggian, A. and McCann, P. (2014). Migration and inter-industry mobility of UK graduates. Journal of Economic Geography, 15(2), pp.353-385. Dustmann, C., Fabbri, F. and Preston, I. (2008). The Impact of Immigration on the British Labour Market. Economic Journal, 115(507), pp.F324-F341. Foreman-Peck, J., and Nicholls, T. (2014). The inter-regional mobility of entrepreneurial SMEs. Ann Reg Sci, 54(1), pp.57-87. Garapich, M. (2008). The Migration Industry and Civil Society: Polish Immigrants in the United Kingdom Before and After EU Enlargement. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34(5), pp.735-752. Hatton, T., and Tani, M. (2012). Immigration and Inter-Regional Mobility in the UK, 2001-2011. Economic Journal, 115(507), pp.F342-F358. Haug, S. (2009). Migration and Statistics. SSRN Electronic Journal. Levie, J. (2008). 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