Contemporary art, according to a French artist, had suffered a lot because of criticism against its commercialization. On his return from France, Baudrillard had insisted that contemporary art should not be seen as much. He was so persistent in his criticism that at times, he would offer an angle to it while criticizing a work of art, even before he had laid his eyes on it. In 1987, Baudrillard himself went against his own belief: He went to view some works of art, mainly done by artists from the US; something that he had dismissed as more of ridiculous, seeing as he had not even been exposed to the American artists who already knew about him.
6 Even Groucho Max, a man of critical acclaim in his own field, had claimed that he would not join any club where he was accepted as a member. “Pataphysician at twenty - situationist at thirty - utopian at forty - viral and metaleptic at sixty - the entire story,” – Lotringer p. 6. is how Baudrillard chose to name his plans. However, in his own feeling, the invitation by artists for him to join them in an exhibition did not occur to him as a scheme to derail him from his goals. It meant that he was joining the very society that he had always sought to demonize.
In a very twisted way, this is basically what led to his writing “The Conspiracy of Art”. While this may have not been his ordained role, he always stayed true to the calling he thought was his. It is thus argued that according to him, art may have been null, but this should not be taken as an opinion that cannot change. It should be known that his views offered a wider opinion about art’s anthropological nature than its value to the society in culture. The views held by Baudrillard were more of a way of questioning what we see instead of just appreciating the aesthetics associated with the works of art.
7 It is crucial to note that if one went through works of art and questioned what they saw or heard, say Nietzsche’s Laughter, then they would be able to see the inner workings of what Baudrillard was trying to offer.8 These offerings claimed that art in itself should not exactly be sold without understanding the complexities involved or those that surround it. In all, it came up as a zero-sum game since more often than not; it amounted, in an innate way, to what he termed as null. The nature of art, according to Baudrillard, was such as it would not really be made to stumble, nor could it self-destruct since it could well live on its own and ahead of our planning.
However, it would have to go through various phases for it to really stay true in the form that is understandable by human. Criticism for and Against Baudrillard, being initially positive in his criticism, did not mind offering constructive advice. In the eighties, while criticizing Warhol’s work, he seemed to deviate from what appeared to be the conventional way of criticism: Offering positive criticism.9 It is important to note that while Baudrillard had been a darling of some artists who would jostle to get his attention, he now appeared keener on setting the record straight as concerns how art was being used for what may have appeared to be wrong motives.
These he termed as art without character, or true meaning. He dismissed it as what was really put out there for financial benefit than satisfaction that something worthwhile that could hold a lot of meaning other than having mere financial value. Chris Kraus may have gone against Baudrillard’s sentiments when he in fact lauded the ability of art to have more than one aspect, meaning that the financial aspect was equally alluring. He was indeed right. While it is safe to state that art should be made for the beauty of it, it would beat logic if it cannot get artists something in return besides the feeling of accomplishment.
10 Baudrillard offered a side of criticism that jolted the art industry. It did, just until that point when all the sectors he had mentioned, like architecture and politics, were affected.
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