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Analysis of Fallen by Jane Hammond - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Analysis of Fallen by Jane Hammond" discusses that the artwork is made of leaves which have the names of the fallen soldier Iraq war. The art work departs from the traditional works of art especially memoirs, but the focus of the artwork still falls in the categories of the memorials. …
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Analysis of Fallen by Jane Hammond
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Art can only be appreciated relatively on an individual perspective. The influence and importance of art can be seen by their presentation of society. The ancient art can be appreciated when interest and urge to understand the past and their role in the society are evaluated (Barnet 89). Several writings in the English language have been employed in the development of the artistic impressions that create a powerful artistic appearance. With the increasing space utilization and the need for information transfer, the work of art displayed on the Great Wall of Los Angeles is a combination of both art and information transfer.

Fallen by Jane Hammond Jane Hammond artwork is based on experience in Iraq. The Iraq war had a massive impact on the works of artists. Fallen by Hammond is a work of art focusing on the problems of the soldiers. The soldiers lost lives in the war, and the work of art by Jane Hammond is based on remembering the fallen heroes of the Iraq war. The art is essential is helping the society realize the beauty of memories and the impact of the war in society. However, making an artwork that covers issues of war without raising emotions is hard because of the emotive nature of the issues.

The art by Hammond is effective in creating a memoir of the fallen heroes. The art involved using a collection of leaves that are relevant (Eaves 67). It is a non commissioned memorial to the fallen heroes of the Iraq war. The created paper leaves are placed on a horizontal platform. The fallen artwork departs from the conventional practice of using bronze and durable materials. The number of leaves on the platform increases as the length of the pedestal is increased leading to the creation so a wider pedestal.

The use of the fallen leaf symbolizes the end of life making the memorial effective and easy use (Eaves 56). 

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