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Modern Visual Arts & Minority Report - Essay Example

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The paper "Modern Visual Arts & Minority Report" discusses the technological advancements visualized in the movie “Minority Report” and critically examines the impact of its certain scenes, the immense expansion and growth of film production, massive technological progression…
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Modern Visual Arts & Minority Report
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Modern Visual Arts & Minority Report Modern Visual Arts & Minority Report Technological advancements have been flourishing throughout the world since its inception. The use of technological advancements has made human lives effortless and comfortable. The developments in technology can be seen in all the major and minor businesses prevalent throughout the world. The field of Visual arts has experienced some extra ordinary massive technological progression in the past fifteen years. This is due to the immense expansion and growth of film production. The audience also wants better visuals to see which would be suitable for their eyes to grasp (Livingston & Plantinga, 2012, p.58). The paper discusses about the technological advancements visualized in the movie “Minority Report” and critically examines the impact of its certain scenes. Progression of visual aids has been astonishing and better visuals are experienced by the audience in the recent years. Moreover the technological myth which is deflected in the movie indicates that world will be a very different place in the coming years due to rapid technology advancement (Livingston & Plantinga, 2012, p.61). The paper illustrates that what are the impacts of power and surveillance use in the city; how institutional power and private rights must be balanced & where would this technology realm lead us to. The movie Minority Report precisely indicates some of the hazardous circumstances which mankind will be facing in the coming years. A hawk view into the future has been portrayed in the movie. The depiction in the movie portrays that world would be a very difficult place to live in the imminent years. Power and Surveillance in the City The movie portrays a glimpse of the future and exemplifies that police department power are substantial and considerable. They have established a Pre-crime department which claims to catch criminals before the happening of a crime. The department has installed a gigantic technological setup which has certain formalities. The setup enables Pre-crime police department to have a blueprint about the upcoming crime endeavors, which enables them to catch the convicted at the crime scene and save person from death. There have been no deaths in the past six years since this setup has been installed; but still ambiguity prevails among the Department of Justice that there are some flaws in the system (Minority Report, 2002). John Anderton (Pre-crime agent) protecting a women from murder- Minority Report (2002) The above given picture portrays that pre-crime department does it level best to create peace and harmony in the city hence it invades into the crime scene and stops the crime to occur. The information is gathered before time and by the permission of a judge and high level police department individual; pre-crime team raids. This also gives an impression that police department has too much powers and authorities that it can track down anybody’s private life with the use of power. The condition in the city seems very promising as the crime rate declines dramatically (Minority Report, 2002). Hall & Millard (1994, p.155) illustrate that surveillance depiction is visible in Michael Foucault’s “The means of correct training”. It focuses on the disciplinary actions to be taken place in the countries. These are essential for the human being upbringing as a disciplined life can lead to ultimate triumph and victory. The need of disciplinary institutions is vital to bring equilibrium in the society. Flexibility in life can be achieved through these models which are essential (Luke, 1992, p.112). The movie also depicts that police department has excessive powers but still it is considered as disciplined field. It is important to note that true discipline cannot be calculated through force. The pre-crime department tries to eliminate crime from the city by the use of power and it seems that the system is unblemished and flawless; however chance of human error prevails. The main flaw of the system remains that it is operated by humans which can mould the whole setup for their benefits (Bardzell & Bolter, 2010, p.34). The movie further elaborates this ambiguity when director of the pre-crime department uses the system for his own face saving. John Anderton trying to dodge pre-crime department agents- Minority report (2002). This scene depicts that police; in order to attain justice and equality is trying to get its chief arrested. Chief is suspected to commit a murder in future. Disciplinary measures virtue can be understood by this picture. There are several connections in the writings of Michael Foucault and the movie. The expansion of disciplinary measures in everyday life is an important topic discussed by Foucault which carries enormous significance (Foucault, 1995, p.45). Institutional Power The movie portrays that a very modern era is running in the world and cities are the major beneficiaries of the technology realm. Institutional power has been raised and police department has got many surplus powers. The primary objective of these powers remain to protect the citizens of the nation and safeguard them in every possible way, but the issue which keeps on going is that police invasion horrifies people too. The institutional power of police is above all and they can examine any individual through spider eye detectors, police can fly and can move around places without prior notifications (Minority Report, 2002). The major depiction of police