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Ethnography. People are Attending Religious Services on Sunday - Research Paper Example

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The present study aims to study the activities of the Christian community while their church attending on Sunday. The main purpose behind conducting a comprehensive research on this topic includes the exploring the general views and opinions of the church attendants about their religious belief and its impact on their social, professional and domestic life. …
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Ethnography. People are Attending Religious Services on Sunday
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?ETHNOGRAPHY Module Module ID: Application of Ethnography---During People’s attending Religious Services on Sunday Abstract: The present study aims to study the activities of the Christian community while their church attending on Sunday. The main purpose behind conducting a comprehensive research on this topic includes the exploring the general views and opinions of the church attendants about their religious belief and its impact on their social, professional and domestic life. The study is also interested in finding out the people’s level of satisfaction regarding the religious services being offered at modern churches. The paper also throws light on the reasons behind the considerable decrease in the number of the people attending the religious services in the churches of London city. The research will be conducted in Kensington and Chelsea districts of London city, over 58% population of which consists of the followers of various Christian sects. Thesis Statement: It is a universally accepted notion that performing of religious obligations and praying to God en masse serves as a source of mental relief and spiritual uplift for humans. Somehow, the trends of collective prayers are in decline during the contemporary era. People’s engagement in financial activities, absence of encouragement from the elders, and flow of various foreign ethno-racial and religious groups have decreased the people’s interest in attending religious services at the church (Barnes & Lowry, 2006, p.1). Introduction: Religion has always been one of the most dominant and prominent aspects of the individual and collective life of all human beings without discrimination since the beginning of a civilised society (Culotta, 2009, p.784). It is partly due to the very reality that an overwhelming majority of humans consider themselves as the dependent of some Supreme Being for the solution of their problems and obtaining blessings, bounties and favours in worldly life on the earth as well as in the eternal life Hereinafter. Thus, the magnitude of trust in God gives birth to the idea of faith. “In Christianity, the importance of faith and its role in religious life stems from its significance in the New Testament. In that context, the term is most closely related to ‘trust’ – trusting God and God’s promises. In this sense, faith is more of an attitude than a state of belief or knowledge.” (Lacewing, 2006, p.1) By looking into the available statistics on faiths and religions, it becomes crystal clear that there exist hundreds of belief systems, (Trimarco, 2005, p.1), the followers of which make over six billion in number. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism and others are among the most dominant faiths of the world; while Christianity is the most popular one in respect of the number of followers at global perspective. History shows that the apostles and saints underwent severe trials for the projection and promotion of Christianity; it is therefore the religion witnessed unabated growth all over the globe. Somehow, the followers of Christianity are stated to be observing lack of interest in going to the churches for prayers and meditation, as Midwest Diocese Organisation states: “Church is place where the Holy Spirit dwells in God’s people as they respond to His call to salvation and eternal life.” Taking the phenomenon as a challenging issue in Kensington and Chelsea districts of the London city, I have decided to conduct a participant observation of the religious rituals performed by the Christians on Sundays at church. Brief Overview to Christianity: The Christian faith is the second one in the list of three Abrahamic faiths, along with Judaism and Islam (Latourette, 1975, p. 8). It maintains unconditional belief in the divinity and Oneness of God; and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the two other members of Holy Trinity. Christianity seeks spiritual guidance from the Bible, which consists of the Old and New Testaments. The Christians also maintain strong belief in death, Day of Resurrection, heaven, hell, the Hereinafter and the second arrival of Jesus Christ on the earth to teach and preach the holy message of God. “Christianity had what looked like a most unpromising beginning. The contemporary observer outside the little inner group of the disciples of Jesus would have thought it impossible that within five centuries of its inception it would outstrip its competitors for the religious allegiance of the Roman Empire and become the professed faith of the rulers and of the overwhelming majority of the population of the realm.” (Latourette, 1975, p. 15) Christianity has been divided into several sects, including Catholic, Lutheran, Modern, Mormon, Orthodox, and Protestant etc, among which Catholic and Protestant are the most prominent and popular ones. Since Protestant are prominent in the Chelsea area, I have selected a Protestant church to visit and observe the performing activities there. “Christianity is still the predominant faith in the UK with over half (53%) or 26.2 million adults claiming to be Christian” (Tear Fund, 2007). Statement of the Problem: The contemporary busy life of technological advancements had brought astounding alterations in all aspects of human life. Renowned sociologist C. Wright Mills describes the situation in these words: “Once the world