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Fauvism and German Expressionism - Book Report/Review Example

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The essay discovers fauvism and German expressionism, art movements that are both originated from an artist's need for self-expression. The caption talks about different types of painting used by ancient people where a variety of paintings were used. …
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Fauvism and German Expressionism
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Task Fauvism and German Expressionism Introduction The word art can mean many things. The caption talks about different types of painting used by ancient people where a variety of paintings were used. Artists used colors to paint what their heart and sentinels expressed them to do. The discussion in this area is going to cover the influence, technique, and political influence of the groups. Fauvism and German expression Fauve painters used devilishly clear objects and smooth forms, for example, Matisse, a fauve painter often remove the table’s edges and make it as level and flat as a wall.

Ancient artists liked to use this technique of painting in order to produce maximum intensity to their work. While German expression consisted of two paintings, these are bridge group, and the blue rider, the German expressionist, considered the paintings a top notch (Gardner & Kleiner). Influence It is influenced by Van Gogh’s style of painting which always had no enough colors, convey what expressionist felt distorted while spacing and scaling. The war, which was rampant, scared away the German expressionists; later on, they protested their painting styles and movement.

Fauve painter was the first to uses impressionism. Other older traditional methods we also know that The Fauve painters were the only first people to break with Impressionism together with older and ancient functions of perception and techniques used. Techniques used The brought in unbelievable paint and brilliant brushes into their paintings. The techniques used are undisguised brushes to make their paintings take shape. There are only two techniques in place, which are bridge group and the blue rider group.

How Politic Influence the Groups When fauvism first mission flourished in France, the paintings were used during the war, especially before their commencement. Examples of their work Some of the German expressionist was to paint and draw celebrities and powerful people in Germany. Expressionists wanted to make people feel the world around them by just having a look at their paintings. Work Cited Gardner, Hellen & Kleiner, Fred. Gardners art through the ages: the Western perspective. Boston, Mass: 2010.

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