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The artistic objectives intended by the artist are brought out clearly and excellently in the choice of color. Mentioning an overall black-colored sculpture immediately registers in the mind that it was a dull item. The artist,however, made an overall coloring that is rich, bright, vibrant, engaging and that creates visual interest. There is a well-calculated color harmony on the sculpture accompanied by excellent color context between the black color and vivid red.
The sculpture is a 3dimension figure with a height, width, and depth made from a solid to a hollow. The method used in designing the sculpture is subtractive, this is where an artist creates an item by carving and removing the extramaterial used to attain the desired shape. Considering that the sculptures have a small size and are almost similar to a vase, implies the artist did not experience a very difficult time building most of them. The bottom part takes a cylindrical shape up to halfway up; the top has a pyramid-like shape designed with simultaneous curves and a small circular opening sinking into the interior.
This sculpture is a clear indication of innovative and excellent artistic work carried out carefully. The color choice was excellent, perfect texture, a suitable size for an intimate relationship, and focal areas attained their importance of bringing out areas of interest.
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