department has been showed which has numerous powers to exercise. The police individuals also can change their respective futures by not performing those acts. This is because they have visuals about what will be happening in the near future. The lead role of the movie, John Aderton even uses his future blueprints and prepares himself for the future endeavors (Minority Report, 2002). This gives an idea that future telling technology is mostly beneficial for the police department as they can enjoy getting information about lives of citizens and disturbing their privacy. Selwyn (2000, p.251) describes that power is a difficult thing to handle as it misleads many. The accurate way of using power is to have proper check and balance. Auditing of the powerful authorities make it certain that discipline runs in the system. Respect from masses can be obtained by auditing as transparency is observed. Power can either build an individual or destroy completely. The only way to succeeding the power myth is by controlling it properly (Sargiacomo, 2009, p.274). Private Rights The modern technology has some virtues and shortcomings too. Interference in private lives of individuals is the biggest violation of privacy observed in the movie. Watching over their moves and what they are up to seems pretty much inappropriate and wrong. Police pre-crime department holds the right to invade in anybody’s house directly or indirectly. Pre-crime department holds spy spiders which have the capability to check out individual’s whole record i.d by scanning the eye. They also get into the house or apartment without notice. As the laws and regulations cannot be explicitly explained in the movie so there might be some legislation done about this matter in future (Minority Report, 2002). The violation of privacy is visible as police powers seem limitless. The department also has the privilege to watch over personal future life of people through their technological setup. Keeping aside the chance of a crime; invasion in the private life of individual’s seems devastating (Wood, 2007, p.259). Every person’s record is maintained and eyes are an individual’s i.d. The systems are built in such a way that eye scanner tracks down a person. This portrays that in the upcoming world, privacy issues will be the most discussed issue in the legislative assemblies. Foucault’s viewpoint moves around the shortcomings of the eighteenth and seventieth century. Disciplinary committees and measures were not taken properly which brought destruction in the societies. It directly correlates with the upcoming century where excessive powers and technological advancement will be a challenge for humans. Establishment of disciplinary committees and taking prior actions would be essential (Garrick & Solomon, 1997, p.77). Moreover the need of ethics and private rights barriers will be another issue as the situation clearly indicates that human race will be facing a very difficult time in the near future. The technological advancements will be sooner a challenge for humans as they will eventually eradicate all the barriers. Hence it supports the argument that flaw lies among the human beings. Visual Designs Representation The visual designing of the movie is done fantastically which precisely discusses that what kind of future technology will be and how an immense impact would be on human lives. The visual graphics used in the movie are advanced as the movie was filmed in 2002. Visual designs also demonstrate the surveillance and oppression will be prevailed in the future. The space, colors and characters are showed in a manner that world has been progressed enormously and advance devices are there to facilitate human race. Limitations prevail in the newly installed systems but the chance of errors for humans have been also reduced. This picture demonstrates that world progression has reached a remarkable zenith and roads structures have been modified. Human efforts for driving cars have been also demolished as the cars have now preplanned setups which escort them to reach their required location (Minority Report, 2002). Space, color and characters depict that technology has taken over the charge and human lives have been much simpler and easier. Human dependency has been taken over by the machines and cities have new modified roads. The technological measures shows potential but this has also brought the city under indirect surveillance. The ever growing technological problems are always there for humans to face. Technologically has made human life physically easy but there are many psychological problems with which a person has to deal with everyday. The lives of people appear to be cherish able and prolific but the reality is something else. Technology has actually made humans its servant. Minimizing human dependency has actually created many problems, which world will be facing in the future (Wood, 2007, p.262). A Modernized City The movie depicts that cities are advanced by the technological boom. Most of the succession and evolution can be seen in cities. Driver free Cars, eye detectors, roads, chips, visual presentations etc. all of them have been too much modernized which a person can dream off. Places for human lust and desires accomplishment are also designed in a very cultured and tailored way so that everybody would get his needs accomplished easily. Police department has been the most beneficiary of this technological move as they have been deployed with state of the art machinery, equipment and setups (Minority Report, 2002). John enjoying technology ride on a modern car- Minority Report (2002) The movie portrays that police department is actually enjoying the fruits of technology detonation as they are provided with the best setup to safeguard citizens. Software and hardware systems enabled at police stations show that modern police will be having several reasons of joy. The plantation for keeping the prisoners portrayed in the movie is also awe-inspiring as they are kept in such conditions where there is zero chance of