was filled with the sacred – in thought, practice, and institutional form. After the Reformation and the Renaissance, the forces of modernization swept across the globe and secularization, a corollary historical process, loosened the dominance of the sacred. In due course, the sacred shall disappear altogether except, possibly, in the private realm” (Quoted in Norris & Inglehart, p. 5). As a result, religion and social values are getting reduced to secondary status in modern life. Although, religion has always been an essential element for the Christians, yet lack of providing religious education at schools has turned them disinterested in this regards. In addition, people’s engagements in social, economic, cultural and recreational activities have also contributed in dragging them far from the religious rituals (Macionis, 2008, p. 398). The present paper aims to study the level of relief and peace the regular attendants seek at the church, and the role of behaviour of the administrators and attendants of the religious service being offered in the churches and their impact on the personal and collective life of the people. Anthropological Significance: Studying and analysing the topic of religion and spiritualism maintains universality in its nature and scope due to the very fact that belief in metaphysical powers is widely observed among the people belonging to all societies and races for the divergent ethnic and religious groups (Ember & Ember. 2003). The same is applied to the British people, a large majority of which practice and observe Christianity as their faith, without attending church or observing other religious rituals. There was a time when spiritualism was the central subject of massive interest for the Christians; the Gnostic, Mormon and several other movements were also the outcome of the strong faith in the Supreme Being and basic reason for their mental relief and spiritual uplift. Somehow, the technological life has engaged them in such a way that they seldom manage few hours a week even to perform their religious services (Tear Fund, 2007). Since, the study encompasses a very importance social issue; it maintains great anthropological significance in it. Research Methodology: Since I have planned to apply ethnographic methods of qualitative research in the present study, an Anglican Church of the Chelsea area has been selected for conducting the present research on the topic of relation between religious rituals and mental satisfaction, as well as the reasons behind people’s keeping away from the church attendance. The main reason for selecting population of Chelsea area as the unit of analysis in present study was its significance as a cultural, social, political, economic and religious hub for the last several centuries. Additionally, since I have also got admission in the college situated in the same area, Chelsea area is the most suitable one for conducting an in-depth ethnographic study in it. I have conducted this ethnographic research as a participant observant in order to obtain first hand information about the views, opinions and activities of the people while their attending the church on Sundays. Literature Review: St. Augustine of Hippo has narrated his spiritual experiences in his illustrious work The Confessions, where he declares his conversion from paganism to Manichaean, and further to Christianity subsequently as the outcome of the spiritual influence of his mother St. Monica upon him. Describing the initial life of the author, and gradual progress in his mental capabilities and spiritual revolution, the book serves as the first western autobiography ever written by a Christian saint during the fourth century of Christian era. Although he was an intellectual and very brilliant youth, and had vast study of Cicero’s Hortensius, and Manichaean faith as well, Augustine was dexterous in rhetoric and language. He states that though he was pagan, yet St. Augustine was always eager to search out God (Augustine, 2007). He prayed to his Lord in these words: “O Lord, who is like unto thee? It is not that one who confesses to thee instructs thee as to what goes on within him. For the closed heart does not bar thy sight into it, nor does the hardness of our heart hold back thy hands, for thou canst soften it at will, either by mercy or in vengeance, “and there is no one who can hide himself from thy heat” (Augustine, 2007). Hence, he has declared prayers, meditations and connections with the Lord as the source of eternal joy and spiritual uplift. Byrne (2010) has evaluated the significance of positive thinking and spiritualism in everyday life of the individuals. Her magnificent work “The Secret” (2006) depicts the very reality that having strong faith in the Supernatural and Metaphysical Powers, existing and regulating the affairs of the entire universe, and communication with these Powers through prayers, meditations and even mere observing the positive and constructive thinking and optimism wide opens new horizons of success and triumphs to the individuals. It is partly because of the profound and continuous association of positive forces of the universe, which help and support one another directly and indirectly. Apparently man feels uncomfortable because of the opposition of the evil forces, which create impediments and hurdles on the way to positive people, yet their commitment, devotion and dedication to their noble cause earns respect, pelf and prosperity ultimately. Metaphysical powers seek man’s apparently concealed relation to the universe on the basis of his tremendous inner energy as well as profound mental capabilities, which require adequate discovery for conquering the happiness and joys of life. The Supreme Being does not leave His followers in the lurch, and helps them by bestowing spiritual and worldly blessings upon the true followers. On the contrary, companions and associates of evil remain under stress strain and mental agony for one reason or the other. It is actually the law of nature, which could not be altered altogether through nefarious