2.0 Literature review Sustainable tourism is defined as the management of all natural resources so that various needs such as economic, social and beautification are met while maintaining social integrity, ecological processes, life support and biological diversity for the present generation and coming generations. Sustainable tourism as a concept explains how different authorities and governments manage their available resources in realizing various benefits such as economical and social without compromising their future use Bumpus (2008).
That means these resources are used for the present and future needs. Properly managed sustainable tourism management plans provides different opportunities for the tourists to have some experience on natural areas, cultural practices among different communities as well as learn more on the importance of preserving the natural resources. The indicators used in this report include those that evaluate the impact on social and cultural practices, tourist attractions, seasonality of visiting tourists, the availability of decent accommodation, management of waste like carbon emissions, the environmental cleanliness as well as the protection of the natural environment.
In general terms sustainable tourism indicators play a vital role in bridging the gap between tourism related-activities and the general environment that carries them as argued by Wiedmann & Minx (2007). Given that some tourism destinations are operating on very delicate environment, the World Tourism Organization (WTO) has sensed that there is a possibility of having declining tourism and therefore has come up with strategy that will see it partner with other organizations in designing certain tools that can be incorporated to ensure that tourism is viable and sustainable across the world.
These instruments are aimed at promoting proper planning, development as well as management processes that are sustainable tourism oriented. The first instruments to be developed were the sustainable tourism indicators which are applied by tourism managements to execute tourism-related activities without compromising the environment Katyal & Ashok (2009). 2.1 Sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism is defined as the management of all natural resources so that various needs such as economic, social and beautification are met while maintaining social integrity, ecological processes, life support and biological diversity for the present generation and coming generations.
Sustainable tourism as a concept explains how different authorities and governments manage their available resources in realizing various benefits such as economical and social without compromising their future use. 2.2 Sustainable tourism indicators As defined from the previous discussion, sustainable tourism is defined as the management of all natural resources so that various needs such as economic, social and beautification are met while maintaining social integrity, ecological processes, life support and biological diversity for the present generation and coming generations.
In the advent of applying sustainable tourism, it was realized that various tourist destinations that were receiving many visitors experienced numerous challenges in ensuring that the ultimate goal of sustaining the environment was attained. The natural resources were found to be on the decline, human environment was being exploited without forgetting that social and cultural practices of the indigenous communities were diminishing. Therefore the whole essence was to ensure that tourism practices were promoted while at the same time ensuring that the environment where they are carried is sustained for a longer period of time as argued by Wiedmann & Minx (2007). 2.3 Types of indicators Type of indicator Source Warming indicators Water and air quality Measures of stress Visiting tourists Measures of natural state resources Resource base, utilization levels Impact measures Increase in tourist attractions and employment Management measures Efforts and actions Measures on management impact Achievement goals Source: World Tourism Organization report, 2009 The table above shows various types of indicators and their origin.
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