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The sculpture has two spots, just above its round head, which create a parallel figure. The artwork has a still front head which perfectly achieves balance. The balance also emanates from the sideways wave of the arms of the octopus. This creates finality in the entire creature because of the plausible coordination of its body parts. The balance in the artworks creates a perceptive of its ability to survive in the wild environment in which sea animals live.
The artwork initiates inspiration in viewers since it is an appreciation of sea life and sea creatures. The fascination drawn from viewing the image relates to the passion that most viewers have for unique sea creatures. It is a way of appreciating the existence of endangered species in the sea that face serious threats, the octopus being among them. The beauty and pleasure of the artwork contribute to the knowledge of sea animals and their conservation. It also contributes to the collection of contemporary artworks of sculptures that depicts life in the natural world.
The second image depicts three men on three horses on a journey through an expansive wilderness area. The image can fit under the classification of realism style of art. The realism style of art features paintings that appear real and very close to the real-life manifestation of the objects. The use of perspective to derive an illusion is evident in the realism art style. The middle horse in the image has different skin color from the other two on both sides. The other two horses face the middle horse, a depiction that the middle horse leads them to their destination. The three horses ride the clear path that faces toward the background of the image. The foreground of the image is a purely flat terrain that has low grasses that are brown. The middle ground of the image is a green hill lying before a seemingly extensive escarpment on the far horizon. The sky is clear only for a few collections of little grey clouds.
The far left horizon is clear as compared to the right. The clarity is representative of rays observed during sunset hours. This validates the interpretation that, most probably, it is evening and the three men have their journey towards the west, where the sun sets. The three men’s attires give you an idea about uniformity in make but a different color combination. The men are in brown hats with red stripes and they seem to be on a similar mission or to a common destination. The artists used variations in light to create perspectives of time in the image. The difference in clarity creates the perspective of time, evening at sunset. The perspective of time creates the view of the journey’s direction as being toward the west since it is the direction of the sunset.
The third image shows three people, a woman, a man, and a baby. The baby is very young depicting the image that he or she is recently born. Most evidently is the interpretation that the two, a man and woman, are the parents of the baby. The woman and man are bound together which creates a feeling of union. The woman stands to the right side of the man and the man to her left side. Only the woman's and man’s right and left hands, respectively, are visible. The union also gives the figure of togetherness as parents and equal responsibility in bringing up the newborn. Between the man and woman is an image of a scene that is visible on the morning of sunrise. This is symbolic of the beginning of life for the young baby. The life of the baby just started as the day during the morning on a sunrise. It may symbolize the beginning of parenthood's responsibility for the man and woman. The young baby would need parental care and love throughout life, a responsibility of the parents that begins immediately after the birth of the child. There is a flower on the left part of the image. This associates the birth of the baby with the presentation of gifts from friends. The birth of the baby is a celebration and gifts are part of the ceremony and joyousness. On the right side of the image is a crown. The crown is a symbol of power granted to the young baby.
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