escape. This indicates that modern systems will be advantageous for the world to be a safe place (Minority Report, 2002). Modern prisoner cell- Minority Report (2002) Visual shows site of a modern prisoner cell. The focal point of the movie remained the pre-crime department of police so most of the technological progression is portrayed in police cells. Shopping malls, train stations and roads advancements are also discussed in the movie but the major focus remained on the police department (Minority Report, 2002). Massive Technological Use The abundant use of technology can be seen throughout in the movie. This is because the year stated is 2054. The magnification and amplification of technological systems in the world have led the creators of this movie to present a picture of the future. The technological use in the movie has been very fascinating experience for the viewers. The lead role John Anderton fully utilizes technology to ease his life. At police pre crime work station he makes plentiful use of technological resources to ease the processing of work. John aids his everyday working by making use of advanced machinery (Minority Report, 2002). The use of technology in visual arts and film making carries the value like oxygen as a successful film needs certain unnatural aspects. Researchers believe that radical changes in the visual arts are critical. They have given a new spectrum to the field and developmental changes in it are commendable. The whole picture is all of a sudden revolutionized by adding state of the art visual designing scenes. Massive expansion in this field has produced glorifying results which are beneficial for film making industry (Crawford, 1998, p.40). Critical Evaluation Foucault (1995, p.98) in “Discipline and Punish” elucidates a building with the tower in the center which watches over all the cells of the prisoner can be directly related to some of the scenes which were shot in the movie, Minority Report. The aim and objective of Foucault and movie director remained that the watch tower is basically a trap. There is no massive advancement which would watch over all the prisoners at the same time. Similarly in the movie, it is portrayed that police cars try to track down John but are unsuccessful in their voyage. The punishment mechanism must be made certain and all the individuals must be treated equally. Justice system can sustain in a society if all the segments are dealt evenly. A slight mismanagement can lead to destruction. The movie also demonstrated that justice system is essential for a society to flourish. Check and balance over the institutions is also decisive because excessive use of powers can be intransigent and creates inflexibility. People believe over the system would eventually evaporate and an unpleasant scenario would prevail. Too much technology expansion and development can be difficult for the human beings to handle one day. The movie demonstrates only the positive sides of technology and does not focus on the creation of ethical and disciplined technology controlled unit. The unit must be the custodian of new machinery utilization ethics and must check that every department must stay in its own limits and does not violate the privacy rights of individuals. For the sake of safeguarding people from crime, pre-crime department exceeds its limits. Conclusion The paper critically analyses the affects of technology advancements which would be faced by the human race in the coming years. Everything comes at a price; eventually the price of technological expansion is basically selling out privacy to the institutions. The authorities having powers can exercise to access privacy of individuals which is totally an ethical act. Moreover the paper portrayed surveillance and power in the city. A connection between the writings of Michael Foucault and other researchers was analyzed with the movie “Minority Report”. The precise conclusion which can be deducted through this research paper is that disciplinary measures are important while inducting power and surveillance in any locality. A disciplined nation can adequately handle power. Classical examples demonstrate that right use of power has built many nations and this is due to the presence of disciplined institutes in that region. Ethical barriers must not be abandoned and privacy of individuals must remain supreme. A balance in the institutional powers is also essential to keep statute in the region intact. References Bardzell, J., Bolter, J., & Löwgren, J. 2010. Interaction criticism: three readings of an interaction design, and what they get us. Interactions, 17(2), 32-37. Crawford, T. H. 1998, Visual knowledge in medicine and popular film. Literature and Medicine, 17(1), 24-44. Foucault, M. 1984. The means of correct trainin. New York: Pantheon. Foucault, M. 1995. Discipline & punish: The birth of the prison. London: Vintage Garrick, J., & Solomon, N. 1997, Technologies of compliance in training, Studies in Continuing Education, 19(1), 71-81 Hall, C., & Millard, E. 1994, The means of correct training? Teachers, Foucault and disciplining Journal of Education for Teaching, 20(2), 153-160 Livingston, P., & Plantinga, C. Eds. 2012, The Routledge companion to philosophy and film, Routledge Luke, A. 1992, The body literate: Discourse and inscription in early literacy training. Linguistics and Education, 4(1), 107-129. Sargiacomo, M. 2009. Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Journal of Management and Governance, 13(3), 269-280. Selwyn, N. 2000, The National Grid for Learning: panacea or panopticon? British Journal of Sociology of Education, 21(2), 243-255. Sewell, G., & Wilkinson, B. 1992, Someone to watch over me: surveillance, discipline and the just-in-time labour process. Sociology, 26(2), 271-289. Minority Report. 2002. Director: Spielberg, S. US: Amblin Entertainment Wood, D. M. 2007, Beyond the Panopticon ? Foucault and surveillance studies, Space, knowledge and power: Foucault and geography, 245-263. Read More
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