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Art and Humanities Discussion Unit 8 The essay aims to address a two-fold objective to wit to examine the mythic elements of the film and its message; and (2) to evaluate and analyze the film.Art and Humanities Discussion Unit 81. Mythic elements include mythic plots, themes, characters, motifs, and images which serve as a code for the viewer to a well-meaningful film (Silverblatt, Ferry & Finan, 2009, p. 176). The short film “Plastic Bag” has mythic elements as it narrates a series of events or quest in the life of the plastic bag, progressing to struggle of opposing forces to find his maker or the place where he belong, as demonstrated in the climax and conclusion (mythic plots).
The entire journey of the plastic bag in finding his maker is the mythic theme and deals with the quest of the plastic bag in finding his real identity or purpose in life or the truth about the existence of his maker. The quest motif is therefore used in the film. The character of plastic bag represents the victim, the weak or vulnerable character who succumbed to the forces of the world (Silverblatt, Ferry & Finan, 2009, p. 194) such as the monsters (animals), winds, rains, and tides and who needs the protection of an outside agent such as his maker.
The images are used as an art through mythical symbols that provide clues and cues for the viewer. For instance, water and air (primal elements of nature) has been used in the film. Water may symbolize the birth of the plastic bag in the pacific vortex for he found his belongingness for objects like him, death because of possible destruction from tides, and purity of his love for his maker. On the other hand, the air may represent his freedom and an accompanying force towards the achievement of his goal.
The film is symbolic in nature and I can relate to the story because it deals with the meaning of life, contentment, and happiness. Moral dilemma may be present depending on the interpretation of viewer. For instance, I think that the plastic bag’s need to belong will give him happiness but it turned out in the ending that death would give him happiness. If we would apply it in reality, does this film encourage euthanasia or suicide when the situation provokes, even if it is against the morality of the society?
This is because the film addressed happiness both in terms of the
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