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Contemporary art and Gabriel Orozco - Essay Example

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The paper explores the Gabriel Orozco and contemporary art. Contemporary art is defined as the illustrative work prepared by use of hands for production that may involve drawing, painting and photographs. Various artists use artwork to express feelings and emotions to deliver a certain message…
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Contemporary art and Gabriel Orozco
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Contemporary Art-The Artists Contemporary art is defined as the illustrative work prepared by use of hands for production that may involve drawing, painting and photographs. Various artists use artwork to express feelings and emotions to deliver a certain message to the community. This particular thesis will discuss the various artworks of two artists Gabriel Orozco and Maya Lin who are successful artist in this century. It will review the types of arts and their achievements. Gabriel Orozco is a legend artist born in Veracruz, Mexico in 1962.

Gabriel was highly influenced by his father, also an artist who took him to museum exhibitions to work with him. Gabriel art practice is indebted to conceptualism, artistic traditions of his native Mexico, which uses everyday encounters and materials such as deflated ball, a ball of clay that he photographs and altered to create a particular story (Temkin and Orozco, 2009). Gabriel art includes sculpture, photography, paint and videos for his artwork. Gabriel’s animals, insects and human body are the crucial subjects in his work.

Gabriel started exhibiting his work in art in 1983 where he had solo exhibition in various museums such as Museum of Modern Art among others. He also participated in a variety of art exhibitions including Venice Biennale in Italy, Whitney Biennial as well as Documenta x (Temkin and Orozco, 2009). Gabriel is famous for his work such as yoghurt caps, working tables, black kites among others that have attracted numerous honors including the blue Orange prize in 2006 and a DAAD artist-in-residence grant in Berlin 1995.

Maya Lin is another world re-owned American designer born in 1959. Maya is a well-known artist identified for her art in sculpture and landscape work. Maya’s work encompasses environmental installation, studio artwork, architectural work and memorials connect (Lashnits, 2007). Maya tries to depict the world using technological methods to illustrate the natural environment. She uses sculpture and drawings to balance the beauty concept by describing the connection between nature and humans. Maya is famous for her architect of Vietnam Memorial in Washington, which is one crucial public art in the century.

Mayas artwork such as Pin River – Yangtze, where the land meets the sea has dominated solo exhibitions in museums for years connect (Lashnits, 2007). Maya’s strong connection to the environment has seen her serve as an advisor for sustainable energy use and as a board member of National Resources Defense Council. She was a member of the associates that designed the World trade Centre Site Memorial. In 2009, the current American President Barrack Obama granted the National Medal of arts awards to Maya.

The audience is the families of the departed and the close acquaintances that they had. I believe art is a source of inspiration to the society as it helps people connect backgrounds (Lashnits, 2007). For instance, the Vietnam memorial helps families bond. Maya and Gabriel employ their immediate nature as a source of inspiration in their artwork. For instance, Gabriel uses animals, insects and humans to depict his work and Maya’s inspiration comes from the natural environment such as landscapes.

In my view, contemporary art of the above artists is crucial as the artworks helps the community connect to its surroundings. References Temkin, A., Orozco, G., (2009). Museum of Modern Art. New York: Museum of Modern Art. Lashnits, T. (2007). Maya Lin. New York: Chelsea House.

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Contemporary Art and Gabriel Orozco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“Contemporary Art and Gabriel Orozco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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