designs and ill intentions carried out by the devil in general. Research Process: As per planned to conduct the research as participant observant, I reached the central Anglican church of Chelsea on Sunday in the morning at 9 O’ clock. The main gate of the church was wide open for the visitors, while the greenery and maintenance of the lawn looked depicting the taste and sense of responsibility attributed to the church administration, which could capture the attention of the visitors. I found nearly ten people entering the main hall from the door, so I also followed them. The main hall presented an elegant outlook, where the chairs had been arranged in order, while the mikes and speakers could also been observed in perfect decorum. The churchmen were wandering here and there in order to provide the people with best services in a neat, clean and warm environment in the mid of the cold month of December. Multicolour light bulbs and tube lights had brightened the prayer hall, while the room heaters were making the atmosphere warm for the worshippers. The stage had been decorated with musical instruments and rostrums for the chorus and prayers. The fragrance of sandalwood was enough to make the atmosphere captivating and bewitching. Large images of Jesus Christ, Holy Virgin Mary, Gaberial, the Magi and the Cross had been hanging on the church walls, which were sure to increase the religious fervour and enthusiasm of the church attendants and visitors. I had a round of the spacious hall, and settled down in a chair placed in the last row in order to observe the activities of the people with attention. I noticed the arrival of the people individually and in groups. Almost thirty five to forty families also reached the church, which consisted of husband, wife and children, while most of the elederly people arrived alone. Young and middle aged couples also decorated the church with their presence, though a large majority of the attendants consisted of middle aged and elderly. The participants belonged to age group from 5 years to 75 years, and both the genders, though nearly three fifth of them belonged to male stratum. Their dresses, outlook, mannerism and gestures were sufficient to demonstrate that the participants belonged of different strata, occupations and statuses of society. An overwhelming majority had worn neat dresses, which apparently reflected their passion to please their Lord through pleasant outlook, sincere meditations and dedicated worshipping. It was 10 O’ clock by then, and the chorus was invited to perform melodious rthyms from the Scripture with the help of musical instruments at the stage. The chorus was consisted of eight individuals, including five singers and three musicians. Being the traditional Anglican church of the local community, a large majority of the participants belonged to the white individuals. The chorus started singing hymns and the text from the Holy Bible, which at once captured the attention of the spectators. The tone of the chorus was inspirational and heart-melting while depicting the great sacrifice made by Holy Christ in order to convey the sacred message of the Lord to the entire humanity. Some of the participants stood up from their seats to join the voice of the chorus. The singing of the verses giving glad tiding of pardon to the sinners accelerated the pace of the enthusiasm of the participants to a great extent. Nearly twelve ladies, standing at different places of the hall raised the flags of various colours, along with dancing in the thrilling tone of the music as well as exuberating words from the Scripture. The wonderful and exciting environment appeared to be infusing religious fervour in the minds and hearts of the participants, the movements of whom looked displaying their unflinching commitment and unwavering adoration and reverence for Holy Christ. Their face expressions demonstrated that they had obtained profound mental and spiritual relief on attending the church on Sunday. The late arrivals also joined the singing and dance along with the already present attendants, which made the prayer hall full of exhilaration. The chorus continued presenting the psalms from various portions of the Scripture, which lasted for almost seventy minutes. After this, the pastor appeared at the stage, and requested the participants to sit down at their seats. He welcomed the participants at the church and expressed best wishes for their earthly and eternal lives for sparing time to joint the religious rituals at the church. After that the pastor recited some verses from Leviticus Chapter 19, which encompass the entire individual and collective life of the people. Apparently addressing to Moses and the Hebrew people, the verses 1-37 command all the people of God to worship their Lord, and be obedient to their parents. The verses also instruct the people to observe chastity, kindness, honesty, integrity, steadfastness, truthfulness and justice while entering into interaction with their brethren and also their fellow-beings. The pastor pretended completely absorbed in the text and meanings of the holy verses while interpreting the same for the people. The participants encouraged him by clapping and appreciations through words and gestures. There was silence prevailing in the hall with the frequent cries and noise made by the small babies, who had arrived in the church in the laps of their parents. The pastor interlinked the message of the Scripture with the people’s everyday life, and vehemently condemned the wickedness, cheating, fraudulence and other obnoxious activities practiced by the people, which certainly come under the definition of breaking the law of God. He asked the participants to follow the bright teachings and exemplary life of Jesus Christ in order to prove themselves as the true followers of Christ. The impressive sermon brought tears in the eyes of the participants, which laid stress upon them to observe the holy message in its real sense in their behaviour and activities. The sermon lasted for forty minutes, and then the pastor asked the audience to pray to God for themselves and their fellow beings; on this the audience started singing prayers en masse along with the pastor. As the session ended, the attendants started departing from the church. However, there remained nearly forty percent participants sitting in their chairs. The pastor invited them to raise questions about anything related to the sermon or relevant to their social and professional life etc. There was silence for few moments, and I gathered courage to raise my hand. The pastor encouraged me to ask the question. I thanked him for that and displayed my curiosity over the lack of people’s interest in religious affairs and church attending in contemporary era. The question invited the interest of all participants, and the pastor allowed general discussion n the topic. The elderly participants declared it as an outcome of the increase in work hours; it is therefore, people spent Sunday in taking rest and merry-making. One of the participants declared it as the result of people’s their lack of knowledge about the rituals and festivals. Somehow, young and middle aged participants denied it by taking the plea that Christmas and Easter are celebrated with great religious fervour, which was the sound proof of their affiliations with the faith. Another participant stated that since the UK had turned into a multi-cultural country, where people belonging to various faiths resided, their interaction with one another was turning society secular and least interested in religion. The pastor elaborated that religion is the phenomenon to bring people closer to one another through its pageant and glorious platform. It teaches tolerance, piousness and mutual respect. The main reason behind people’s not attending the rituals was actually the people’s inability to understand the message of peace the Christian faith gives to humanity. The Christians’ lack of interest in going to churches could be the outcome of people’s running amuck after pelf, possession and power; it is therefore, they worked hard during five working days, and played and enjoyed hard on Saturday and Sunday. He was of the opinion that a pastor and preacher should be the role model for others and must adopt all the noble ways explicitly described in the Scripture, so that Christianity could flourish and society could become harmonized and peaceful. He also alluded to the noble sacrifices made by the earliest saints for popularizing the Christian faith in the deserts of Africa, planes of Asia and heart of Europe from 1sst century onward. The young people declared attending church as the source of inspiration as well as the source of providing bliss and joys of life. Ethical Issues: One of the most important ethical issues includes the seeking of the participants’ permission regarding the conducting of research on the topic being conducted. Since spiritualism has deep roots in every stratum and age group of society, the participants welcomed the topic under investigation with great admiration. I had sought the permission of the church administration regarding the research being conducted on significance of spirituality and people’s apathy towards it, so the pastor helped me in raising questions about the same as well as collecting the responses from the participants. Since it has already been a moot point, the participants happily attended the session and gave vent to their ideas at their full swing. Another imperative issue appears in the qualitative research is the strict perseverance of confidentiality at my end. Since the participants had not been consulted regarding the research, there was no question of observing any confidentiality and privacy regarding their whereabouts of the participants. Research Findings: The research was conducted on the topic of relationship between Christian spiritualism as the great source of seeking peace of mind. Since Christian spiritualism is based upon the Holy Scripture revealed by the Lord as well as the noble sayings of Jesus Christ, it seeks direct inspirations from the Creator of the universe. Secondly, Christian spiritualism also obtains inspirations from the great sacrifices made by the saints including St. Perpetua, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. Monica and many others, who remained as firm as rock in the face of hardships in order to convey the message of the Lord to the people (Butler & Burns, 1988). An overwhelming majority of the participants affirmed the very idea that spiritualism relaxes their feelings by pacifying their nerves, and brings comforts and peace to their body and mind. The respondents were of the view that prayer is the best way to solve their problems and to escape difficulties and disturbances of different kinds. The participants unanimously declared materialism as the greatest hurdle on the way to spiritual uplift of the people, and agreed to observe spirituality in their activities. The pastor reiterates upon the participants to make arrangement of the proper education and training of their children, so that they could make more effective role in the nation building programmes for the future years to come. Bibliography 1. Augustine, St. 397 The Confessions Translated by Outler, Albert C. 2007: Retrieved in html 2. Butler, Alban & Burns, Paul 1988. The Passion of St. Perpetu: martyred: March 7, 203 A.D. Butler's Lives of the Saints, volume 1, Christian Classics (Retrieved in 3. Culotta, Elizabeth 2009 On the Origin of Religion Science 6 November Vol. 326 no. 5954 pp. 784-787 4. Lacewing, Michael 2006 Faith as an attitude or commitment Routledge 5. Latourette, Kenneth Scott 1975 A History of Christianity Harper One p. 15 6. Lim, Chaeyoon & Putnam, Robert D. 2010 Religion, Social Networks, and Life Satisfaction American Sociological Review 75(6) pp 914–933 Retrieved from 7. Midwest Organisation Introduction to Orthodox Christianity Retrieved from 8. Bible Gate Way Leviticus 19: 1-37 Retrieved from 9. Trimarco, Genevieve 2005 World Religions Retrieved from Read More
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